



1、“他出现,又消失。一如日升日落,抑或任何转瞬即逝的事物,就像我们的生活。我们出现,然后我们又消失。我们对于一些人是如此重要,但我们只是经过。” …Just like our life, we appear and we disappear, and we're so important to some, but we're just...passing through.

2、I’ve always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage. Thank you for the final proof. ----夏洛克·福尔摩斯

3、Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles. 在这个荒唐的世界,没什么会是永远不变的,包括我们遇到的麻烦。

4、Where there is kindness, there is goodness.And where there is goodness, there is magic.

5、You come into my pitch black world, and easily became the brightest star. ----安东尼

6、When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action. They rented out my room. ----伍迪·艾伦

7、The heart wants what it wants.

8、I have no money, no property, I am entirely dependent upon that bizarre old lunatic, my uncle. I cannot yet offer marriage, but you must know what I feel. Jane, I'm yours. God, I'm yours, I'm yours, heart and soul. Much good that is.Let me decide that。我既没钱,又没房产,完全仰赖我那个古怪的舅舅,我还不能像你求婚,但我要你明白我的心意。简,我是你的,我是你的,是你的,全心全意,也许不值一提。

9、Le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre。起风了,唯有努力生存。 ----瓦雷里

10、As long as we live in each other's heart, death can't keep us apart. 只要我们住在对方心里,死亡就不是分离。

11、The furthest distance way in the world【世界上最遥远的距离】

is not the way from birth to the end.【不是生与死的距离】

It is when I stand in front of you【而是我就站在你面前】

but you don't understand I love you.【你却不知道我爱你】

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12、How would I say mine eyes be blessed made.
My looking on thee in the living day.
Of all days are nights to see till I see thee.
The night days when dreams do showthee me.
will you marry me?

13、We will eventually grow up alone.
我们终将独自长大 ----7号同学

14、It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.
不是头衔荣耀人,而是人荣耀头衔。 ----尼可罗·马基亚维利

15、We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.
我们要接受失望,因为它是有限的;但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 ----马丁·路德·金

16、When everything is gone with the wind,when all those special moments into eternity.~~~ 当一切都随风而逝的时候,那些特别的瞬间都成了永恒。

17、Time to teach you see every face.

18、“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
“你的时间有限,所以不要浪费时间去过别人的生活。” ----史蒂夫·乔布斯

原文:True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it. ----卡尔·波普尔

20、Don't say goodbye because suddenly inferiority
因为不配 忽然自卑 说声失陪

21、Make sure you marry someone who laughs at the same things you do.
一定要和笑点跟你一样的人结婚。 ----塞林格

To all, only love is the best teacher, it is far better than the responsibility. ----爱因斯坦

23、The good people , they always die .And the bad people do , too . But the weak people , the people like me , we have inherited the earth! 

24、We have been looking for, but it is her original already have; We always look in all directions, but missed you want, this is the reason why we still difficult to achieve.
我们一直寻找的,却是自己原本早已拥有的;我们总是东张西望,唯独漏了自己想要的,这就是我们至今难以如愿以偿的原因。 ----柏拉图

25、The proper function of man is to live,but not to exist.

26、Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question. 你来这里做什么?我可以问你同样的问题。

In your life, there will be at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

28、When you want knowledge like you want air under water then you will get it. 当你需要知识就像你在水底需要空气时,你准能得到它。 ----苏格拉底

29、L'amour est comme étape est progressivement, c'est - à - dire par manquer de la vie et de la mort.

30、Time is wonderful and peaceful.Keep the hopes at hand in our lifetimes.

31、There must be something more important than life. ----Leone

Purpose is but the slave to memory,Of violent birth,but poor validity. ----莎士比亚

33、世界上最遥远的距离 So the most distant way in the world
是鱼与飞鸟的距离 is the love between the fish and bird.
一个翱翔天际 One is flying in the sky,
一个却深潜海底 the other is looking upon into the sea. ----泰戈尔

34、We will sing to you,doctor.The universe will sing you to your sleep.我们将会为你歌唱。整个宇宙都将为您歌唱,伴你入眠。
