



你根本不了解我,就不要随便乱说。 ----石田将也《声之形》

●The thing that I can't grasp is always around my ear, and it breaks in my mind.

那个我怎么也抓不住的东西 一直在我耳边环绕 断断续续 缠绕在我心头。 ----《声之形》

●If the sound has a shape, it must be the way I love you.

如果声音有形状,那一定是我爱你的样子。 ----大今良时《声之形》

●Feel uncomfortable to die, you too hard, people living there are always a lot of pain, we do not ha ve to do this, so to accept their own shortcomings continue to move forward.

感到难受就想死,你也太想不开了,人活着总会有很多痛苦的事,大家不都这样吗,所以要接受自己的不足继续前进。 ----《声之形》

●Because we want to convey ideas, because we want to tell people, so we will survive in the world!

因为有想传达的想法、因为有想告诉人,所以我们才会生存在世上! ----《声之形》

●In the silent world, silently waiting for him to appear.

在无声的世界里,默默地等待着他的出现。 ----《声之形》

●The shape of sound, the color of summer.

声之形,夏之颜。 ----《声之形》

●Want to see the sea, want to fall in love with a person, even if monster, also intentional.

想看看大海,想爱上一个人,即使是怪兽,也有心啊。 ----《声之形》

●What would it be like if the sound had a shape?

如果声音有形状那会是什么样呢? ----《声之形》

●我循声而来,只为与你相遇。 ----《声之形》

●声之形,夏之颜。 ----《声之形》

●只要那一抹笑容尚存,我便心无旁骛。 ----《声之形》

●以声之色,塑以花之形 ----声之形《声之形》

●Horrible or not, wait until you sit down and judge, but you're really scared.

可怕与否,等坐上去后再判断吧,但是果然还是很害怕。 ----《声之形》

●我听不见你的声,却看得见你的心 ----毒药《声之形》

●“死解决不了任何事。” ----《声之形》

也必须爱着并且向前进 ----大今良时《声之形》

●The lonely man plus the same lonely man is equal to two people.

孤独的一人加上同样孤独的另一人,等于两人。 ----《声之形》

●One's sins must be repaid one day.

自己犯下的罪,终有一日是要偿还的。 ----《声之形》
