



●4、Listen, everybody's broke in their 20s, and everybody hides form stuff, you run into freezers, I practice ignorance and blackout drinking.
听着,谁二十多岁的时候不是穷光蛋。人人都有要逃避的事情,你选择躲进冷藏室,我选择视而不见和用酒精麻痹。 ----《破产姐妹》

●I act like i don't want anything , because i never got anything i wanted ----《2 Broke Girls》

●You say you love me, you say you can’t live without me, and then you go and live without me.

你还说你爱我,说你没有我活不下去。 结果呢,没有我你还是活得好好的。 ----《破产姐妹》

●Max : You’re the first person in my life I can actually count on.


Caroline: You were the first person in my life I could count on, too.

卡罗琳:你也是我此生第一位可以依靠之人。 ----《破产姐妹》

●Sometimes you have to do things that make you uncomfortable.It's the way you grow. 有时候你就得干一些自己都不爽的事情,这就是成长。 ----《破产姐妹》

●Success depends on staying open to a better idea, even if it's not yours. 要成功就要勇于接受好点子,即使这个点子不是你自己的。 ----《破产姐妹》

●But through it all the key for me has been bravery and the deep-down knowledge that I am better than everyone else.

但至始至终,支持我走下去最大动力是勇气。以及在内心深处我坚信:我比任何人都强。 ----《破产姐妹》

●我将要功成名就,然后孤独终老. ----《破产姐妹》

●I'm gonna be successful and alone.

我将要功成名就,然后孤独终老。 ----Caroline《破产姐妹》

●I just think society's way too concerned with other people's idea of what's pretty.
It's not shameful to not know how to do something.
有些事不会做并不可耻。 ----《破产姐妹》

●DNA decides what we are, but not who we are. What we are never changed, but who we are never stop changing.
DNA决定了我们是什么,但不能决定我们将成为什么人。我们是什么不会改变,但我们能成为什么则在一直变化着。 ----《破产姐妹》

●There is no luck. There is only work.
世上没什么运气,只有努力去挑战。 ----《破产姐妹》

●Look,eventually,you'll learn to do that on the inside.终有一天,你会学会泪往心里流。 ----《破产姐妹》

●9、When you don't have enough money to fix your own mistakes, you've make your own magic.
当你没钱弥补你犯下的错误时,那就得靠自己创造奇迹。 ----《破产姐妹》

“我有啊,我翻白眼了的” ----《破产姐妹》

●This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it.
我就是我,没人非要你喜欢。 ----《破产姐妹》

●“我表现得我不喜欢任何事物,是因为我从来就没有得到过我想要的” ----Max《破产姐妹》

●The road is long, and trust me. So whatever you do, you hold on to that foolishly hopeful smile.
人生路还漫长,相信我,这一路你会历尽艰辛,所以不管你做什么,请留住你脸上那充满希望的傻笑。 ----《破产姐妹》
