


《Night》是一本由Elie Wiesel著作,Hill and Wang出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 9.95,页数:120,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。


Elie Wiesel的Night一口气看完,中间太多情节震颤灵魂,不仅让人知晓人内心的黑暗永无下限,也让人感到一丝不安: 因为这种黑暗也存在于自己的意识深处,人性于考验下常常是脆弱的。然而绝境中又有灵魂之光时刻迸发,在死尸堆里最后一次拉起贝多芬乐曲的小提琴手,多像郑念女士曾在书里写到的狱中歌声?

感觉西方文学里“与神和解”真的是个很常见(也的确百看不厌)的主题。从这点来看,Life of Pi 和 Night有一些相似之处。灵魂在炼狱受困,“心中的神死了”,产生强烈的质问,而最终在不断的岁月中慢慢重新找回心中的神。"Man raises himself toward God by the questions he asks Him."





或者说是从更早的freedom writer开始的。各个种族对其他人看不惯,看不惯就是排挤出自己的势力范围么?这样就能解决问题了么?二真正可怕的不是施暴者,而是受害者会被逼出自己人性的底线,对自己同胞,甚至至亲,面对生死,折磨时,把你和你的亲人放到天平上,你会选择自己。并到死都不会原谅自己的背叛。

在Google搜到的纳粹人种金字塔图。Aryan pyram

《Night》读后感(三):Book review of Night

Book review of Night

In Night, Elie Wiesel translated his own memories into words, gave us a extremely authentic and vivid vision of the Jewish concentration camp in Germany, reviewed one of the most astonishing and miserable history events caused by World war II.From the beginning to the end, ‘night’ as the name of the book and a significant scene had been repeatedly mentioned in the book.Every night in Wiesel’s memoir not only drove the atmosphere but also helped to develop the plot.In Wiesel’s memory, the evenings on their way of transfer and in concentration camp felt like extremely endless.Night,as a crisis of survival,tested every member in concentration camp.At that situation, no one even could predicted his own life.In order to survive,even the devoid of emotion and humanity seemed sensible. People in the concentration camp not only fought against their fate but also fought against themselves. Once they lost their faith, soon the ending of their live would come.The horrify situation gave me huge impact. At this point, the extremely precious relationship between Wiesel and his father as a hint was almost throughout the whole book. From the beginning to the end,they acted as each others’ spiritual pillar.While Wiesel lost his belief in God and faith,he thought of his father, struggling for survival.At the same time, the power of family bonds between Wiesel and his father made contrast with others.There was a plot that a son killed his father only for a piece of bread. The tragic,hopeless world and the destruction of humanity were chiefly expressed.The language of Night was vivid and direct, built up the tension step by step toward a climax.During the reading, I could easily be put in their situation, feel,the desperation,death and destruction in the concentration camp.Night as a documentary literature, reviewed one of the darkness, unforgettable time in human development meanwhile as a caution, reminded us never let the history repeat again.


前两天读了Elie Wiesel的Night,作者经历了奥斯维辛,《夜》这本书记录了集中营里那段苦难的经历。

“记录”这个词也许很不准确,像作者自己在书中写的那样—“Only those who experienced Auschwitz know what it is.” “只有真正经历过奥斯维辛的人才知道那意味着什么”,大屠杀(holocaust)三个字在他看来不足以描述那一场浩劫;尽管反复琢磨,苦苦探索,没有任何一种语言、任何语言中的任何词汇可以如实把十几岁的他在集中营的两年转译成文字。我想即便存在这样一种残忍的语言,读者也不能够真正通过文字来了解苦难,对于人间惨剧,我们即便无限接近、尝试理解,甚至直接参与,也总是缺乏想象力的。

Elie Wiesel在1986年被授予诺贝尔和平奖,跟他的书一样,领奖时所做的演讲也让人落泪。作为幸存下来的犹太人,他的未来是和六百万个死者共享的,所以这种未来不能只沉浸在对被毁灭的恨、对被抛弃的怨念、对人性的质疑中。逃避或遗忘?对他而言更加不会是一种会考虑的选择。文稿里没有写下来,但是他在视频里讲“我们没有能力阻止他们的死亡,但如果我们遗忘,那等于第二次杀死了他们;抹杀掉这段记忆,我们就是有罪的,我们罪在同谋。”

在1944年,隔离、放逐、饥饿、死亡,一切都发生得很迅速,没有反抗、不知反抗、不会反抗的迅速;一个人今天因为自己可能被丢到火炉里活活烧死而想要自我了断,明天又会算计着如何用一颗牙维持“生活水平”;今天无法接受上帝允许人间绞死一个孩子,明天又会只想着多分一块面包—今天的无法忍受会被明天的“也许不会更糟”消解。“这些怎么会是真的?”— 如果他可以跟十几岁的自己对话,Elie Wiesel会解释给他:当时的你有多天真,全世界都知道,全世界都选择了保持沉默。

Emma Watson在一次联合国大会上做的He For She的演讲中,引用了Edmund Burke的一句话:“All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.” “邪压过正很简单,只要善良的人们袖手旁观。”

出于同样的原因,Elie Wiesel在他的演讲中表示“任何时候、任何地方,只要有人类被羞辱、折磨”,他“发誓不会保持沉默”。因为:

"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe."



Martin Luther King, Jr. 在Letter from a Birmingham Jail里写:

“Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial "outside agitator" idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds.







The book Night is based on the author Elie Wiesel's personal experience. It is a story of a fifteen-year old Jewish boy, Eliezer, during the Second World War. The Nazis take Eliezer with his father and others from one concentration camp to another. Throughout the story, the people's attitudes toward humanity, family and God change a lot.

According to the story, people lose their humanity step by step. After they were tormented by the Nazis, the only thing they are conscious of is that they are alive. Eliezer witnesses how people changed when their situation become worse. At the beginning, when they are sitting in the train to go to Auschwitz, “some of young let go of their inhibitions and, under cover of darkness, caressed one another, without any thought of others, alone in the world. The others pretended not to notice” (23). This is the beginning of the transformation, people begin to be indifferent to the suffering of their fellow Jews . Later in the story, people are dehumanised.

People’s attitude towards family changed as well. Before April 1944, Eliezer lives with his parents and sisters in a peaceful and quiet town. Then, the Nazis come and take them to Auschwitz. When they arrived; Eliezer thought “I didn’t know that this was the moment in time and the place where I was leaving my mother and Tzipore forever "(29). Eliezer and his father pass the pit, but his mom and sister died. Then, the Nazi caused the Jews a lot of pain. They order the Jewish people do extra work every day but they don’t give them food. If they are not doing work very well, they will be abused. When Eliezer with his people travel to Buchenwald, “ a worker took a piece of bread out of this bag and threw it into a wagon…dozens of starving men fought desperately over a few crumbs”(100). When an old man tries to eat his bread which he got from “the worker”, his son comes to grab the bread from him. The son doesn’t recognize his father, when his father says “‘Meir, my little Meir! …You’re killing your father…I have bread…for you too’” (101), he ignores his father’s words, just looking for bread from his father clothing. After other people join this fight, the father and his son both died. Because of their physical needs, people behaviour like animal; their humanity is lost. One time, a German soldier beats Eliezer's father, Eliezer just stands beside. The author describes the moment “I had watched it all happening without moving. I kept silent. In fact, I thought of stealing away in order to not to suffer the blows.... if I left anger at that moment, it was not directed at the Kapo but my father ..." (54). He blamed his father because he began to lose his emotions. His father used to protect him. Later, when his father became more weakness, he has to protect his father. “He [Eliezer’s father] had become childlike: weak, frightened, vulnerable” (105), but “I tightened my grip on my father’s hand. The old, familiar fear: not lose him” (104).The father son role is reversed.

People start to believe that God died, or He left His people. In Auschwitz, when Eliezer thought he would die, but he passed the pit; at the same time, he knows his mother and sisters died. Eliezer's family will not be completed anymore. He lost his fate in that moment; he says “for the first time, I felt anger rising within me. Why should I sanctify His name? The Almighty, the eternal and terrible Master of the Universe, chose to be silent. What was there to thank for "(33)? God didn’t save them. Not only Eliezer's family lose their faith, but also did the other. A young boy from Poland named Zalman, “he was forever praying or meditating on some Talmudic question”, but he died by being “trampled under the feet of the thousands of men who follow… ''(86) In Buna, there is a little servant of Dutchman, who has beautiful face and kind heart. Everyone likes the servant. When he is sentenced to death, the executioner hang him, " he was too light… so he remained for more than half hour, lingering between life and death...behind me, I heard the same man asking ‘For god's Sake, where is God? ‘And from with me, I heard a voice answer: ' Where He is? This is where--hanging here from this gallows..."(65).God didn’t save anyone, so people think god is dead.

The Second World War is a horrible nightmare, especially for the Jews; people endured the harsh living conditions and near starvation. Their attitudes toward humanity, family and God are changed. The title of this book Night signified the darkness of the soul; this book shows human nature is frailty. However, no matter how hard it is, a few of them survived. The author Elie Wiesel is one of the survivors. Because of this book, he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986.
