





Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient traditional festivals, began in the Spring and Autumn period, has been 2000 years of history. Dragon Boat Festival originated from Qu Yuan's story: Qu Yuan advocated by the virtuous and Empowerment, Fuguoqiangbing, advocated joint Qi Kang Qin, it was noble son of Lan and others strongly opposed, the result being greedy Qu Yuan has resigned, and was driven out of capital, exiled to Yuan, Xiang River. 278 BC, the Qin break Chu Kyoto. Qu Yuan saw their country invaded, Xinrudaoge, but still could not bear to give up their own country, in the May 5, the pen never wrote a "Huaisha", the bouldering vote Miluo River body death, taking our own lives composed a magnificent song of patriotism movement. Legend of Qu Yuan's death, the state of Chu people abnormal grief, have rushed to pay tribute to Qu Yuan Miluo River. Fishermen are drawn from the vessel, in the river salvage his real body back and forth. One fisherman come prepared for Qu Yuan's rice balls, eggs and other food, "thump, thump" land thrown into the river, saying it was fed to fish, crab, lobster, they will not bite Qu doctor's health. People see below followed suit. An old doctor was brought an altar Announcements, updates, poured into the river, saying that the water should be drug halo dragon beast, so as not to hurt the doctor bent. Later, as the dragon balls for fear of food, people come up with neem leaves Ssambap, outer wrapped wire color has developed into zongzi. After the fifth day of May of each year, there is a dragon boat races, eating dumplings, drink Announcements, updates, customs, in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Dragon Boat Festival is a tradition to eat dumplings. Whenever the fifth day of May, my mother would pack a number of dumplings, let us satisfy their appetites. Mama's dumplings packages are particularly tasty, one end of the table, the smell of the fragrance comes, I will be devoured his brother and Dad have to eat, will not rest until eat.

The Dragon Boat Festival kids wear Sachet, legends evil blast meaning flooding, is actually a window dressing for the first lapel. Sachet containing cinnabar, realgar, incense medicine, outsourcing to cloth, fragrance lovers, and then to buckle into a five-color silk string cable for a variety of different shapes, form a string, all kinds, cute.

Wearing a sachet, relish in eating the fragrant rice dumplings, the Dragon Boat Festival, I have more heart indescribably happy. Today, Dragon Boat Festival has been the national statutory holiday and that China's folk customs handed down from generation to generation!


The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.

The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. Ití s very popular.

The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice dumplings.They are very delicious.

And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!


Happy dragon boat festival

Tomorrow is dragon boat festival, I and father mother go together Woerma goes buying a zhongzi.

Arrive Woerma, I run to look for a zhongzi with respect to rapid ground. Wow! Here huge crowd of people, really lively. Well? How is that place person special much? Taking away doubt I looked in the past after all. Oh! Buy a zhongzi so, the zhongzi breed here is really too much: Of beef stuffing, of red jujube stuffing, of chop stuffing, of earthnut stuffing... my what look saliva should flow. Took a bag rapidly, say to mom: "Mom, I like to eat fresh chopped meat, I should be bought more a few. " mom nods express to agree, then I bought the zhongzi of a lot of fresh chopped meat.

Buy a zhongzi, we bought a lot of things again, have a meal in hall of Xiang Shang coffee next, had eaten a meal, we came home cheerfully, really happy today!

Look! This is the zhongzi that I buy, but delicious!



English is the leading international language. In different countries around the globe English is acquired as the mother tongue; in others it is used as a second language. Some nations use English as their official language, performing the function of administration; in others it is used as an international language for business, commerce and industry.

What factors and forces have led to the spread of English? Why is English now considered to be so prestigious that, across the globe, individuals and societies feel disadvantaged if they do not have competence in this language? How has English changed through 1,500 years? These are some of the questions that you investigate when you study English.

You also examine the immense variability of English and come to understand how it is used as a symbol of both individual identity and social connection. You develop in-depth knowledge of the intricate structure of the language. Why do some non-native speakers of English claim that it is a difficult language to learn, while infants born into English-speaking communities acquire their language before they learn to use forks and knives? At the university of Sussex, you are introduced to the nature and grammar of English in all its aspects. This involves the study of sound structures, the formation of words, the sequencing of words and the construction of meaning, as well as examination of the theories explaining these aspects of English usage. You are encouraged to develop your own individual responses to various practical and theoretical issues, which are raised by studying how speakers and writers employ English for a wide variety of purposes.


11. W: I forgot to tell you that Fred called last night to borrow your sleeping bag。

M: Oh, I saw him at the gym this morning, but he didn’t say anything. So he must have asked somebody else。

Q: What does the man imply?

12. W: These summer days are getting to be more than I can take. It was even too hot to go to the pool yesterday。

M: Hang in there. According to the weather report we should have some relief by the end of the week。

Q: What does the man mean?

13. W: Well, tonight we have Professor Brown in our studio to talk about the famous oil painting of Queen Victoria. Good evening, professor。

M: Good evening, madam, my pleasure to be here tonight。

Q: What is the woman doing?

14. M: The plants next to the window always look brown. You wouldn’t know by looking at them that I water them every week。

W: Maybe they don’t like direct sunlight. I had the same problem with some of my plants. And a little shade helps them immensely。

Q: What does the woman imply?

15. M: I’m really exhausted, Mary. But I don’t want to miss the Hollywood movie that comes on at 11。

W: If I were you, I’d skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow. And anyway I’ve heard it’s not as exciting as advertised。

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

16. M: Those modern sculptures over there are really weird. Don’t you think so?

W:Well, I couldn’t stand them either at first. But now I’ve come to like modern art, particularly those sculptures carved by Italian artists。

Q: What does the woman mean?

17. M: I’m really glad our club decided to raise money for the children’s hospital. And most of the people we phoned seemed happy to contribute。

W: Yeah! I agree. Now that we’ve gone through all the numbers on our list, I guess we can call it a day。

Q: What do we learn about the speakers?

18. M: Have you heard of Professor Smith? I’m thinking of taking an advanced engineering course with him. What do you think?

W: Yeah! You really should. He’s published dozens of books so far, once been recommended as a textbook for postgraduates。

Q: What does the woman imply?


On the Importance of a Name




On the Importance of a Name

A name is the representation of a person or an entity. It plays an important role in social recognition, just as the old saying goes: a thing is the entity of a name. However, people have diverse opinions on the importance of a name. Some people say that name is important, while the others maintain the other way round. But I think name is of great importance because it is the symbol that distinguishes one thing or person from the others.

We cannot deny the importance of a name, be it for a person or a thing. In the world today, no one can live without identification because they must get social recognition, and name is the symbol of the identification. Once a person or a thing gets social recognition, people will remember their names, and they will get further improvement. Besides, a good name will bring people some nice association. A person with a special name may be easily accepted by a group or a community because of the deep impression the name leaves.

As for companies or products, a name is also vitally important. Years ago, a computer company spent millions of dollars for the name “Acer”. Since then, the company caught the attention of potential customers and became one of giants in the field. However, another company was facing bankruptcy, for the name of its product implies unfavorable meaning thus cannot be sold out. Can we say that name is not important?

A name may affect the whole life of a person, and a name may also influence the future of a company and its products. Therefore, we must treat names carefully.




Unsafe situations

Their anxietyand control


Section A 短对话

11. D) Fred may have borrowed a sleeping bag from someone else.

12. B) It will cool down over the weekend.

13. C) Hosting a TV program.

14. D) The plants should be put in a shady spot.

15. C) Go to bed early.

16. B) She has learned to appreciate modern sculptures.

17. A)They seem satisfied with what they have done

18. A)The man shouldn't hesitate to take the course


19. B Domestic issues of general social concern.

20. D Based on public expectations and editor's judgement.

21. B Practical experience.

22. A There average life span was less than 50 years.

23. C Learn to use new technology.

24. D when all people become wealthier.

25. C Control the environment.

Section B 短文理解

26. B To alert teenagers to the dangers of reckless driving.

27. A Road accidents.

28. C It has accomplished its objective.

29. B Customers may be misled by the smells.

30. C Supportive

31. A The flower scent stimulated people's desire to buy.

32 C a passenger train collided with a goods train

33 D the cause of the tragic accident remains unknown

34 A there was a bomb scare

35D drive with special care

Section C 复合式听写

36. tongue

37. official

38. administration

39. commerce

40. spread

41. disadvantageed

42. competence

43. investigate

44. You also examine the immense variability of English and come to underst and how it's used as a symbol of individual identity and social connection。

45. Why do some non-native speakers of English claim that it's a difficult language to learn while infants born into English speaking communities acquire their language before they learn to use forks and knives?

46. You are encouraged to develop your own individual responses to various practical and theoretical issues


TVand fashion magazines

Developing eating disorders

Impossibly proportioned

3 years

Make money


52 B) efforts have been made to protect turtles from dying out.

53 D) The turtle's population has decreased in spite of human protection

54 B) Unregulated commercial fishing

55 A) It threatens the sandy beaches on which they lay eggs.

56 C) call for effective measures to ensure sea turtle's survival.

57 C) College education is rewarding in spite of the starting costs.

58 D) The gap between the earnings of college and high-school graduates narrowed

59 A)save more on tuition.

60 D)consider college education a consumer product

61 B)A satisfying experience with their budgets


62 C massive

63 B endeavors

64 D bound

65 A facilitated

66 C exclusive

67 B connects

68 C individuals

69 A and

70 C origins

71 B stood for

72 A exchange

73 D whose

74 C attracted

75 B which

76 A joined

77 D then

78 D As

79 C messages

80 B civilian

81 A into


82. him out of buying a car

83. Keeping a sense of humor helps

84. he had no choice but to confess his criminal behavior

85. there must be someone who is speaking ill of them

86. it hard to resist the temptation of ice cream


According to the Bible, it is the almighty God who gave names to everything he created: "he named the light ‘Day' and the darkness ‘Night'". In fact, a name is a word or phrase that man uses to denote and identify a specific person, place or thing. There is no inexorable correlation between the sign and "the signified". For this reason, some claim that names are not so vital as they are supposed to be. However, I am fully convinced that they are of great importance.

Take the name of a person as an example. It is known to all that a person's name is divided into two parts: given name and surname. The given name is the name our parents assign us. We ourselves might change it later in our life. Usually, when a name is given, it contains a lot of information. Say, "li" in the name of some Chinese females shows that we wish them to "beautiful" while "wei" in the names of some males reveals that we expect them to be "great" in their future life.

As to the surname or family name, it is even more important, so important that some people may sacrifice their life for it. Originally, man had no such a name. But ever since a certain name was given, each member of the family carries it wherever he goes. Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.

Apart from the name of a person, that of a place or thing is also significant in that it embodies history and culture. All in all, though names are assigned artificially, man is not free when giving names. But God is.


英语四级A卷作文(北京新东方学校 王江涛):

Free Admission To Museums

Recently, museums in mounting numbers become admission-free to the public both home abroad. The purpose of this practice is to offer more opportunities for citizens to explore and get easy access to the world of history, culture and knowledge.

Although free admission to museums enjoys distinct advantages, it also brings harmful effects. In the first place, these valuable cultural relics displayed may be damaged or destroyed consciously or unconsciously by the crowds. In the second place, it becomes a huge economic burden for museums to run as usual without any profits from the visitors.

It is my view that free admission to museums is of utmost significance. For one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to legislate strict laws and regulations to protect these museums. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of people that museums are extremely vital to us humans. It is high time that we attached great importance to our motherlands’ splendid and glorious culture of more than five thousand years.

英语四级A卷听力(北京新东方学校 高媛):


11. She has always enjoyed great popularity

12. They are going to have a holiday

13. He was very courageous

14. Buy a new washing machine

15. He is not excited about his new position

16. The man offers to drive the women to the party

17. Finalizing a contract

18. She ordered some paper


19 He can no longer work at sea

20 She passed away years ago

21 She has never got on with her father

22 He is excellent but looks bad-tempered

23 Some of the packs do not contain manuals

24 solve the problem at her company’s cost

25 Ideal


26 C it takes lots of time

27 D they may pollute the environment

28 A place the food mixture only

29 C he will lie whenever he wants

30 C she broke up with him

31 A buy her a new set of tires

32 C it’s hard for them to get along with other birds

33 D he is too young to manage his inherited property

34 A she wants Amanda to get professional care

35 D the pursuing of protection

英语四级A卷复合式听写答案(北京新东方学校 赵建昆):

36 concentrated 40 row

37 information 41 suspected

38 depends 42 phenomenon (现象)

39 straight 43 efficiently

44 our second rule of learning is this: it is better to study fairly briefly but often.

45 Let’s say you are trying to learn some new and rather difficult English vocabulary using a stack of cards.

46 The answer is it is better to space out the presentations of the word you are to learn.

英语四级A卷阅读答案(北京新东方学校 陈科+尹延)

1.A. He just wouldn’t look her in the dye.

2.C cultural ignorance

3.B Increasing understanding of people of other cultures.

4.B A personnel training company.

5.D he must get rid of his gender bias

6.C It helped him make fair decisions.

7.A He told him to get the dates right.

8. embarrassed

9. inclusiveness

10. differences and similarities

47. M require 48. I painful 49.F especially 50. E enormous 51.H mission 52. D enhance

53. B daily 54.J performance 55. K profession 56 A daily

57 A it inspired many leading designers to start going green

58 D quality organic replacements for synthetics are not readily available

59 D are gaining more and more support

60 A she doesn't seem to care about it

61 B it has a very promising future

62 B a person's hair may reveal where they have lived.

63 C food and drink leave traces in one's body tissues.

英语四级A卷完型(北京新东方学校 冯莉):

67. D. budget 68. A. mostly 69. B. besides 70. D. trend

71.D. particularly 72. A. while 73. D. shaking 74. B. if

75. D. larger 76.A. liable to

77. A. unique 78. D. behind 79. D. decay 80. A. proceeded

81.B. widening

82. B. massive 83. C. vehicles 84. A. or 85. B. predict 86.B. likely


87. difficulty (in) catching up with his classmates

88. wouldn’t have been caught by the rain

89. more likely to put on weight

90. What many people don’t realize

91. closely relative to the lack of exercise


In one's childhood, remembering dragon boat festival is very grand. The doorway should hang one Shu Aixie, calamus to avoid unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, the section tightens the window that close the door even before today, of and so on of the rhizome of Chinese atractylods of mount of the dustpan that take iron, the root of Dahurian angelica drive bug is lighted in Fang Zhongxun; day when, every child hangs the egg that braids with silk thread to move round before the bosom (I also can make up oh, write down now nevertheless disastrous, xi Xi) , hold a salty duck's egg, still go up in the dot after forehead, neck realgar, even die out a yellow rice or millet wine. The ability after the egg wants a part eats, small P child people can frequently whose duck's egg is big, whose egg bag is beautiful, still bump will bump into the egg that goes who seeing to bear fruit; More elated than winning nature, not happier of course than what be defeated, the meeting in the heart hates hate ground to want secretly: Your duck's egg is big, the exam also eats duck's egg; Crash can weepy run back to the home; Nevertheless, the feeling of dot will quickly go quickly also, did not vanish completely a little while. Leading role nature is a zhongzi. Early a month, grandmother is the Zong leaf bubble with orderly size in water, next the pork fertilizer thin departure preparation, cut small quadrate macerate to become soy look, rice also mixes divide evenly. Twine of a rice of leaf of a pail of Zong, one boiler, flesh, one caboodle, grandmother sits to wrap a zhongzi on platelet stool: Take page of two pieces of Zong side by side orderly, break funnel record, dip one spoon rice, place flesh of one chunk essence and one bit fertilizer, on the lid that use rice, finger rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers is flat, zong leaf is wrapped again and again close, pull a line to be bitten directly again between tine, circle a few rounds directly plunge into close, buckled a slipknot to be become, efficient. The trigonometry Zong that the package goes, pillow Zong the edge is edge, horn it is horn, absolutely won't diffuse, zong of small red bean is to connected twine to be saved more, insert the end of Zong leaf directly Xie Bian bore fruit. In those days, one everybody child the person lives together, grandmother should work a lot of talent is enough everybody have a taste of what is just in season. I love to eat the fleshy Zong that grandmother wraps most, after thoroughlying cook, fat was changed won't feel fat, the zhongzi is salty weak moderate, glutinous and not sodden, still have most the flesh that satisfy a craving for delicious food. Carry one that year afternoon 3 days, mom was bearing labor pains to be delivered of me, father had the single name that sends individually designedly: The explanation on Kang Xi dictionary is " the grass of a kind of exorcise " , was destined probably I and the source that carry midday. When the tradition more and more distant and when be being forgotten, in carrying midday to appear timelily in us to live as national holiday; The son's the head of a bed has registered sweet bag, there are the zhongzi that mom delivers and salty egg in freezer, tomorrow on the weekend, I want put apart time to take the medicinal material that buys in inn to a kind of sweet grass room, memory carries the flavor of midday, recollect the flavour of childhood.




57)A) A person’s hair may reveal where they have lunch

58)B) Food and drink leave traces in one’s body tissues

59)D) The water it delivers becomes slighter when it moves inland

60)C) A map showing the regional differences of tap water

61)D) It helps police narrow down possibilities in detective work


47 C) require 48 G) painful 49 J) especially 50 K) enormous 51 H) mission

52 L) enhance 53 N) daily 54 F) performance 55 M) emotional 56 O) closer



My father

My father’s name is Wang Yaohan. He has an English name, Jack. He is thirty-eight years old. My father is a worker. He works in a factory. He has two big eyes and two big ears. He has short hair. My father is very thin. He is only fifty kilograms. He likes learning English very much. He learns English everyday. My father likes watching TV. His favorite television channel is CCTV-10, because he can learn a lot English from the program Outlook English at that channel.

English is my father’s good friend. I am my father’s friend, too.
