




关于写名人的作文600字 从“三无”到享誉世界




1年后,屠哟哟合成出了双氢青蒿素,把青蒿素的疗效整整提高了10倍! 世界为屠呦呦发现青蒿素而震撼,医学界为屠呦呦解决医学难题而震撼!他们为这位年过花甲老人的坚持不懈、知难而进的精神所震撼,所感动。屠呦呦奶奶,你是我们中国的骄傲!


关于写名人的作文700字 青蒿素之母——屠呦呦

她默默无闻地在研究室里潜心钻研,被世界文化理事授于"爱因斯坦世界科学奖",她发现青蒿素挽救了数百万人的生命,她还撰写了《青蒿及青蒿素类药物》。 她就是"诺贝尔生理学或医学奖"的获得者——屠呦呦!

屠呦呦,中国药学家。1930年12月30 日生于浙江宁波,父亲在一本《诗经》中根据"呦呦鹿鸣,食野之蒿",为他的女儿取名为"屠呦呦",从此屠呦呦与青蒿素结下了不解之缘。


从北京医学院毕业后的屠呦呦接受抗疟疾药物研究并担任组长。她查阅了大量文献,借鉴古代用药的经验,她与工作团的成员们沉迷于实验研究中不能自拔,有时工作地忘了吃饭,还有时过夜不睡觉地钻研,虽然长出黑眼圈,但丝毫没有影响她工作的兴致。就这样一天又一天,一月又一月地过去了,她与工作团的成员们进行了380次实验,得出了190多个样品, 2000多张卡片。功夫不负有心人,终于在? 1971年从黄花蒿中发现抗疟疾有效提取物,她们用汗水浇灌出了丰硕的果实,这一次的发现让屠呦呦坚信一定能发明出抗疟药物。





写名人的作文400字 围棋世界冠军——古力












Spring the school yard that the girl is taking gentle breeze to come to us. What it changes our campus is extremely beautiful! You look, the flower of Chinese flowering crabapple in garden of Chinese flowering crabapple is connecting, resemble a pair of sisters, its Na Jiao's tender body appearance looks very beautiful, feel particularly comfortable. Go in yulan magnolia garden, you can see the yulan magnolia like goblet is spent, it is searched greatly the Cheng Man in goblet beautiful wine of spring, lifting cup invite us to share. Leave in the flower bed of campus full beautiful butterfly is beautiful, in gentle breeze, it resembles a butterfly that has dance only lightly. Look again carefully, its appearance more resemble face of one Zhang Zhang cat, that two stripe are decorative pattern of the fur on feline body, how beautiful, how beautiful! Walk into winter jasmine altar, the winter jasmine of that gold yellow is beautiful, resemble a piece of little face of piece of baby, extremely delicate. There is a stamen in flower, wen Yiwen, a faint scent waves to come dispersedly. Arrived on little ground slope, you can see Bai Li takes violet here violet Xie Su. Her leaf is purple, the flower is white, much more good-looking! The campus the awaken of spring in us is really thick!


My home town is located in from tribute a devious little village. Before a few years, mom, father and I take a car to come home together visit grandmother, . We sit on the way home, all the way of bumpy, the person trembles get be tired out, we should sit almost 5, the car ability of 6 hours returns the home. When bathing in the evening, burn with firewood, because do not have water heater, sleep in the evening, on the bed frosty also, because do not have electric heat blanket. The first when I live in the home night, have to heavy cold, kill so that I was defeated by the fluid of a week. I pledge, after, also do not return old home again. After a few years, mom and father are forcing I take a car to answer native place to visit grandmother. Of my loathing sit on the way home, I write down this paragraph of road is extremely rough calm so, turned cement into the road now, road both sides. Greenery is shady. I want to take the car of a few hours so, be inferior to beautiful now beauty sleep shut-eye. But did not think of, without how long, mom called me to get off, arrived, see watch, still be less than two hours. Really fast! In the evening, when mom calls me to bathe, I am very loath also, but, cannot think of, in me slowly when bathe, I discover grandmother home has water heater. When sleeping in the evening especially, there also is electric heat rug on the bed, worry no longer fall ill caught a cold. Grandmother calls banquet of little one's mother's sister the dress, I think, this can want a little one's mother's sister tired bad, so much dress. Think of in accept, little one's mother's sister loses the dress into washing machine, press finish sth. The change of home town is really big, I also was brought up, I must become home town more beautiful later!



If the winds are color, there are colorful colors, then the more Well!

If the wind is red, in celebration of the festival, Feng ER one blow, the streets are glowing red, and even added a fun and lively atmosphere, make it faces wearing smiles, more happy, happy.

Involvement wind is orange or yellow, Feng ER a blow, the earth all year round bumper grain harvest, either barren or fertile land, can grow out of glistening yellow food, food from around the world will not worry about, but will not be Food issues lead to war. So, can there be more people for us to think about the future of humanity.

If the wind is green, or blue, and Feng ER a blow, the world is full of greenery everywhere, every day we breathe the fresh air, bad weather has also been reduced. Due to human pollution of the environment created by their own things, such as vehicle exhaust, do not have a huge impact on us. Therefore, the Earth Mother will be more young and beautiful.

If the wind is blue, Feng ER one blow, the sky becomes blue and blue, so we bid farewell to gray skies up early in the morning and saw the blue sky, bright sunshine, there is a good mood! The sea will become more blue, the sea creatures more and more, and many endangered marine animals in the ocean back to life, and can breed more offspring.

If the wind is purple, and Feng ER a blow, presenting before our eyes is the heavy grapes, huge eggplant. . . . . Many, many purple fruits and vegetables. The face of heavy fruit, vegetables, we can get a lot of nutrients, makes us more intelligent, stronger, for the motherland, make a greater contribution to tomorrow!

If the wind has color, then be nice ah! People can live a carefree life, hope in the future, people can live happy lives.



"Want to have life only, meet hopeful. " so we should have deep love for life. Cody is an unfortunate child, be delivered of have a kind of infrequent sacrum depauperate disease. Cody when 15 months are big, doctor length besides the part under his knee, installed artificial limb for him, he learns to rely on artificial limb to walk. He is lively good the little boy that move. Cody breaks out crank, false leg also is a leg, why cannot walk fast in that way like normal person? To realize this dream, cody gave the effort of hardships, artificial limb often puerile skin worn-out, blood dripping wet. Later, cody has attended to be held for the disabled internationally contest -- games of do all one can. Cody and parents had played marathon game. After Kedixi hopes he is grown, can attend incomplete abstruse meeting match. In 5.12 earths epicenter, the heroes of seismic disaster area are ad cool-headed before disaster save oneself bravely each other is saved, compose the paean of life of a music. After him Lin Hao flees for his life, dash ahead without thinking his safety again with respect to the classmate, ma Jian sacrificed to help a fellow student oneself, still have Tan swing, teacher of Li Jia equality held off Azrael with his life, let barely escape one's life of how many child. . . . . . Had read Cody's story, hear heroic story, we are valueing life more, because encounter a bit setback,do not want abandonment, abandon life. We should have deep love for life, life is brief, the life that we should let us sends out a multicoloured ray.



In the afternoon, the breeze gently blowing about 11 unfamiliar faces; sunlight sprinkled on the ground, adding to the somewhat angry. I was standing under a tree. This is really a hot summer, as young as 5 years old I, like heart and look childish. I'm waiting for cousin and his cousin, I have an appointment to go to adventure with them.

Time as the leaves of the "imperfections" sound goes forward. People really drowsy afternoon Na, either cousin and his cousin suddenly appeared behind me, I might have been lying in this snore of.

"You are shameless!" I am dissatisfied with it, "that you so long to come, I have to sleep!"

"Today we do not go to adventure, and we play this bar!" Upon saying this, cousin does not know where to pull out of a football. Humph! Obvious that he was timid and afraid to go their own! But look at you with football's sake, Oh, give you a face.

"Good!" My cousin applaud.

To find a drift with cinnamon open spaces, with their feet control the football, forget everything, forget the whole world.

"Black!" A loud crash, stunned us, suddenly anxious to know what to do. As the saying goes: Thirty-Six Stratagems away as fast as the best way!

We looked at each other boo, to the soles of the feet of the point of wiping oil, stroll in!

Cousin afraid of my aunt scolded and hid in my home. See his expression, that he is very uncomfortable, because the ball is his band to play suggested that he mention that he kicked the glass is broken.

An emergency, I wanted to pee-pee. On the toilet in my time, my cousin was stuck in the toilet, forced me to help him a scapegoat. Huh? Bear the blame for that? Let's just let out of the toilet start to say, I takes numerous! I was forced to agree, and only from that horrible place to escape.

What is a black mark against them in the end? By the way, my mother frying pan is not black do?哈哈! Made a scapegoat can be really easy ah!

Not surprisingly, that family turned out her door came. Mother to kick out the three of us one by one, I am carrying a black mark against them, from the bed to climb out of.

Mom looked at me, she stayed, I stayed. One asked, things began to realize that context, he was angry, but there are enough to create misunderstandings.

The memories are always with a smile. Afternoon breeze blowing over again, which is the childhood mixed atmosphere, sealed in their hearts, has been and will always be!



These days, my leg does not know how, biting pain, it is difficult to walk repeatedly. But, I however " a fault on the right side " , felt strong classmate feeling... the leg that Luo Yuting is informed me aches, can care me everyday, the condition of an injury that asks me how, right now, a warm current emerges immediately my mind, originally the leg of pang appears comfortable a lot of... most those who let me appreciate is still be Guo Shumeng, after she knows, massage a leg actively for me, gently, be like a mother to caress childish tenderness... when I walk, she returns specially to helping me up, not anxious also, go very slow... often ask this asks that, show loving care for to the utmost. The time in alma mater is not much, be less than the time of a month only. 6 years, I felt strong classmate feeling truly, between the classmate, the each other like seem family member is relevant bosom, help...
