
my good habits作文2篇

my good habits作文2篇

提升写作能力,做到手到擒来,希望这篇文章对您的作文能力提升有帮助,希望以下这些my good habits作文2篇,能对您有帮助。

my good habits作文2篇篇一

I have some good habits, sach us:Get up early every day , then read books and do my homework ; Brush my teeth every day morning and evening . And then tell you a massage: I often do exercise . I eat a good breakfast every morning , not like some peopie doesn’t like have a breakfast. Many good habit of eating . I’m not talking about it.

my good habits作文2篇篇二

i have some good habits.i get up early in the moring and never go to bed late.i always put things in order.i usually finish my homework before dinner.i often help my parets do hosework.they are my good habits.what about you?【 】
