




Colorful Weekdays

Our school life is very colorful. There are many kinds of activities from 4:00 to 5:00 every afternoon. We can play baskethall,football and other sports games on Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesday some go to see English movies and some listen to the broadcast programs. On Thursday, we also have interesting groups, like drawing, singing, dancing and making things. We have an English corner on Friday. And we are interested in all the activities. What pleasant weekdays we have!


Our school is a beautiful building, I like my school .

Our school with a playground、library、musicroom and classroom , so I′m in the Grade five .

In the playground with a lot of trees , and the trees is tall .

In the playground is with a court field, I often play basketball with my classmate.

I very like my school.


Mom bought bike of a small fold to me today, in my heart but glad, because I can follow the children in the village to play by bike together, undertake cycling the match. But I still won't ride, today is to rest day, father teachs me to learn a car. Father teachs me but careful, he taught me a few points: The first want the body to want to sit straight, soon ahead, the hand must help firm car bibcock up, when car towards the left is crooked, bibcock towards the left is helped up quickly next, the car is balanced firm. The foot should keep walking, such cars just have inertial, evenly. Begin my hurry-scurry, considered a hand not to consider a base, get me urgently sweating, still dropped a few Jiao, I keep back painful, continue to ride. Father always corrects my mistake and encourage me, make me not urgent, come slowly. . . . . Gradually I come down with respect to calm, not nervous. . . . Today is to learn a car the first day, I want to try hard to learn a few days again, I can learn certainly. Learn a car to must have patience, do not be afraid of bear hardships. . . . I am young man. Breath out breath out



If I clone,

I would like to clone the two mothers,

One to work,

Other household chores,

But my mother to stay home:

If I clone,

I would like to clone the sweet and innocent child,

To accompany the lonely, elderly,

Let them spend a little angel;

If I clone,

I cloned a number of small frogs,

For crop pest invasion can not succeed,

Crops are enjoyable to laugh;

If I clone,

I cloned a number of police,

The world is full of peace,

Allow people to live comfortably;

If I clone,

I will clone a teacher,

Help teachers to share about the pressure of work;

If I clone,

I want to clone a number of schools,

Let the children living in the mountains,

Be a source of knowledge;

If I clone,

I cloned a number of cornea,

Let the blind again see the best in the world,

See the rising sun,

Gentle sun;

If I clone,

. . . . . .



Xiao language classes taught in many of our idioms, what warmth of spring, thousands of miles, only ex plan to repay and so on. I just spontaneously sprout up, and my parents decided to do a guessing game idioms.

I took the idea and said they did not think they are a very much in favor. Mother said: "I'll show you two's guess to see who guess the quick and accurate. I think my mother will give us guess what kind of idioms do?"

Suddenly I saw my mother laughing Zui Zhang was the boss leaves waist, bent over laughing, heads shaking left and right laugh, the body forward while back for a while. Not wait for their mothers to stop and I immediately rushing, said: "laugh." Mother said: "No, but some close to" so I quietly asked my father, my father also said it was laugh. Why laugh obviously wrong? I said to myself thinking that we could not guess her mother come to see the prompt us to say, "I was laughing, there might be moves ah!" Oh, I just get to understand a certain amount of "rock with laughter by."

Then my mother also performed several idioms: claws, stare, a jumping triple jump at deceiving I guess very well have been father and mother table Young.

The success of this has given me great inspiration to learn and does the usual semi-electric slack.


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我的英语课堂(my english classroom)

我的英语课堂(my english classroom)

this is my english classroom . it is not big and not small . we usually study in the classroom .

there is a blackboard in front of the classroom .it is not big ,but it is helpful .my english teacher usually writes some english letter .the air-conditioner is on the right in the wall .it is white .in summer ,it is cool to us .there is a clock on the behind wall .it is blue and cute .it tells us the time .there are three long desks in middle of the classroom and there are three small desks on the right in the classroom .

look !this is my classroom .i like it.




刚来到学校时,我想爸爸妈妈。爸爸妈妈经常在国外,一个学期只有寒假、暑假她们才回来,我心里非常难过,总是不开心。老师见我不开心,就经常和我聊天,还送我故事书和学习用品。我觉得顾老师和袁老师很像我的妈妈,慢慢的我开始和大家一起玩了,也变得开心了。我喜欢华美学校,更喜欢这里的老师。 妈妈说我在华美长大了,懂事了。








学校里有一个叫做翰墨苑的小花园。只要下课铃响了,就能看见翰墨苑里有许多同学在那里欣赏。扫地的同学,刚还在说话,一会就听不见声音了。这时,我才发现扫地的同学都跑到翰墨苑玩去了。 每当我来到翰墨苑时,都觉得是人间仙境,百来不厌! 刚走进翰墨苑就看见有一棵高大粗壮的梧桐树。春天梧桐树的枝叶繁茂,绿得惹人喜爱,夏天,毒辣的阳光照耀着同学们的脸,但他们丝毫感觉不到一丝热,因为他们在梧桐树下,梧桐树用身子挡住了毒辣的阳光。秋天树叶纷纷往下落,像一只只红色的蝴蝶在空中偏偏起舞。

树叶落在地上,软绵绵的,就像一张红色的地毯。冬天,雪花飞舞,飞到梧桐树的枝干上,像个雪白的大蘑菇,等雪花结了冰,梧桐树就像一个大帐篷。 梧桐树旁边,有一个小池塘,小池塘的边沿有许多圆柱形的石登子,像是给池塘编了个朴素的花环。池塘里的水,是清澈透底的,看到里面有数不清的金鱼,鱼儿们经常浮在水面上,像个孩子似的撒娇,显出了它们的活泼可爱。

水面上浮着几片荷叶,中间还冒出一朵睡莲,早晨花瓣还是合着的,中午就绽开了笑脸,晚上就合起了花瓣,睡觉了。池塘上还有一座拱形的石桥,同学们都很喜欢,那座玲珑的小桥,恨不得一次就走个一二十遍。如果没有走的话,肯定会坐在地上气得哭。 池塘边上还有一棵柳树,柳树的枝条比我想象的还要长,几根枝条就可以编个很大的花环了。 翰墨苑里要数凉亭最热闹了。同学们在椅子上聊天、看报、玩游戏、讲笑话、、、、、、、、其中一个同学在椅子上睡着了。忽然砰地一声,摔在了地上,同学们都笑的直不起腰来。还有一个我们班的“小诗人”沉思了一会,念了一首诗。同学们都高兴地欣赏着,这首诗。 听了我的介绍,你们是不是很想来参观呢?那就来吧!我随时欢迎你!
