



●Alone is what I have.Alone protects me.
No,friends protect people.
不对,保护我们的是朋友。 ——华生 ----《神探夏洛克》

●All that matters to me is the work! Without that, my brain rots.
我在乎的东西只有工作!没有工作大脑就该生锈了 ----《神探夏洛克》

●1' Most people... blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars.When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield.
这城市大多人都庸庸碌碌,眼中只有繁华街肆 车来人往.与夏洛克•福尔摩斯同行 你却能看到战场 ----《神探夏洛克》

●Memories can resurface, Wounds can reopen, the roads we walk have demons beneath.
记忆会重新浮现,伤口会再次裂开,我们走过的路下埋伏着诸多恶魔。 ----麦考夫·福尔摩斯《神探夏洛克》

●Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist, and if they did, I wouldn't be one of them.
别把人变成英雄,约翰。英雄并不存在,就算存在,我也不在其列。 ----夏洛克·福尔摩斯《神探夏洛克》

●i that am lost,oh who will find me
deep down below the old beech tree
help succour me now,the eastwind blow
16 by,6,brother,and under we go
十六乘六,吾之兄长,向下前行 ----《神探夏洛克》

●The game is never over john.
游戏永远不会结束,约翰。 ----夏洛克·福尔摩斯《神探夏洛克》

●4'Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish.That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see?
普通人让自己的脑中装满垃圾,所以学习有用的东西就很难。你发现了吗? ----《神探夏洛克》

●——Professor Moriarty:I'll burn you.I'll burn your heart out of you.
——Sherlock Holmes:I have been reliably informed that I don't have one.
——Professor Moriarty:But we both know that's not quite true.
(但你我都知道这不尽详实。) ----《神探夏洛克》

●——Professor Moriarty:You're ordinary.You're on the side of the angels.
——Sherlock Holmes:I may be on the side of the angels,but don't think for one second that I am one of them.I am you.
(夏洛克·福尔摩斯:我也许代表的是正义的一方,但绝不代表我和他们是一种人。我是你。) ----《神探夏洛克》

●There is no perfect crime in the world.
世界上没有完美的犯罪。 ----夏洛克·福尔摩斯《神探夏洛克》

●Honey,you should see me in a crown.亲爱的,你应该看看我带上王冠的样子。 ----Moriarty《神探夏洛克》

●S: Listen. This is my hard drive, and it only make sense to put things in there that are useful. Really useful.
听着 这是我的大脑(硬盘) 只会存放有用的东西 真正有用的东西
Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish. That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see?
普通人都是装了满脑子的垃圾 关键时刻脑子就不管用了 明白吗?! ----《神探夏洛克》

●I don't have friends.I've just got one.
我没有朋友,身边只有你。 ----夏洛克《神探夏洛克》
