
《Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage》读后感摘抄

《Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage》读后感摘抄

《Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage》是一本由Haruki Murakami著作,Knopf出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 18.74,页数:400,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage》读后感(一):Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki 浅薄的读后感


我读的是英文版的,而作为一个non-English speaker,我想说,这本书即使几经碾转翻译而成,依旧有种强烈的直抵内心的冲击。可见村上春树的功力。






《Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage》读后感(二):color of death

Many puzzles left unanswered. I guess novels aren't obligated to make everything crystal clear. Questions are room for imagination, up to the interpretation of readers. He again mingles reality and imagination. I was fascinated by Haida who remained a mystery until the end. The unusually slow and fact based development towards the end really dragged beyond. So what is his pilgrimage, exactly? His past?

Although I was never a part of a close-knit group, I am like Tsukuru in many other aspects. I also think that I am average. I also think too much and over-interpret things, leading to unnecessary burdens. It was really sad how everything is inevitable in the end.

《Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage》读后感(三):那个淡淡的男子

The Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage


这是我读的第二本英文版的村上春树小说。第一本是The Wind-up Bird Chronical(发条鸟编年史)。选择英文版有三个原因。

















“作把黑从椅子上扶起来,从正面抱着她。一对丰满的乳房像某种证据一般紧紧贴上了他的胸膛。” (天晓得一对丰满的乳房和证据是怎么一回事,但是在比喻上出新意一直是村上致力所求,所以有时候绝妙,有时候莫名其妙也是常事。)

“Her full breasts lay tightly against his chest, as if testimony to something”



“Her full breasts pressed against him,filled with the vitality to keep on living.”

Full breasts twice in 6 pages ?! 看到这里我不禁感叹这个英文译者葛布瑞尔先生可能也饿了。

然而,仿佛深夜电视直销广告中的情形,销售员大手一挥,But wait! There’s more! (等一下!还没完!)



“The feel of Eri's breasts pressed against him.”


《Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage》读后感(四):A tale of self discovery and redemption

Haruki Murakami has the gift of creating a very different world than the one we reside in. In his world, the characters can be ordinary yet fascinating, like the colorless Tsukuru in this novel. As an engineer devoted his time to building the train stations, his life changed forever after he was cut off by his circle of friends from high school, with no explanation. The novel was about his soul searching and redemption. It focused on the psychology and the thought process more than anything. Along the way, we met his four friends from high school, his friend in later years, and his object of affection, who was probably the brightest and the most intelligent of the bunch, because she had seen through him, his problems, and because she cared enough about him and wanted to further their relationship, she helped him on his journey of discovery. As a result, he discovered not only the truth (even just partially), but also himself, as well as his true feelings.

The novel has a plot that was clean, simple, yet very powerful, it grabbed my attention from the very first page. The prose was eloquent, and the intermittent reference to different pieces of music made it all very poetic and mesmerizing, it made you feel like sitting in a lounge, at night, undisturbed, listening to jazz.

The following are some of the passages I loved -

“Yet when he was with this young friend he could, by and large, forget those four people. No, forget wasn’t the right word. The pain of having been so openly rejected was always with him. But now, like the tide, it ebbed and flowed. At times it flowed up to his feet, little by little, at other times it withdrew far away, so far away he could barely detect it. Tsukuru could feel, little by little, that he was setting down roots in the new soil of Tokyo, building a new life there, albeit one that was small and lonely. His days in Nagoya felt more like something in the past, almost foreign.”

“And in the moment, he was finally able to accept it all. In the deepest rescues of his soul, Tsukuru Tazaki understood. One heart is not connected to another through harmony alone. They are, instead, linked deeply through their wounds. Pain linked to pain, fragility to fragility. There is no silence without a cry of grief, no forgiveness without bloodshed, no acceptance without a passage through acute loss. That is what lies at the root of true harmony.”

“You can hide memories, but you can’t erase the histories that produced them. ”

