
《No Easy Day》读后感100字

《No Easy Day》读后感100字

《No Easy Day》是一本由Mark Owen / Kevin Maurer著作,Dutton Adult出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 26.95,页数:336,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《No Easy Day》读后感(一):还真是纸老虎



《No Easy Day》读后感(二):Easy day is always yesterday



《No Easy Day》读后感(三):No Easy Day

只看了12~16章,说白了就是刺杀拉登的开始和结果,这满足我们许多好奇者的心理。武器和之前透露的一样一长一短,长的HK416D短的SIG P226和HK45 Tac,作者当天使用的自卫武器是P226。其他单兵装备并没有人们想象中的那样神乎其神,冷兵器作者使用的是Daniel Winkler的Fixed Blade直刀,FAST半盔,120度宽视场夜视仪,AOR1沙漠迷彩服,LBT6904背心(不是防弹背心,但可加装插板),书中提到的大件装备就这几样。并没有幽灵行动里的隐身斗篷,护身装甲,微型无人机。不过黑鹰的外形倒是有点拉风,这点在后来的照片里可见一二。





《No Easy Day》读后感(四):贵在有料,胜在平实

在《Zero Dark Thirty》和《SEAL Team 6》电影已经上映的2013年,《No Easy Day》在已经看过这两部猎杀UBL主题电影的观众看来并没有多少可观。但作为在行动之后时隔仅一年的2012年9月出版的作品,这本书在当时吸引眼球的水平可谓一时无两。

书中结构大约分为两部分:1-8章主要描述作者在SEAL,特别是DEVGRU(SEAL 6)中服役、训练、执行任务的情况,其中除了涉及作者在阿富汗和巴基斯坦等地的几次任务外,还提及了2009年印度洋索马里海域营救Alabama号船长Richard Philips这一趟较为著名的行动;从第9章开始,作者开始讲述从听说传言、接受任务、心态调整,一直到执行海王星矛行动后返回、得到总统接见、一年后退役的全过程。


整本书中,作者始终保持着平实的态度进行记述,会失眠、会害怕、会紧张也会自豪骄傲,坚信所在团队的专业能力,并没有把自己和团队过多地英雄化(看来一般老美也不希望买到一本英文版《士兵突击》)。作为一部有爆料且描述平实的作品,这本书还是蛮有看头的,篇幅适中也不浪费时间(核心就1小时不到的事,不是网文也不用码字混钱)。当然如果不是特别感兴趣的话,看看《O Dark 30》的电影满足一下好奇心,可能是更好的选择。

《No Easy Day》读后感(五):Editorial: Shades of gray for SEAL book 'No Easy Day' --FROM USA TODAY

This much is clear: Americans are hungry for every detail of Osama bin Laden's bloody demise and have turned No Easy Day, a new book by one of the Navy SEALs involved in last year's mission, into a sensation. The author's appearance on CBS' 60 Minutes drew 12.3 million viewers, and the book has toppled Fifty Shades of Grey to become No. 1 on USA TODAY's best-seller list.

But by breaking secrecy rules, the author painted his own shades of gray: Should details like those in the book be kept forever secret, or are they a harmless recitation of history that should be shared with the public? Should the author be prosecuted, and what sort of precedent would that set? And what do unwritten codes of silence, like that of the SEALs, mean in this kiss-and-tell era.

The answers are anything but black and white.

The author, who used the pen name Mark Owen but was quickly unmasked as former SEAL Matt Bissonnette, starts from a weak position. He signed non-disclosure agreements promising to "never divulge" classified information and to submit articles or books using sensitive information to the government for pre-publication review. His lawyer's insistence that the agreement "invites, but by no means requires" review sounds far-fetched, and though Bissonnette has offered to donate much of the proceeds to SEAL-related charities, the book will still make him rich, undermining his claim to more high-minded motives.

There also are sound reasons for certain sensitive data to remain secret, or at the very least undergo government review. Many former CIA, Pentagon and other government officials abide by similar agreements. If Bissonnette is allowed to shrug one off with impunity, they'll be less credible from now on.

But other considerations cast the book in a different light.

Bissonnette is not the first to disclose details of the mission.

Immediately after the May 2011 raid, the Obama administration saw fit to reveal details of how the world's most notorious terrorist had been killed, and well it should have. The public had every reason to be told how the nation's No. 1 enemy had finally met his demise. And if the administration was right, was Bissonnette wrong, signed agreements aside?

Bissonnett's account, if accurate, actually corrects aspects of the administration version. The White House initially said that bin Laden had "engaged in a firefight" and used a woman as a shield. Later, officials said that he was unarmed and that one of his wives rushed the SEALs and was shot. Bissonnette says bin Laden was shot in the head as he peeked out of his bedroom. Then, as he lay bleeding on his bedroom floor, Bissonnette and another SEAL "fired several rounds" into his chest "until he was motionless."

That information corrects the historical record, and so far it appears to have come at no direct cost to anyone. The Pentagon, still reviewing No Easy Day to see whether it contains classified or sensitive details, hasn't cited anything damaging, such as secret SEAL tactics being exposed.

Then there's the inconvenient fact that SEAL Team 6 carved itself a unique place in U.S. history, and at great risk. Prosecuting a team member would tarnish a heroic story. In fact, it would seem bizarre.

So what to do?

The Pentagon has warned Bissonnette that it may seek to confiscate earnings from his book. Perhaps that's a fitting sanction, but not one that's cost-free. Government's power to restrain former employees from writing anything the government doesn't like should be extremely limited.

As we said, shades of gray.
