
How to Speak and Write Correctly读后感锦集

How to Speak and Write Correctly读后感锦集

《How to Speak and Write Correctly》是一本由Joseph Devlin著作,Arc Manor出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 19.99,页数:136,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《How to Speak and Write Correctly》读后感(一):通俗易懂,深入浅出


《How to Speak and Write Correctly》读后感(二):至少作者很实在



《How to Speak and Write Correctly》读后感(三):那些德芙林告诉我的事













《How to Speak and Write Correctly》读后感(四):简洁与简单








《How to Speak and Write Correctly》读后感(五):正確運用英語的幾個要點

【Old friends are always good friends.】

Stick to the old familiar, simple name that your grandfather called it. You may be eager to show superiority over others to call it a spatulous device for abrading the surface of the soil. Simply call it a spade. It has stood the test of time.

【Three essentials of the English language are: Purity, perspicuity and precision 】

Purity is typified by the use of good English. It precludes the use of ungrammatical language nor any newly coined word until such word is adopted by the best writers and speakers.

Perspicuity requires a style at once clear and comprehensive and entirely free from pomp and pedantry and affectation or any straining after effect.

Precision requires concise and exact expression, free from redundancy and tautology, a style terse and clear enough to enable the audience to comprehend immediately the meaning of the speaker or writer so as to rivet the attention of the audience on the words uttered or written.

【Essentials of English Grammar】

When we do not understand the grammar of the language, we may be making egregious blunders while thinking we are speaking with the utmost accuracy.

----Arrangement of Words----

We should not lose the sight of the fact that the beginning and end are the important places for catching the attention of the reader. Words in these places are greater emphasis than elsewhere.

----The Paragraph----

No specific rules can be given as to the construction of paragraphs. The best advice is –Study closely the paragraph structure of the best writers, for it is only through imitation, conscious or unconscious of the best models – that one can master the art.

The best paragraphist in the English language for the essay is Macaulay, the best model to follow for the oratorical style is Edmund Burke and for description and narration probably the greatest master of paragraph is the American Goldsmith, Washington Irving.

Macaulay is an elegant stylist to imitate. Goldsmith is another writer whose simplicity of style charms.

----Diction the Head of Choice of Words----

Put the right word in the right place. Begin with the exact literal meaning of the words we use or encounter. Analyse a marked difference in synonyms which are seemingly interchangeable.

For instance grief and sorrow seem to be identical, but they are not. Grief is active; sorrow is more or less passive; grief is caused by troubles and misfortunes which come to us from the outside, while sorrow is often the consequence of our own acts. Grief is frequently loud and violent; sorrow is always quiet and retiring. Grief shouts. Sorrow remains calm.

[Coping Tactic]

Whenever you meet a strange word note it down until you discover its meaning and use. Read the best books you can get, books written by men and women who are acknowledged masters of language, and study how they use their words, where they place them in the sentences, and the meanings they convey to the readers.

Get as many words as you possibly can –if you don’t need them now, pack them away in the garrets of your brain so that you can call upon them if you require them.

【Essentials of Style】

Purity: good use tells us whether a word is right or wrong; good taste, whether it is adapted to our purpose or not.

----Ten Commandments of English Style----

Do not use foreign words.

Do not use a long word when a short one will serve your purpose. [Fire is much better than conflagration.]

Do not use technical words, or those understood only by specialists in their respective lines, except when you are writing especially for such people.

Do not use slang.

Do not use provincialisms. [I guess for I think; I reckon for I know]

Do not in writing prose, use poetical or antiquated words [ lore, e’er, morn,etc.]

Do not use trite and hackneyed words and expressions. [on the job, up and in, down and out]

Do not use newspaper words which have not established a place in the language. [to suicide]

Do not use ungrammatical words and forms. [I ain’t]

[Quintilian said “Prefer the oldest of the new and the newest of the old.” Pope put this in rhyme and it still holds good: in words, as fashions, the same rule will hold. Alike fantastic, if too new or old – Be not the first by whom the new are tried, nor yet the last to lay the old aside. ]

Propriety requires one to use words in their accepted sense or the sense which everyday use sanctions.

Simplicity. The Anglo-Saxon element in the English language comprises the simple words which express the relations of everyday life, strong, terse, and vigorous, the language of the fireside, street, market and farm. It is the style which characterizes the Bible the many of the great English classics such as the Pilgrim’s Progress, Robinson Crusoe, and Gulliver’s Travels.

Beginners shall bear in mind the leading rule of clearness of style to avoid all obscurity and ambiguous phrases.

Unity refers a literal connection and logic subordination of all parts of a sentence with the principal thought.

Strength gives animation, energy and vivacity to language and sustains the interest the of the reader. Without it the words are weak and feeble create little or no impression on the mind. Give the most important words the most prominent places which, as has been pointed out, are the beginning and end of the sentence.

【Suggestions for Beginners】

Familiar themes are always the best for the beginner. Don’t attempt to describe a scene in Australia if you have never been there and know nothing of the country. Never hunt for subjects, there are thousands around you. Describe what you saw yesterday – a fire, a runaway horse, a dog-fight on the street and be original in your description.

Imitate the best writers in their style, but not in their exact words.

Get out of the beaten path and make a pathway of your own. Don’t try to literally copy them. Be yourself on every occasion –no one else.

Not like Homer would I write,

Not like Dante if I might,

Not like Shakespeare at his best,

Not like Goethe or the rest,

Like myself, however small,

Like myself, or not at all.

----Some sage examples (P145-153)----

Shakespeare simply read the book of nature and interpreted it from the standpoint of his own magnificent genius. Personal magnetism or personal appearance entered not as factors into their success.

If you are poor that is not a detriment but an advantage. Poverty is an incentive to endeavour, not a drawback. Better to be born with a good, working brain in your head than with a gold spoon in your mouth. If the world had been depending on the so-called pets of fortune, it would have been deteriorated long ago.

Have ambition to succeed and you will. Cut the word “failure” out of your lexicon. Don’t acknowledge it. Remember “In life’s earnest battle they only prevail who daily march onward and never say fail.” Let every obstacle you encounter be but a stepping stone in the path of onward progress to the goal of success.

【Masters and Masterpieces of Literature】

Beware of the man of one book, which means that a man of one book is a master of the craft. Select a few of the great works of the master minds, assimilate and digest them, so that they will be of advantage to your literary system.
