
《Lady Windermere's Fan (Penguin Popular Classics)》读后感摘抄

《Lady Windermere's Fan (Penguin Popular Classics)》读后感摘抄

《Lady Windermere's Fan (Penguin Popular Classics)》是一本由Oscar Wilde著作,Penguin Books Ltd出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:15.00元,页数:69,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Lady Windermere's Fan (Penguin Popular Classics)》读后感(一):worthing the reading

篇幅不长,读到第二幕结束的时候终于引起我的兴趣, 大概两个小时就读完了原版,脑子里时不时浮现出电影里的英国强调。豆瓣上其他的评论我不认同,都扯的太远了,王尔德的文字令人赏心悦目,这个只是个小品而已。唯一莫名其妙的是温夫人母亲的年龄,以及温先生的年龄。 中国三四十年代还拍过一个改编的电影,找来一看。

《Lady Windermere's Fan (Penguin Popular Classics)》读后感(二):生门与死路

康德《论优美感和崇高感》, Wilde Lady Windermere's Fan,两者对照起来读,真是余味无穷。

康德的分析中,女性往往是优美的,而男性则更倾向于崇高的人格。温夫人的扇子开篇时,故事尚未展开,Lord Darlington和Lady Windermere开始对话。这时我看得几乎要跳起来。对话中呈现的两人性格,恰恰是康德体系中,性别置换后的结果。Darlington机智风趣,带点玩世不恭的态度,Margaret则很自持,原则性突成一块坚硬的棱角。她身上残存着未经人事的天真,但也正是这份天真,很可能让她变得残忍,以过度的严苛来衡量周围的世界。


再往后,更多的人物出场。社交场上群魔乱舞,谣言以训诫之名四处传播,衣香鬓影下埋着一桩桩不堪情事,这里既无优美又无崇高,只剩琐碎与庸俗。Lord Windermere和Lady Elynne就这样伴着谣言出场,似乎预示着狗血的三角恋剧情。但接下来的一些小细节,还是让我过早地猜到了发展。



Lord Windermere自始至终都深爱着Margaret,哪怕面对流言与疑心,也严守着丈母的身份,不让妻子受波及。开始时我确实感觉疑惑,明明只要点明一下身份就能解开误会,为什么Windermere宁愿背负风流骂名,也不告诉妻子真相?看完后才懂了一点。





《Lady Windermere's Fan (Penguin Popular Classics)》读后感(三):"Secrets keep us alive."

王尔德是个很有趣的人,聪明潇洒,自恋风流,又有极严苛的审美,怎么说也该是文艺圈的上流人物,理应搞深度美学研究,写点大部头什么的,但他偏偏乐得娱乐群众,常写贵族生活的家长里短,四部喜剧都是大众喜闻乐见的萌系八卦风格,动不动就是伦敦绅士虚构一个弟弟出来然后谎话圆不清(The Importance of Being Earnest), 要不然就是受人尊敬的已婚政客惨遭恶女人敲诈(An Ideal Husband),到了这一部,已经欢乐到下限全无,私生女啊偷情疑云啊两位ladies在窗帘后面偷听啊之类的情节比比皆是,真是有少女时代看流行爱情小说的快感。


情节当然饱含窥视上流社会的低俗欢快感,一开头便是妻子被八卦的朋友提醒丈夫偷情,甚至为这小三挥霍无度,痛苦焦灼不知如何是好。随故事发展观众才知晓,原来这所谓小三竟是女主以为在其幼年死去的母亲,接近男主不过是想敲诈些钱财,以及见见自己长大后的女儿。在晚宴上女主因以为丈夫偷情冲动之下竟留下离别信想要和另一个男人远走高飞,但被其母亲扣下,挽救了她险些不保的幸福婚姻。故事直到结尾,都没有我期盼的那个gossip girl式高潮,即所有牵扯人物同时出现,秘密由一位不走心的配角顺口说出,随后引爆矛盾一团混乱,所有之前被蒙蔽的主角都要恍然大悟道“that makes sense!” 恰恰相反,此剧剧情进展得出奇顺利以至于没有一个傻配角走漏风声,没有一个谎话被戳穿,也没有一处不合逻辑引起的怀疑。秘密就这么顺利、流畅、小心翼翼地被所有人保守了下来。

妻子到最后也不知道那为她保守秘密的女子是她母亲,丈夫也始终感谢着丈母娘的及时离开和妻子的宽容理解,生活重归平静。每个人都暗自骄傲地保守着自己那一小部分的秘密,也居高临下自以为全知地拥有着片面的真相,就这样也可以幸福地生活下去直到永远,也算是讽刺了。唯一知道全部真相的母亲却远走,这个神奇的女人拥有可爱的世俗智慧,对道德视而不见的冷漠和存留的一点点可贵的爱,这一点爱因为藏在巨大的冷漠里,才显得狡黠迷人不做作,甚至还有点忧伤。这位大姐实在是太过奇葩的存在,才能做到不承认自己的女儿只因为不想承认自己超过29岁(其女儿的年龄),还理直气壮道“Twenty-nine when there are pink shades, thirty when there are not. ”


一位叫Nuruddin Farah的作家写过一本小说叫《Secrets》,原谅我只知道这本书里最出名的一句:"Honors are maintained, pledges kept, gods worshipped. It is anathema to imagine a world in which there are no secrets. Secrets have a life energy, they keep us alive."

《Lady Windermere's Fan (Penguin Popular Classics)》读后感(四):坏女人让我烦恼,好女人让我厌烦。

《Lady Windermere's fan》篇幅不长,但引人入胜。老王真是天生的戏剧家,全篇妙语连珠,起承转合恰到好处。剧中对婚姻的讽刺以及对于好女人坏女人的划分给出了一个全新的视角。太多经典之处令人拍案叫绝,当时在图书馆读的时候差点大笑出声来。

“Wicked women bother one.Good women bore one.”坏女人让我烦恼,好女人让我厌烦。这一句话极具讽刺意味。究竟什么是好女人,什么又是坏女人?从表面上看lady Windermere是一个好女人,她温柔贤惠,大方得体,懂得和丈夫以外的男人保持距离。但她却同样拥有嫉妒自私,武断狭隘的阴暗面。而剧中的Mrs.Erlynne看似一个破坏别人家庭的坏女人,却是一个拥有无私悔悟,怜悯牺牲之心的好女人。



Nowadays we are all of so hard up,that the only pleasant things to pay are compliments.They are the only things we can pay.


If you pretend to be good,the world takes you very seriously.If you pretend to be bad,it doesn't.Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism.


It is absurd to divide people into good and bad.People are either charming or tedious.


I think life too complex a thing to be settled by these hard and fast rules.


I can resist everything except temptation.


Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it.


Men become old,but never become good.


Crying is the refuge of plain women,but the ruin of pretty ones.


As soon as people are old enough to know better,they don't know anything at all.


Between men and women there is no friendship possible.There is passion,enmity,worship,love,but no friendship.


There are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life,fully,entirely,completely—or dragging out some false,shallow,degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands.


When one give up saying what is charming,they give up what is charming.


If a woman wants to hold a man,she has merely to appeal to what is worst in him.We make gods of men,and they leave us.Others make brutes of them and they fawn and are faithful.


Wicked women bother one.Good women bore one.That is only difference between them.


A man who moralizes is usually a hypocrite,and a woman who moralizes is invariably plain.


Whenever people agree with me,I always feel I must be wrong.


We are all in the gutter,but some of us are looking at the stars.


In this world,there are two tragedies.One is not getting what one wants,and the other is getting.


A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.


Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.


What consoles one nowadays is not repentance,but pleasure.


Ideals are dangerous things.Realities are better.They wound,but they are better.


《Lady Windermere's Fan (Penguin Popular Classics)》读后感(五):摘录

Oh, nowadays so many conceited people go about Society pretending to be good, that I think it shows rather a sweet and modest disposition to pretend to be bad. Besides, there is this to be said. If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend to be bad, it doesn’t. Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism

Lady Windermere. [Leaning back on the sofa.] You look on me as being behind the age.—Well, I am! I should be sorry to be on the same level as an age like this.

Lord Darlington. You think the age very bad?

Lady Windermere. Yes. Nowadays people seem to look on life as a speculation. It is not a speculation. It is a sacrament. Its ideal is Love. Its purification is sacrifice.

Lord Darlington. Do you know I am afraid that good people do a great deal of harm in this world. Certainly the greatest harm they do is that they make badness of such extraordinary importance. It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. I take the side of the charming, and you, Lady Windermere, can’t help belonging to them.

Lord Darlington. Well then, setting aside mercenary people, who, of course, are dreadful, do you think seriously that women who have committed what the world calls a fault should never be forgiven?

Lady Windermere. [Standing at table.] I think they should never be forgiven.

Lord Darlington. And men? Do you think that there should be the same laws for men as there are for women?

Lady Windermere. Certainly!

Lord Darlington. I think life too complex a thing to be settled by these hard and fast rules.

Lord Darlington. Because I think that life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it. [Moves up C.]

Duchess of Berwick. What does he mean? Do, as a concession to my poor wits, Lord Darlington, just explain to me what you really mean.

Lord Darlington. [Coming down back of table.] I think I had better not, Duchess. Nowadays to be intelligible is to be found out.

Duchess of Berwick. That’s quite right, dear. Crying is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones. Agatha, darling!

Lady Windermere. You don’t know me! [Moves R.]

You would feel that he was lying to you every moment of the day. You would feel that the look in his eyes was false, his voice false, his touch false, his passion false. He would come to you when he was weary of others; you would have to comfort him. He would come to you when he was devoted to others; you would have to charm him. You would have to be to him the mask of his real life, the cloak to hide his secret.

When men give up saying what is charming, they give up thinking what is charming.

It is he who has broken the bond of marriage—not I. I only break its bondage

We make gods of men and they leave us. Others make brutes of them and they fawn and are faithful. How hideous life is

Mrs. Erlynne. [Humbly.] Nothing. I know it—but I tell you that your husband loves you—that you may never meet with such love again in your whole life—that such love you will never meet—and that if you throw it away, the day may come when you will starve for love and it will not be given to you, beg for love and it will be denied you

He has never swerved for a moment from the love he bears you. But even if he had a thousand loves, you must stay with your child. If he was harsh to you, you must stay with your child. If he ill-treated you, you must stay with your child. If he abandoned you, your place is with your child.

In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. The last is much the worst; the last is a real tragedy!

Cecil Graham. What is a cynic? [Sitting on the back of the sofa.]

Lord Darlington. A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Cecil Graham. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn’t know the market price of any single thing.

Actions are the first tragedy in life, words are the second. Words are perhaps the worst. Words are merciless

Mrs. Erlynne was a woman more sinned against than sinning, as the phrase goes.

Lady Windermere. Arthur, Arthur, don’t talk so bitterly about any woman. I don’t think now that people can be divided into the good and the bad as though they were two separate races or creations. What are called good women may have terrible things in them, mad moods of recklessness, assertion, jealousy, sin. Bad women, as they are termed, may have in them sorrow, repentance, pity, sacrifice.

Mrs. Erlynne. [With an amused smile.] My dear Windermere, manners before morals!

Mrs. Erlynne. Ideals are dangerous things. Realities are better. They wound, but they’re better.
