




谜面:外圆正割垂直线,积分开方斜角边。 (打一传统节日)


谜面:山旁隐现横空日,雨下埋香寂寞人 (打一传统节日)


谜面:六点一分东方明,有望采得火种 (打一传统节日)


谜面:中秋佳节结良缘 (打一城市名)



谜面:最好能化悲痛为力量 (探骊格)


谜面:华夏之后 (打一节日)


谜面:冬去春来又夏至 (打三字节日名)



谜面:平日不思,中秋想你,有方有圆,甜甜蜜蜜。 (打一食品名)


谜面:又圆又扁,有咸有甜;你若不相信,面上着个印;你若猜不着,屁股上贴膏药。 (打一食物)


谜面:三五盈盈还二八 (打一歌曲名)


谜面:回头望桂 (打一节日)


谜面:中秋遥看众星小 (打一歌曲名)


谜面:月到中秋 (打一俗语五字)


谜面:木兰迷恋中秋夜 (打一成语)


谜面:国庆中秋紧相连 (打郑板桥诗词一句)


谜面:元宵、中元、中秋节。 (打一消费名词)



谜面:金灿灿,银闪闪,一到中秋香气散,用它酿酒请宾客,用它浸渍供美餐。 (打一植物)


谜面:中秋月饼 (打一电脑名词)


谜面:中秋菊盛开 (打一成语)



谜面:中秋国庆两晴天 (李清照词句)


谜面:画中秋色雁阵飞 (打一字)



谜面:中秋月色露生花 (文具名)


谜面:春风吹来白花开,中秋过后葫芦来。外穿黄衫藏黑豆,润肺凉心好药材。 (打一水果)


谜面:瓣儿弯弯像卷发,寒风冷雨它不怕,百花凋谢它开花,中秋时节到万家。 (打一花卉)


谜面:生在青山青又青,开花如同结黄金,结果好像中秋月,月里又藏满天星。 (打一植物)


谜面:云盖中秋月,雨淋元宵灯。 (打一成语)



谜面:高高个子身穿青,脸儿金黄笑盈盈。结果好像中秋月,圆月里面藏星星。 (打一水果)


谜面:华夏共赏中秋月 (打一旅游用语)


谜面:中秋明月·梨花格 (打一常用词)


谜面:中秋佳节大团圆 (打一电影名)


谜面:才过中秋,便交端阳。 (打一常用词)


谜面:八月中秋·上楼格 (茶叶名)


谜面:中秋夜半垄上见 (打一成语)


谜面:中秋望月 (打《红楼梦》诗曲一句)


谜面:中秋度蜜月 (打一成语)


谜面:中秋鼓励消费 (打成语一)




On behalf of my school holiday to all my classmates congratulations, I wish everyone a happy holiday!

I also take this opportunity to all the teachers to express my heartfelt thanks and highest respect. Your teacher is not only respected, it is hard gardener. Love your school such as home, such as sub-LOVE-sheng; diligent, hard working; teaching and selfless dedication. You create a beautiful environment, you create a good quality, for your development and growth of the School to create a good foundation and conditions.

Students, "61" you are most happy holiday, "61" is also our most happy day. Since:

You are the baby home, it is the hope of home. Happiness can you grow up on the home is full of singing and laughing. Children are your schools, it is hoped that the School. You can develop a comprehensive school full of vigor and vitality. You are the future of society, it is the community's aspirations. You can harmonious development of society on the passion and friendship. The flowers are your homeland, it is the hope of the motherland. You can grow up healthy and strong, full of beautiful homeland and hope.

I hope the students: a civilized, studious, independent, co-operation. Study Institute, Institute of Living, learning life, learning to create. As rich as an adult sense of responsibility, rich sense of mission, a dignified life, serious work, study happily, growth. Love for the motherland, love the party, love the people, love nature, love life, love science, love learning, love of labor. Cherish life, cherish the time and treasure friendship, cherish the opportunity to study and development. Show concern for the environment, concerned about the collective, caring for others. Dear teachers, classmates United, courtesy others; distinguish between right and wrong, identify the beauty and ugliness, man of integrity. Make an ideal long-term, dignified behavior, learning and good mental and physical health of the successors of the communist cause.

I hope teachers: work, love health, rigorous inquiry. Comprehensively implement the party's education policy, teaching, education simultaneously Friday. Firmly establish a sense of service, quality awareness and quality consciousness. For every student, an educational treasure every opportunity to better each lesson, do everything to promote the health of every student, harmonious, all-round development. Of life for the students lay a solid foundation for development.
















"61 " , it is Children's Festival day, be in this day, we but glad, everybody is met to the top of one's bent amuse oneself, only joyous song laughed that day language, all not happy, cast after the head completely. In the morning, had eaten breakfast, I come cheerly to earthly square, each lofty sentiments is full of classmates, in spirits. Them each holds each head high hold out a bosom, each is perky and dye-in-the-wood. Today, also be the day that new team member joins a group, it is the Young Pioneer fastens red scarf to the chairman above all, young Pioneers are discharging orderly team, went up rostrum, the experienced chairman that goes up to the stage has fastened red scarf. In them skilled pose falls, gave me not little encourage, I am thinking, they are OK, why am I not OK? In the side they adorn when red scarf, I am a bit excited, also fear a bit, I feel this is a how glorious thing, but I fear again oneself made a mistake. The little little sisters of little little brother of that batch of one grade wore red scarf proudly, make a pledge below bright-coloured ensign, this is additional also the joyance when I remember first time wears red scarf. The uncle aunt on the side people taking camera, take the hour that left this joy, they look at their children to join a group gloriously, dou Lou gave bright smile. After flag-raising ceremony ends, everybody is stepping orderly pace to come to the place of pleasance, there is happy smile on everybody's face, search the sport that oneself like severally. And before the game of our class, discharging to grow senior team, everybody is interested in this game very much, I am in look at aside, see the look of their kickball: Some is sweating; Some showed bright smile; Some seeming is to expressing to be not in kicking cannot... they the ball ability that each is showing oneself, everybody is so outstanding. Passed a little while, the good friend walks over, ask why I don't play game? I listen, say to her: "You do not say I still forgot to have really so much interesting game. " say, I search the sport that I like. I strolled in garden circuit, abrupt by " essay question " game place is attracted, then I am on team of in front of excitedly. I see the classmate in front replies correctly, I feared a bit, it is too difficult to fear to inscribe, I won't reply. To me, my heart jump continuously, take a step ahead slowly, after viewing a subject, I thought a little while, guessed. I feel this game is very easy, played a few times again. There is atmosphere in little ground. Happy laugh, ground of for a long time is on field resound. Time one second ground went, pleasance activity also ended. I cross the 61 Children's Festivals this year really interestingly! This will become the jewel of a glaring bright in my life memory. Wish everybody: "Happy Children Day! "



Today is the Lantern Festival. After dinner, my father, my mother happily go along the street to see lanterns.

Night was beautiful ! The city is gorgeous holiday dress was the incomparable beauty of street lights. A string of lights, like an endless torrent of the river flash. Looking around us, a street-lamp is like a long Yinlong, has been extending toward the horizon. High-rise buildings on a variety of neon flashing constantly. Colorful lights on the bridge shooting non-stop fire with. It seems that we came to the light of the ocean. I looked up, Hey, today's stars in the sky, the moon, how are all gone? Oh, the original, ornate street lighting is too beautiful, the stars, the moon is not scared out of hiding.

Packed the streets crowded. Stalls selling lamps are packed with visitors. Really more than this year's lantern varieties, there are a variety of chicken lights, because this is the Year of the Rooster, so a particularly large number of chicken lights, dragonfly light, Hua Mao Light ... ... Monkey King in particular, eyes that light, then two eyes flicker The. Is really divine! Children should have their hands raised forward to their favorite lantern, he hobbled down to land, everyone's faces were filled with festive joy.

Night, I had a dreams, dreams himself into a rabbit lamp, my body's coat can be colored, and Rattus in the mixed with some white feather. Two round red eyes flashing from time to time with really cute! I have also holding a large radish. I was proud to mention that in the hands of children, is really divine!


Long for ah long for, longed for annual 61 Children's Festivals eventually. 61 Children's Festivals are the red-letter day that the child likes most arrived one day that, what everybody dresses up is beautiful, wearing oneself new clothes and new trousers to come to the school. The school prepares the program of garden party for us, the blind feels tail of ball, picture, 2 people 3 sufficient etc. I played the blind to feel a ball, the teacher binds my eye, next, I go by to be patted with the hand all the time, oh, do not pat, but, the teacher also gives me a gift. I am much happier! Finally, the teacher calls us to return a class had sat to send a gift to give us in the room, we receive the laugh with the happy gift that the teacher sends. 61 Children's Festivals are how happy! I if only 61 Children's Festivals should open many play again.


Children's Day

On June 1st day, all children are very happy. On that day ,we don't go to school.Most of the children will go to the park. In the park, some children are flying kites, some are playing football, and some are playing a game.In the sky,there are a lot of kites.But there is only once a year we will have this happy festival.I think Children's Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day!


My Favourite Season我喜欢的季节英语作文50字

My favourite season is summer. I often wear my shorts and T-shirt. Sometimes I wear my jeans. In summer it is often sunny and hot. Sometimes rainy in summer. I usually swim with my father. Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home.



On August 1, the day of a different common, it changed the history of our country, changed our Chinese the following road, can so say, if do not have this one day, china people still lives in the old society of an abyss of suffering, it is 81 found an army section. Review the history, I as if before returning 80 years, that stirring hour. I sit on bench silently, abrupt is the flames of war that fly violently before, the setting with that boundless air, clear is showing the smoke of gunpowder with loose bone solemn and stirring peak, what the firearm reputation that never has had in life leaves me such is close! Let us review the history together. On August 1, 1927, whole China was full of rain of blood of wind of raw meat or fish. Zhou En comes, the uprise such as Zhu De, He Long, Xie Ting, Liu Baicheng army launch attack to the militia that defends Nanchang, through the hassle of 4 many hours, annihilation enemy 3000 more than person, put forward " Ko imperialism " , " Ko new old warlord " , " execute cultivator to have its field " wait for revolutionary catchword. Undertook reorganize to uprise army at the same time. Boundless warlike road, our country emerge in large numbers gives another hero, is everybody still written down is a Xiaoying maly? He is radish head Song Zhenzhong. When Song Zhenzhong is caught by the enemy, he ability is one year old. Radish head arrives 9 years old from 1 year old, childhood was spent in the enemy's den of monster, sufferred all kinds of Kuomintang of reactionary clique destroy and torment. When just was arrested, radish head Song Zhenzhong and mom are closed together in a female prison. This female prison has little only big, shade undercurrent is wet. Not far from firm door place is putting a closestool, fume the person is suffocatively come. In narrow prison house, fly, mosquito, bedbug is very much. Be bitten to get big sore to connecting pimple on the body of radish head, new sore pile move old sore, catch not carefully defeated with respect to blood dc. They eat is mildew rice and outer leaf of sodden Chinese cabbage. Such meal is being heard keck, did not say to eat. But, do not have method, mom is able to bear or endure strength goes to the dirty stuff winkle in the meal letting radish head eat again. Radish head just ate to be spat readily come out, shout continuously: "Really insipid! " mom is fooling say: "Dense is good, hear mom's word, eat! " the pet name that dense is radish head. Dense did not eat two again. Fellow sufferer people also anger anger ground says: "This connects the meal that pig dog does not eat, how to let the child eat go down? " mother is forced to take the meal that remain, he is fed again when waiting for radish head hunger. Radish head is closed in the enemy's jail as a child, how does he yearn for freedom, how wanting to have a look at the world outside is what kind of, but he does not have an opportunity to go out, can look at a sky from scuttle only everyday, looking at the abatis of the jail, watchtower. After a day of dinner, radish head and small green jade billows walk out of female prison, sit on stair. They are looking at the abatis on the high fence on and high fence. Radish head sighed at a heat, have no alternative says: "If I have freedom, this are much then better! " radish head although the person is closed in the jail, but, person poor keep in mind is not poor, in the enemy's jail, radish head did the work that a lot of grown revolutionary cannot do, to Ko reactionary clique, build new China to stand left immortal meritorious service, it is our country, and even the smallest martyr on the world. In the jail, subterranean party formulate plan of an escape from prison. To implement this plan, want to understand all fellow sufferer situations that are locked up above all. Radish head although the age is very small, but, he had locked up in the enemy's jail several years, can saying had been " old state criminal " , and, he can adapt oneself to changing circumstances, deal with the enemy ably. Subterranean party leader is important state criminal, without the freedom of the action, and radish head can ambulate freely, consequently, he did the work that a lot of grown revolutionary cannot do. The member that he became the subterranean liaison man of our party. On September 6, 1949, just radish head Song Zhenzhong of 9 years old and his father, mom at the same time by Kuomintang reactionary clique is killing. After Chongqing is liberated, radish head Song Zhenzhong is by admit posthumously revolutionary martyr, he is us country, and even the smallest martyr on the world. His illustrious name will forever by later generations engrave, immortal. Common saying says, towel silk does not allow a man, a such move one to praises and tears get heroine, she is Zhao Yiman. The enemy lets Zhao Yiman be taken to the execution ground together with those to be executed as a form of intimidation, the purpose draws out a few secrets from her mouth. At this moment, zhao Yiman has been about to die, the enemy sends her into the hospital, let a doctor preserve her life, preparation continues to interrogate. The doctor of responsible cure and nurse Zhao Yiman and nurse are a Chinese, they understand Zhao Yiman is because of what fight day stoutly and be arrested by day bandit, adamant to hers special admire. Later, zhao Yiman has moral guard help to fall in, escaped hospital, but, on the way that seeks the allied forces that fight day, was caught by the enemy again. On August 2, 1936, the enemy went to Zhao Yiman detain outside door of small north of bead river county. Zhao Yiman comes down from oxcart, she is worn before two military police want to go up. Shoulder of her left and right sides is swung suddenly, the hand that does not make that dirty touchs her. Zhao Yiman knows, last hour came. She goes hardly in brushwood to standing, there is peculiar glorious on gaunt face. "Zhao Yiman, what word do you still have to say? " the enemy cries fiercely. Zhao Yiman holds out a chest to shout: "Ko Japanese imperialism! " , " Chinese Communist banzai! " Zhao Yiman is in Babylon report of a gun in pool of blood, year only 31 years old. Zhao Yiman of the heroine that fight day sacrifices for the country fast 70 years, but her illustrious name is written down forever in our heart. We should learn her forever, commemorate her, accede her last wish, those who be an our country construction is better, make arduous efforts to realize well-off in the round! We this generation is happiness, without the war, without smoke of gunpowder, because such, we just follow should learn hard, after be brought up, render service to repay kindness the motherland, make the gift of national pillar! Soldiers of ability not let sb down soil red national flag with blood, with the new China that body builds! ! !
