
《A Dog's Purpose》读后感精选

《A Dog's Purpose》读后感精选

《A Dog's Purpose》是一本由Cameron, W. Bruce著作,Forge Books出版的精装图书,本书定价:$ 25.98,页数:320,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《A Dog's Purpose》读后感(一):轮回的意义:寻找它的男孩

小说的前半部分有点无聊,但后面开始比较有趣了。到最后回到农场的那段剧情中,读者才能完全明白它为什么要经历如此多的轮回。流浪经历让它学会找食、开门和躲避,因此它才会遇见伊森;和伊森的经历让它学会爱与陪伴,明白了它一生中最重要的使命,并且学会了拯救溺水的人类,因此它才会在下一世被Jakob选中成为最优秀的搜救犬,从而遇见Jacob、Maya和Al,并且拯救溺水的小男孩;和Maya生活的过程中它学会了如何寻找人类和拯救人类,才能在最后一次轮回中,用先前学到的所有技能,躲避警察、寻找食物、遇见伊森、寻找汉娜,最终让两个人重新在一起,拯救了伊森孤独痛苦的心。 四十多年后,曾经的小男孩变成了老爷爷,可它还是这么称呼它——my boy。 四十年的追寻让它遇见了它的男孩,完成了它的使命。 但是,将爱人类、拯救人类视作狗狗的使命和狗狗生命中最大的意义,是否有些人类中心呢?嘿,我想,只有人类会为了贝利的付出感动,狗狗可不会。

《A Dog's Purpose》读后感(二):看书后有感而发

2016年9月份老公跟我说有一部电影将在2017年1月底上映,贴给我一张书的封面图片,是配合电影版的金毛封面,无独有偶,我们家里正养着一只金毛,在网上看了书内容的介绍,心动不已,提前2个多月在亚马逊预定了《A dog's Purpose》。















《A Dog's Purpose》读后感(三):A good read, but somewhat anthropocentric

The reason I picked up this book is that I happened to watch a trailer of the movie version of the book first, which would come out in the first month next year. The pace of the trailer is swift, the color is bright and full of vigor, the starring dog is just sooooo adorable and understanding and cute!!! More than ever the incarnation part happening on a dog (maybe for the first time happening on a dog in movie industry) is so innovative! There are certain lines and scenes so hilarious that would send a good laugh shaking your body really hard, but the next moment the scene would be so moving it basically would knock your tears off in a split of second. I watched the trailer for at least 8 times and never got enough of it.

Knowing that the movie is adapted from a book, I logged on the American douban —— Goodreads to see whether or not the book is as good as the preview of the movie, which turned out to be a big affirmative YES. Over 43,000 readers have read and ranked this book and it scores 4.33 out of 5, which is a stunning high score. So I purchased one online, started reading it immediately, and here is what I found out after an inconsecutive 8 hour journey of "scampering" through it:

Generally speaking, this one is a good read. The narrator of the book is a dog, so naturally it will only tell the story in dog language and think in a dog mindset, which is perfectly crafted by the author and you can tell from the tone, the usage of the words and thoughts and emotions behind them that whoever talks to you must be one of our fluffy and tongue-lagging friends. Since the narrator is seeing the human world in his/her doggy eyes, there are a lot of things he/her either doesn't get it, or get it totally wrong, which turns out to create tons of laughing on reader's part due to the fact that as humans, we readers know exactly what the humans in the book do or mean, but the dog does not, and misunderstand them in a quite amusing way in most situations. The dog sees things, sure, but he does not understand them correctly, therefore he is a unreliable narrator.

Besides, the author does not shy away from some dark sides concernig either the inappropriate petting or human misfortunes themselves. To name a few: Euthanasia, owners' abusive treatments of their pets, poor adopting environment, alcoholicism, hatred and violence, death of both humans and pets...scenes to make you feel sad and heartrending, and while the anger or terror or pure sadness well up inside of you over the helplessness and misfortune of both parties, you know that the author does care about the dog, that the dog does have feelings, emotions, joy, pain, and even as the tiltle suggests, a purpose, while we humans, more often than not, probably have ignored this kind of fact. On the other hand, by watching and sniffing and nuzzling into human world from the perspective of a dog, we got a chance to revisit our everyday happiness and sorrow in a brand new way, otherwise we would not have registered them in our consciousness at all since we already take them for granted in our daily lives.

Well, if you are looking for a fun book, a page turner, and something that can both lift you up and give you a good cry(but not much, and usually these would be happy tears), A dog's purpose would definitely be your choice. The only thing I regret about is that there may be in this novel too many demonstrastions, instead of suggestions. Do dogs really have a purpose? Judging from the book, the sole purpose a dog has is to serve people, and without humans around he would be forever straying, hiding, wild and feral and unhappy. But the problem is, the book keeps telling us this as a universal truth, and telling it time after time after time without a slice of doubt. As I said, there are too many demonstrations, and almost no suggestion, and as a reader all you need is take the statements and opinions comfortably and let them carry you through with no need of second thoughts.

But, is the purpose in question really the purpose of all dogs? how can this book be so sure about it? As a literature major student I have been bombarded by modernest novels which build up stories around conflicting and even contrasting drives and motifs, which of course is hard for reader to read in a light mood, for you have to think hard and try to live with the anbiguity of the story, just as the way we live in this world —— this is not a world of black or white, in fact, there are multiple shades of gray and much, much more vivid and complex colors. Therefore, standing on such a point of view, I may say that the book may be too anthropocentric, and there is too little room for the reader to think and contemplate.

All in all, we know exactly how the author thinks what the dog's purpose is, but we still have no idea of the dog's own answer, therefore I feel that this book maybe a little too anthropocentric. But hey, those are just my own opinions and sometimes, who doesn't want an easy and joyful read?
