







用英语演讲,不要用太多 i feel, i think,老是用i,显得十分主观,狭隘。如果通篇全是 i feel, i think 的内容,会给人觉得缺乏说服力。另外,perhaps, maybe 这样的词语,虽然有“客气,谦虚”的成分,但太多会让人觉得你演讲的内容有不可靠之处。

还有,在演讲中,要少用you,多用we。用you等于把自己与听众对立起来,而用we则拉近了与听众的距离。比如:you should not smoke.听上去像教训人,而 let’s not smoke听起来是一个不错的建议。


英语演讲应该简洁扼要,直截了当。除非特别需要,一般不要采用中文中的那种迂回曲折的表达形式。据有关专家统计,一般人的注意力一次只能集中约13分钟。所以,演讲长度以10~15分钟为宜。下面是美国总统林肯所作的著名的盖茨堡演说,虽然全文只有短短200多个词,却带有振奋人心、扭转乾坤般的力量。其中 of the people, by the people, for the people(民有,民治,民享)已成为不朽佳句。对于中学生来说,这篇演讲现在读起来一定会觉得很难,但要写好英语演讲,这确实是值得认真研读的经典之作。

gettysburg address

four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.

we are met on a great battlefield of that war. we have come to dedicate a portion of the field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that the nation might live. it is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. but in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground.

the brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. the world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

it is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. it is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, ----that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion, ----that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, ----that this nation, under god, shall have a new birth of freedom, ----and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.





最常用的是 ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 fellow students, distinguished guests, mr chairman, honorable judges(评委)等等。 [文章来源于 ]

2)提出论题 爱爱英语学习网站







结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似“准备不足,请谅解”,“请批评指正”这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:thank you very much for your attention。



在英语演讲中,and, but, so, then 等虚词要尽量少用,that, which 等词引导的定语从句也只会使句子结构变得复杂,而使听众难以跟上演讲者的思路,从而影响演讲的效果。相反,多使用实词,短句,可使得演讲内容更清晰,气势更磅礴。


that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.(排比)


united, there is little we can not do; divided, there is little we can do.(对照)


let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.


Hello everyone. My name is Alec. I’m so glad to be here. My topic is my holiday.

Today is my holiday. I ask my mum, “Can we go to Baiyun Mountain with Dad?” “Good idea,” says mum. We pack some water and snacks, and then we drive there. There are two ways to the top of the mountain. We choose the steeper one because we want a challenge. The scenery is very beautiful. There are trees and flowers everywhere. We see a beehive with bees busy working. We meet a lot of people on the way. Some of them are singing, some of them are dancing, and some of them are playing with their family.

When we climb halfway up the mountain, it is getting steeper and steeper. We are bathed in sweat. Mum and I are tired to walk. Dad says, “keep on going. Where there is a will there is a way.” At last we climb to the summit. We are very happy though we arevery tired. From the peak of Baiyun Mountain we can see the whole city of Guangzhou. It is so beautiful. We sit down, relax, and enjoy our snacks.

I wish I could have more time like this to relax with my family.


On behalf of my school holiday to all my classmates congratulations, I wish everyone a happy holiday!

I also take this opportunity to all the teachers to express my heartfelt thanks and highest respect. Your teacher is not only respected, it is hard gardener. Love your school such as home, such as sub-LOVE-sheng; diligent, hard working; teaching and selfless dedication. You create a beautiful environment, you create a good quality, for your development and growth of the School to create a good foundation and conditions.

Students, "61" you are most happy holiday, "61" is also our most happy day. Since:

You are the baby home, it is the hope of home. Happiness can you grow up on the home is full of singing and laughing. Children are your schools, it is hoped that the School. You can develop a comprehensive school full of vigor and vitality. You are the future of society, it is the community's aspirations. You can harmonious development of society on the passion and friendship. The flowers are your homeland, it is the hope of the motherland. You can grow up healthy and strong, full of beautiful homeland and hope.

I hope the students: a civilized, studious, independent, co-operation. Study Institute, Institute of Living, learning life, learning to create. As rich as an adult sense of responsibility, rich sense of mission, a dignified life, serious work, study happily, growth. Love for the motherland, love the party, love the people, love nature, love life, love science, love learning, love of labor. Cherish life, cherish the time and treasure friendship, cherish the opportunity to study and development. Show concern for the environment, concerned about the collective, caring for others. Dear teachers, classmates United, courtesy others; distinguish between right and wrong, identify the beauty and ugliness, man of integrity. Make an ideal long-term, dignified behavior, learning and good mental and physical health of the successors of the communist cause.

I hope teachers: work, love health, rigorous inquiry. Comprehensively implement the party's education policy, teaching, education simultaneously Friday. Firmly establish a sense of service, quality awareness and quality consciousness. For every student, an educational treasure every opportunity to better each lesson, do everything to promote the health of every student, harmonious, all-round development. Of life for the students lay a solid foundation for development.








I am happy to be here. Today, I am speaking here on behalf of our friends, who also live in this planet——the animals.

Maybe in the most people’s eyes, animals have no feeling, no thoughts, and no emotions. Therefore, they mistreat them, kill them and eat them. It is time to protect these animals.

Many animals in the world are in danger of dying out. This is because people are destroying their homes. When this happens, the animals cannot find enough food. For example, people use bamboo from bamboo forest for building. Pandas eat bamboo. Therefore they no longer have enough food to eat. Sea turtles , Asian elephants, tigers are in danger too. People hunt them for their body parts.

Can you feel the pain of a mother elephants whose babies were killed by a hunter? Can you feel the fear of those homeless wild animals? Of course your answer is no, because you are not them. But that does not mean the animals can not feel them. They have thoughts, emotions as well as human beings.

Do you enjoy seeing different kinds of animals? We need to protect them and their homes so that our children can still see them in the future.

So show respect for the animals. Treat your pets well. Do not buy tusk and eat less meat and seafood. Do not pollute the environment so they have home to live. They will thank you. 、Many people will thank you too.

Thank you!












If I had a chance to go to some place else, I will go to Los Angelus, America.

I’ll go there because I like the climate there. In spring, it will be drier than Guangzhou, so things there won’t get moist. In summer, although it’s hot, but won’t be hot to death. In autumn and winter, it won’t get too cold. And it’s not semi-tropical, so there won’t be too moist in the forest. The air there is cool, dry. It’s also not polluted, so it smells good. The living area there is near-by. It won’t be tens or hundreds kilometers between a living area to another. It’s just some meters between.

That’s why I like going to Los Angelus.


Huamei School is a international school. So today I want to talk about some differences between east and west. What are the major differences between Chinese and western ?I wonder how many things do we know about the difference between west and east? Although I can’t tell you exactly , I want to talk about it in the following three parts. They are food, dressing and living styles.

First, food. In China, we prefer noodles, rice , as the main course. We like cooking a lot of delicious dishes, We sit together, and taste the dishes together, , when we eating ,we like chatting and laughing, But in England or other west countries, people like eating hamburgers, chips, pizza, pasta as their main course, they eat them with vegetable salad.

Second, dressing. In China, we prefer colorful clothes, we dress them in different place, but we don’t make up; But in west countries, people dress according their visiting places, in daily times, they often wear casual clothes, but if they go to a formal places , they often wear suits, ladies wearing beautiful dresses, pretty hats. No matter how old the ladies are, they always make up.

Third, living styles. Chinese prefer getting up early and go to bed early too. Children often go to different spare schools to study. They seldom go to work during the weekend.

That’s the differences I know. I And I believe that “East or west , home is best”.


If I had a chance to travel the world, I would like to go to Hawaii, because Hawaii is the most pleasant scenery location in the ocean I would like to spend my holidays。 Hawaii is one of the most famous scenic spot in the earth。

Hawaii is also a beautiful city, and it is a good place to have fun。 I would like to go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine, and play with water and go surfing。 I would also like to buy some souvenirs in Hawaii, and eat some delicious foods like macadamia nut etc。

During the coming national holiday, I will visit Tokyo and Osaka with my parents, and play in Disneysea and the Universal Studio, I wish I would have chance to visit Hawaii。
