



●The trees have shed their leafy clothing and their colors have faded to grays and browns. I saw a millions of trees all dusted with snow just like out of a fairy tale. I would count the hours, minutes and seconds until you are in my arms.

树叶一片片地飘落,颜色也渐渐变灰变棕。我看见无数银装素裹的树,就像从童话故事走出来似的。我会数着时间,每一时,每一分,每一秒,直到拥你入怀。 ----《绿皮书》

whatever you do,do it a hundred percent. ----《绿皮书》

●You never win with violence.You only win when you maintain your dignity.
你永远不会以暴力取胜。只有保持尊严才能战胜一切。 ----《绿皮书》

●我们无法选择出身,但可以选择朋友. ----《绿皮书》

●They don't have a choice, but you do.

他们没有选择的机会,但你有。 ----《绿皮书》

●暴力永远不能取胜,保持尊严,才会赢得真正的胜利。 ----《绿皮书》

●There are all kinds of people in this world. It happens that we have become friends. This is not fate. It is just that we should be friends.

这世界上有各种各样的人,恰巧我们成为了朋友,这不是缘分,只仅仅是我们本就应该是朋友。 ----《绿皮书》

●Falling in love with you was the easiest thing i have ever done. Nothing matters to me but you. And everyday i am alive, i'm aware of this. I loved you the day i met you, i love you today and i will love you to rest of my life.
与你相爱是我所做过的最轻松的事。没有什么比你更重要。在我活着的每一天我都会深深地感觉到。遇见你的那天我就以爱上你,今天我爱你, 余生也会继续爱你。 ----《绿皮书》

●我父亲曾经说过,无论你做什么,百分之百地做,工作就工作,笑就笑,吃饭的时候要像最后一顿。 ----《绿皮书》

●世界上有太多孤独的人害怕先踏出第一步。 ----《绿皮书》

●改变大众的想法,这需要很大的勇气。 ----《绿皮书》
