
《The Odyssey》读后感锦集

《The Odyssey》读后感锦集

《The Odyssey》是一本由Homer著作,Viking出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 35.00,页数:541,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Odyssey》读后感(一):大声朗读吧

"Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns

driven time and again off course, once he had plundered

the hallowed heights of Troy.

Many cities of men he saw and learned their minds,

many pains he suffered, heartsick on the open sea,

fighting to save his life and bring his comrades home.

But he could not save them from disaster, hard as he strove

the recklessness of their own ways destroyed them all,

the blind fools, they devoured the cattle of the Sun

and the Sungod blotted out the day of their return. . . ."

个人以为, 《奥德赛》的文学性更甚于《伊利亚特》,读起来象流行小说那样毫不费力。情节固然重要,性格白描、对话、心理、场景等细节也应留意,同时享受荷马收放自如的语言风格,最好大声朗读,对于培养英语语感与流畅性也很有裨益呢!

《The Odyssey》读后感(二):Epic of Hero

The book Odyssey was a Greek epic poem attributed to Homer, describing the journey of Odysseus after the fall of Troy. The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote a brief summary of Odyssey.

“A certain man has been abroad many years; he is alone, and the god Poseidon keeps a hostile eye on him. At home the situation is that the suitors for his wife’s hand are draining his recourses and plotting to kill his son. Then, after suffering from storm and shipwreck, he comes home, makes himself known, attacks the suitors: he survives and they are destroyed. ”

During the journey, Odysseus suffered a lot of and lost all of his soldiers and fleet of 12 ships. At the same time, his loyal wife and son was in danger because many suitors were looking at the throne of Odysseus. After Odysseus’s return, he fought against those suitors with the help of his son. He finally made himself a hero in the ancient Greek Mythology, but how much sacrifice did that cost?

First, during his early voyage, Odysseus was taken to the island of Cicones where they sacked the main city Ismarus, attacked the local people and stole their possessions, which was shared by Odysseus and his men.

Second, Odysseus blinded the giant’s eye with much loss of his crews. The giant, however, was actually the son of Poseidon. In that way, Odysseus was cursed by Poseidon and could not return home even after many years.

Third, when Odysseus and his men reached city of the giant Laestrygonians, thousands of Laestrygonians hurled huge deadly rocks and spears at their ships. Only Odysseus and the men on his own ship survived.

Fourth, six of Odysseus’s crew was eaten by the six head of Scylla.

Fifth, a shipwreck was made by Zeus because Odysseus’s men ate the sacred cattle of sun god Helio. Only himself surviving, Odysseus lost all of his soldiers.

Finally, Odysseus took revenge to the suitors in his homeland and killed them all.

It was hard to image how much sacrifice had been made before Odysseus was called as a hero. In the ancient Greek Mythology, hero always came with death and slaughter, no matter of mortals or monsters. Moreover, the famous Trojan War was only caused by one person, the most beauty Helen, and she caused millions of death. How much did those lives weight indeed?

The epic of hero was only written in blood.

《The Odyssey》读后感(三):Cunning, Stick and Seductive

The book’s name “Odyssey” derives from the Greek word “Odusseia” which means that the story of Odysseus. While, it is more than the story of one brave hero in my eyes, it is the story about cunning, stick and seductive.

If Iliad is about the strength, the sequent of this epic, the Odyssey, is about the cunning. The hero Odysseus was good at disguise even facing the goddess of wisdom. When the Phaeacians finally sent Odysseus home, Odysseus woke up and did not know where it was, at that time, Athena appeared in disguise, but the cunning Odysseus did not tell the truth right away before knowing who the man was but made up a story about himself. Then, in the plan of slaughtering the suitors, Odysseus also showed the foxy disposition. He disguised as a beggar and succeeded in deceiving all people except his loyal dog. This old fox lurked and waited for the best time to kill all suitors. As the Chinese old saying goes, a good Jack makes a good Jill. Penelope, Odysseus’ devoted wife, also shows the resembled character. She was a weak woman, but when the 108 suitors exerted pressure on her, she had the special way to keep herself loyal. She put the suitors off by promising to choose one of them when she should have finished the shroud for the old lord Laertes, but this was an impossible mission. For three years, she wove the cloak by day and undid her work by night. At long last, she waited till Odysseus, the one was in her mind daily and nightly, came to meet her. Nonetheless, she did not lose her head but tested him in a clever way. Odysseus and Penelope were really fox couple.

Although it is more about cunning stories, there was still something stupid. Odysseus told the one-eyed giant Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon, that his name was “Nobody” and blinded the Cyclope after he was drunk and fell asleep. After Odysseus sailed away, he shouted his real identity and teased the giant. The act of making enemies was not wise. Odysseus suffered a lot from this foolish act. Polyphemus called on his father Poseidon and cursed on Odysseus, then “he arrived home after many years, in distress, without his companions, upon another’s ship, and may find trouble in his house”. He paid for this reasonless deed with 10-year disasters.

The Odyssey is also the story about stick . There comes first is one moving detail in this story. Odysseus’ loyal dog, Argos, once strong in the war but now old and neglected, waiting his master for 20 years. He was the only one recognized Odysseus in disguise upon the return to Ithaca. The minute he saw his master, he wagged the tail and died. It remained me of a dog, Hachi. In the movie Hachi, after Hachi’s master died, he waited for him to come back every day in the station just like usual. Loyal Hachi did not have watch, but arrived at the station on the same time and sat on the same place every day. From day to night, from spring to winter, how many conversion cycle, the only constant is standing waiting figure. Hachi waited for 9 years until died of old age. Maybe Argos was more lucky than Hachi for he saw the master at the last of far-flung waiting, but the 20-year waiting was really hard to imagine. The distance between life and death, for a dog, it cannot fathom, he only believes, his master will come back. As a dog, he has its principles, never abandon, regardless of sickness and death. Argos and Hachi were all “domesticated” by their beloved masters and were willing to let them occupy the whole heart and keep pure heart to wait, just like the little prince and the fox, and they all taught that the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you loved. “If you need a friend, get a dog. It is a trench warfare out there.” Dog was really loyal friend. Oppositely, Trojan war was not the end, the long sea journey was also not the end, there was still a “trench warfare” at home waiting for Odysseus. While he was away, there are more than one hundred men could not wait to overturn him and counted his wife in the hope of his place as husband and as the king of Ithaca and forgot totally how well their dear king Odysseus treated them before, which was in stark contrast to the loyal dog. The story of Agamemnon was also a tragedy of “trench warfare”. Ten-year Trojan war did not defeat him, lengthy sea journey did not make him down, however, upon his arrival on the hometown which was in his though all the time, he was killed by his wife. Nevertheless, there was consolation, unlike Agamemnon’s wife, Penelope, facing with 108 young suitors, just remained loyal to his husband hanged in the balance, like their marriage beg which was constructed around an olive tree and served as the bed post.

The Odyssey is also the story about seductive. The journey of Odyssey was not only to conquer the difficult caused by Poseidon but also to avoid temptations. The seductresses were the main part of temptation. Odysseus and his crew met sweet-singing Sirens whose songs would lure sailors to their land. Also, Odysseus came across two charming woman Circe and Calypso who wanted to keep him stay on their island. These temptation came from charming women were all resisted. However, the temptation of food often had negative associations in the Odyssey. Odysseus and his crew landed the island of Lotus-Eaters and had to resist the temptation of the honey-sweet fruit which will made people forget about everything and just want to stay. This kind of fruit was similar to drugs nowadays. In the following journey, the crew of Odysseus ate the cattle of sun god enraged the god and made all of them pay with their life. In these cases, excessive eating represents not only just lack of self-control, but also the total absence of humanity and civility.

From any angle, the Odyssey can unfold into a great epic. It is more than the story about odyssey and about cunning, stick and seductive, and it deserves us to deep into.
