
How to Become a Straight-A Student读后感1000字

How to Become a Straight-A Student读后感1000字

《How to Become a Straight-A Student》是一本由Cal Newport著作,Three Rivers Press出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 13.99,页数:224,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《How to Become a Straight-A Student》读后感(一):一本好书,主要针对大学生,有文化差异


虽然是外国人写的书,所以跟我们的教育体系不太一样,但还是有很多值得借鉴的地方。 最让我印象深刻的就是Part1讲的用List和Calender记录日程的办法。 核心思想就是把一张纸分成左右两边。 左边记今天要做的各种事情,相当于To-do list,称为''Today's schedule''; 右边当做备忘录,记录今天遇到的要事(像考试开始的时间、被邀请参加的活动、作业的截止日期之类的)、突然灵光一现的想法(像是要去健身、读书,或者想要去旅个游这样的)等,称作"Things to remember" 然后一天结束时,把那些记到“备忘录”的东西规划一个日期,再记到到Calendar上的对应时间。 第二天开始时,就把前一天没完成的任务和Calender上记录的,要去今天完成的任务全部扫进今天的List,然后再加上每一件事要去完成的精准时间。昨玩之后之后就可以把前一天的List丢掉开始新的一天啦。



《How to Become a Straight-A Student》读后感(二):2023 No.20 How to become a straight-A student


Cal Newport








Cal Newport教给学生们成为一个有计划性和organized的人




本书分成三个部分具体讲述了如何从时间安排 考试 essay三方面取胜













我个人认为其实还是be organize的成功学书籍


《How to Become a Straight-A Student》读后感(三):personal summary of this book

As the author says in the introduction proudly, all the learning techniques in the book are used by top students themselves, not invented by so-called education experts. I strongly recommend this book to college students struggling to get good grades. Try the methods for some time and then see weather they work or not.

When students could't get the good result in school, the first response is to grind : spending tons of extra hours into study. It never occurs to them that their study methods are wrong.

I am one of those students. I went to college with the same study methods used in high school which was time-consuming and inefficient. I was asked by my teachers to study , study , study , but none of them had taught me anything about how to study. (“学习!学习!再学习!” Vs “学习学习,再学习。”)

"If you're studying hard, then you've done something wrong."

The methods expounded in this book are specific and practical.

Here are just some of the content I find most helpful to myself ( I major in engineering, so I gonna skip all the methods using in nontechnical courses.)

FROM PART ONE : study basics

# 1

Avoid "pseudo-working"(grinding). Only efficiency matters.

## Solution:

time management taking less then ten minutes every day using a calendar and a paper( consisted of "today's schedule" & "thing to remember" .)

## How it works:

(1) jot down new tasks and assignments on the list during the day;

(2) transfer these new items onto calendar

(3) plan your day on a new paper

## Notes:

### Be pessimistic .Things will come up.

### Try to label each of to-dos for the day with specific time. BUT the time is not set in stone, it's more of a suggestion.

### to-dos and deadlines existed only in your mind drain your energy, distract your attention and create stress, so after writing down those things on your " thing to remember" list, put them aside. Update to your calendar tomorrow and find yourself a suitable day to finish it.

### Have a realistic sense of time.The goal is just find out how many tasks you ACTUALLY have time to accomplish for the day.Don't try to fit every minutes into your plan.

# 2

Declare wars on procrastination

## Keep a progress journal updated along with your calendar.

## Build work routines to make steady progress.

## Prepare for your hard days in advance to minimize their impact.

# 3


1. WHEN: Fit as much work as possible into morning and afternoon. Utilize the time between classes and obligations.

2. WHERE: Find your own perfect Isolated locations to study. Be like a academic ninja during the day, moving from one hidden study places to places and enjoy your nights with friends.

3. HOW LONG: consecutive five hours studying will slow you down. Try to take a break every less than an hour.

FROM PART TWO: quizzes and exams


Always go to class!

Take smart notes.

# 5

Demote your assignments.

Never depend on: day-before assignment planing. Work constantly in small chunks every day.

# 6

Don't work alone on problem sets.

When you get stuck , put away your problems and move on to something else. Think about the problem in between other activities or having a long walk.

# 7

How to prepare form exams:

(1) Define the scope of the exam.

(2) Collect your resources. Construct a mega-problem set.

(3) Use the Quiz-and-Recall method( first review and then try to explain it , unaided, in your own word ) to solve the mega-problem set.

Start with the technical explanation questions, thinking about the general concepts first.

Then move on to the sample problems. Try to answer each.DON'T JUST DO THIS IN YOUR HEAD.

《How to Become a Straight-A Student》读后感(四):读书摘抄

• How to Become a Straight-A Student 笔记

• PART 1 Study Basics

• pseudo-working(伪学习)

• the importance of avoiding this trap — the ability to get work done quickly and with a minimum of wasted effort.

• work accomplished = time spent × intensity of focus

• Straight-A Students follow an efficient schedule: They replace long, low-intensity stretches of work with a small number of short, high-intensity sessions.

• also: technical details in part 2 and part 3

• how?

• the presentation of a simple time-management system

• fight procrastination

• the basic idea

• Step 1 Manage Your Time in Five Minutes a Day (time management system)

• what you need 1)a calendar; 2)a list(you do have to carry around with you)

• methods

• (1) Jot down new tasks and assignments on your list during the day;

• (2) next morning, transfer these new items from your list onto your calendar;

• (3) then take a couple of minutes to plan your day.

• strategies

• update your calendar each morning

• Transfer these new items onto your calendar. Write the deadlines on the appropriate dates, and write the to-dos on the days when you plan to complete them.

• move the to-dos that you planned for yesterday, but didn’t complete, to new days on your calendar

• record the tasks you will have time for into the Today’s Schedule column of your list

• Step 2 Declare War on Procrastination

• five anti-procrastination battle plans

• Plan 1 Keep a work progress journal

• every day record what you wanted to accomplish and whether or not you succeeded

• Plan 2 Feed the Machine

• the nutrition rules

• 1. Drink water constantly.

• 2. Monitor your caffeine intake carefully.

• 3. Treat food as a source of energy, not satisfaction.

• 4.Don’t skip meals.

• Plan 3 Make an event out of the worst tasks

• Transform horrible tasks into a big event to help you gather the energy to start.

• Plan 4 Build a routine

• Once you’ve identified these protected hours, use them to do the same work each week——transforming these slices of work into a habit.

• Plan 5 Choose your hard days

• Step 3 Choose When, Where, and How Long

• when:the best time to study: Early

• you must minimize the amount of work you do after dinner.

• Bring your materials with you throughout the day, and fill in any small patches of free time with productive work.

• where: in isolation

• how long: No more than one hour at a time without a break.

• PART 2 Quizzes and Exams ——the techniques

• step 1 Take Small Notes

• First things first: Always go to class!——because it saves you time; Gather the Right Materials ——Use your laptop.

• in Nontechnical Courses

• Identify the big ideas:The solution is to figure out how to take notes that clearly identify and explain all of the big ideas that are presented

• Format Your Notes Aggressively

• Capture Big Ideas by Using the Question/Evidence/Conclusion Structure

• in Technical Courses

• record as many sample problems as possible

• Don’t Read Your Assignments, but Do Keep Them Handy

• Prioritize Your Note-taking

• First priority: Record the problem statement and answer.

• Second priority: Question the confusing.

• Third priority: Record the steps of the sample problem.

• Final priority: Annotate the steps.

• step 2 Demote Your Assignments

• getting ahead on class work : Work Constantly on assignments, in small chunks, every day; avoid suffering from day-before syndrome

• Don’t Read Everything

• Read only the favored sources on the syllabus in detail.

• Readings that make an argument are more important than readings that describe an event or person, which are more important than readings that only provide context

• Take Smart Notes on Your Favored Reading Assignments

• all big ideas can be reduced to a question, evidence, and conclusion

• 1.try to take notes on your computer

• 2.carefully read the beginning of the assignment

• 3.look for the author’s conclusion (the thesis statement)

• 4.Skim the entire reading

• Don’t Work Alone on Problem Sets

• Solve Problems on the Go

• think about the problem in between other activities

• Write Solutions Right the First Time

• step 3 Marshal(整理) Your Resources

• forget the conventional wisdom that more studying equals better grades.

• when faced with a looming quiz or exam, you have to do only two things.

• Figure out exactly what the test will cover.

• organize your material intelligently.

• Define the Challenge

• Build a Study Guide (Organizing Nontechnical Course Material)

• Construct a Mega-Problem Set (Organizing Technical Course Material)

• Prepare Memorization Aids: by using flash cards

• Schedule Your Organization Wisely

• perform a targeted review of this material.

• step 4 Conquer the Material

• Trust the #Quiz-and-Recall Method#

• the most effective way to imprint a concept is to first review it and then try to explain it, unaided, in your own words.

• Using the Quiz-and-Recall Method for Nontechnical Courses

• 1.built your practice quizzes

• 2. For each question, try to articulate the matching conclusion and provide some highlights from the supporting evidence.

• Don’t do this only in your head 1)say your answers out 2) write and manipulate the material in mind

• 3.then take a quick break and mark on your second run-through

• Using the Quiz-and-Recall Method for Technical Courses

• Memorize over Time: separate the task of memorizing

• step 5 invest in “Academic Disaster Insurance”

• Eliminate your question marks for topics covered in class or from the reading that you don’t understand.

• step 6 provide A+ Answers

• PART 3 Essays and Papers

• Step 1. Target a Titillating Topic

• Start looking for an interesting topic early.

• Step 2. Conduct a Thesis-Hunting Expedition

• Start with general sources and then follow references to find the more targeted sources where good thesis ideas often hide.

• Step 3. Seek a Second Opinion

• A thesis is not a thesis until a professor has approved it.

• Step 4. Research like a Machine

• Find sources; Make personal copies of all sources; Annotate the material; Decide if you’re done.

• Step 5. Craft a Powerful Story

• There is no shortcut to developing a well balanced and easy-to-follow argument.

• Dedicate a good deal of thought over time to getting it right.

• Describe your argument in a topic-level outline.

• Type supporting quotes from sources directly into your outline.

• Step 6. Consult Your Expert Panel

• Before starting to write, get some opinions on the organization of your argument and your support from classmates and friends who are familiar with the general area of study.

• The more important the paper, the more people who should review it.

• Step 7. Write Without the Agony(痛苦)

• Follow your outline and articulate your points clearly.

• Write no more than three to five pages per weekday and five to eight pages per weekend day.

• Step 8. Fix, Don’t Fixate

• Solid editing requires only three careful passes: The Argument Adjustment Pass; The Out Loud Pass; The Sanity Pass
