


《A&P》是一本由John Updike著作,Harcourt Brace College Publishers出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 140.50,页数:1997-12,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《A&P》读后感(一):美国经典文学作品解析:“A&P”by John Updike





棱格尔(Lengel),这家店的经理刚好也走了进来,并强调到:“ 这可不是沙滩哦。”并强调来购物时需穿衣得体,也强调下次来店里购物时必须把肩膀遮住,又强调了是这里的政策。而女孩却没有胆怯,而是也回应道我们的穿着没有任何问题。于是经过一番对话后,女孩子愤怒地离开了商店,Sammy也在女孩还没有走远的时候破天荒的提出了辞职,不过女孩走得太快并没有听到。在经理再三询问后,Sammy还是选择了辞职,他快速离开商店,女孩们早就消失在人海,不过Sammy也意识到他以后的日子可能会不太好过。







《A&P》读后感(二):The Mind of a Juvenile

The term “teenager” often conjures up images of rebellious young people, their reason clouded by alcohol and recreational drugs, yelling and screaming in the street after a midnight party. Popular culture perpetuates such stereotypically negative images of delinquent teens through movies, television shows, and music videos. However, the mass media rarely takes the time to reflect on the workings of the mind of the juvenile. Seldom does the public have an opportunity to ponder what provokes juvenile delinquency. Shedding insight on the mind of a juvenile, John Updike’s story “A & P” presents to readers with a vivid picture of how a typical teenager’s thoughts can lead to changes in life. Through the characterization of a nineteen year-old boy, Sammy, the story demonstrates the impulsive, immature and fickle nature of the mind of a juvenile.

Sammy’s impulsive sexual desire is first manifested by his strong attraction to “the three girls in nothing but bathing suits” (17). His sexual fantasy of the girls can be seen through the detailed observation and lavish narration of the girls’ appearance whenever they show up at his sight. When the girls walk past the bread, Sammy immediately looks at the “chunky kid” (17) in the “plaid green two-piece” (17). Sammy’s observation is so detailed that he even notices the girl’s “two-piece” features a bright green color; her bra has sharp seams and “her belly was still pretty pale” (17). With such minute descriptions on a random girl’s clothing, it is impossible to argue that the boy is not sexually aroused by the girl. In addition to the “chunky kid” (17), Sammy is particularly attracted to the leading girl, “Queenie” (17). The words he chooses to delineate her physical traits are powerfully descriptive. With her “oaky hair” (18) and “the straps pushed off, there was nothing between the top of the suit and the top of her head except just her, this clean bare plane of the top of her chest down from the shoulder bones like a dented sheet of metal tilted in light” (18). He is completely enchanted by this young woman whom he judges as being “more than pretty” (18).

Other than the impulsive sexual desire, Sammy’s juvenile mind is also marked by his immature and fickle nature. The fact that he tries to act sophisticated marks his immaturity. When passing judgment on the girls’ appearance, he presents himself as a kind of expert. He thinks that he knows things. For example, he thinks that the girl with long chin is “the kind of girl other girls think [was] very ‘striking’ and ‘attractive’ but never quite [made] it” (17). He also thinks that no one knows for sure how girls’ minds work, but he does (17-18). This egotistical attitude and naïve belief that he is superior in the knowledge of girls indicates Sammy’s immaturity, which can also be seen in his interactions with Stokesie. The farce-like “Daddy-Darling” (19) conversation illustrates his playful nature. The culmination of Sammy’s immaturity results in his quitting his job just because he is mad at Lengel, who chastises and embarrasses the girls in bathing suits (19). Soon after he quits his job and leaves the store to look for the girls, who have already left, he realizes “how hard the world was going to be to [him] hereafter” (20). Making a cursory decision to quit his job based on his emotion and subsequently regretting the decision is an apparent sign of Sammy’s fickle and impractical nature.

The story comes with a sad ending, but ironically Sammy “[didn’t] think it’s sad [himself] (19).

Sammy’s dramatic day reminds the readers of how a sexually-impulsive, immature and fickle juvenile can turn his life around.


Sammy’s impulsive sexual desire is first manifested by his strong attraction to “the three girls in nothing but bathing suits” (17). His sexual fantasy of the girls can be seen through the detailed observation and lavish narration of the girls’ appearance whenever they show up at his sight. When the girls walk past the bread, Sammy immediately looks at the “chunky kid” (17) in the “plaid green two-piece” (17). Sammy’s observation is so detailed that he even notices the girl’s “two-piece” features a bright green color; her bra has sharp seams and “her belly was still pretty pale” (17). With such minute descriptions on a random girl’s clothing, it is impossible to argue that the boy is not sexually aroused by the girl. In addition to the “chunky kid” (17), Sammy is particularly attracted to the leading girl, “Queenie” (17). The words he chooses to delineate her physical traits are powerfully descriptive. With her “oaky hair” (18) and “the straps pushed off, there was nothing between the top of the suit and the top of her head except just her, this clean bare plane of the top of her chest down from the shoulder bones like a dented sheet of metal tilted in light” (18). He is completely enchanted by this young woman whom he judges as being “more than pretty” (18).


Other than the impulsive sexual desire, Sammy’s juvenile mind is also marked by his immature and fickle nature. The fact that he tries to act sophisticated marks his immaturity. When passing judgment on the girls’ appearance, he presents himself as a kind of expert. He thinks that he knows things. For example, he thinks that the girl with long chin is “the kind of girl other girls think [was] very ‘striking’ and ‘attractive’ but never quite [made] it” (17). He also thinks that no one knows for sure how girls’ minds work, but he does (17-18). This egotistical attitude and naïve belief that he is superior in the knowledge of girls indicates Sammy’s immaturity, which can also be seen in his interactions with Stokesie. The farce-like “Daddy-Darling” (19) conversation illustrates his playful nature. The culmination of Sammy’s immaturity results in his quitting his job just because he is mad at Lengel, who chastises and embarrasses the girls in bathing suits (19). Soon after he quits his job and leaves the store to look for the girls, who have already left, he realizes “how hard the world was going to be to [him] hereafter” (20). Making a cursory decision to quit his job based on his emotion and subsequently regretting the decision is an apparent sign of Sammy’s fickle and impractical nature.

除了性欲冲动,萨米青少年思想也被他的不成熟和变化无常的本性。他想要采取复杂的标志着他的不成熟。当通过判断女孩的外表,他提出了自己作为一种专家。他认为他知道的事情。例如,他认为长下巴的女孩是“那种女孩其他女孩认为[是]非常“引人注目的”和“有吸引力”,但从来没有让它”(17)。他还认为,没有人知道到底有女孩的思想工作,但他确实(17 - 18)。这个任性的态度和天真的相信他优越的知识女孩显示萨米的不成熟,还可以看到在他与Stokesie交互。farce-like“Daddy-Darling”(19)对话说明了他顽皮的本性。萨米的顶峰的不成熟导致他放弃他的工作只是因为他是生气Lengel,惩罚和尴尬的泳衣的女孩(19)。不久之后他退出工作,离开商店去寻找女孩,谁已经离开,他意识到“世界将是多么困难[他]以后”(20)。做出草率的决定辞职基于他的情感和随后后悔的决定是一个明显的迹象萨米的自然变化无常的和不切实际的。

The story comes with a sad ending, but ironically Sammy “[didn’t] think it’s sad [himself] (19).

Sammy’sdramatic day reminds the readers of how a sexually-impulsive, immature and fickle juvenile can turn his life around.



The story’s climax occurs when Lengel, the store manager confronts the girls about not being properly dressed, resulting in the girls’ embarrassment. Sammy is so bothered by Lengel’s actions that he quits his job, hoping to get some glory for his gesture, but is left disappointed when the girls do not notice what he’s done.


“A&P” Plot Summary

It is a typical day at the A&P, Sammy explains, just ringing up the purchases of the customers, one after another, with no real excitement to speak of. That all changes, however, the moment three bikini-clad girls waltz through the doors, immediately gaining the notice of all of the A&P workers, including Sammy. Sammy’s narrative goes into minute detail about the girls’ physical appearance as he sizes them up in a hormone-driven teenage boy way.

Sammy not only takes in the physical traits of the girls, though. He notices their demeanor, as well, paying particular attention to the girl he calls “Queenie,” who seems to be the leader. He notices her command over the other girls, not to mention the confidence and audacity he believes it takes to walk half-naked into the A&P.

While Sammy seems to have no problem ogling the girls, he is disturbed when he realized the other men who work in the A&P are doing the same, despite the fact that they are older than Sammy. Sammy starts to sympathize with the girls a bit, saying “Poor kids, I began to feel sorry for them, they couldn’t help it” (Updike 17).

The story’s climax occurs when Lengel, the store manager confronts the girls about not being properly dressed, resulting in the girls’ embarrassment. Sammy is so bothered by Lengel’s actions that he quits his job, hoping to get some glory for his gesture, but is left disappointed when the girls do not notice what he’s done.






First Person Point of View and Character Development

One of the most notable features of this story is the vivid portrayal of Sammy through the use of his first person narration of the story. Since the story is told through Sammy’s eyes, readers are able to grasp Sammy’s personality clearly. For instance, it is clear that Sammy is not content in his job at the A&P, based on his distaste for the customers:

“Looking back in the big windows, over the bags of peat moss and aluminum lawn furniture stacked on the pavement, I could see Lengel in my place in the slot, checking the sheep through” (Updike 19).

Here, by referring to the customers as “sheep,” Sammy’s attitude toward the shoppers of the A&P is negative. Likewise, it becomes apparent that Sammy does not want to be stuck at this job for the rest of his life. This is seen through the comparison of Sammy to the character Stokesie:

“Stokesie’s married, with two babies chalked up on his fuselage already, but as far as I can tell that’s the only difference. He’s twenty-two, and I was nineteen this April” (Updike 16).






At this point in the story, Sammy makes a connection between himself and Stokesie, who are similar in age as well as in their reaction to the girls’ presence in the A&P. However, as the story progresses, the reader understands that due to Stokesie’s responsibilities, such as a wife and children, he will likely end up working at the A&P for a long time. This is a fate that would not be pleasant for Sammy, who is unhappy in the job.

Theme and Meaning

The story’s theme focuses on Sammy’s struggles to grow up. He is forced to make a choice about where he stands on the confrontation that takes place between his manager and the girls, and Sammy decides to take action. He doesn’t feel right about Lengel’s humiliation of the girls; Sammy decides to take a stand, by quitting, in hopes to become the girls’ “unsuspected hero.”




He does not get any reward for quitting; the girls don’t even notice. Instead, he is forced to deal with the consequences of his actions, and is not able to change what he’s done. Even though Lengel gives Sammy the chance to keep his job, Sammy believes that once you take this type of action, there is no turning back.

He thinks that quitting is a mistake, but it is too late to do anything about it. The harsh reality of not “getting the girl” and being left jobless teach Sammy about the nature of being an adult, as he says “my stomach kind of fell as I felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter” (Updike 19).

Updike, John. “A&P.” Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia, eds. New York: Pearson, 2007. 14-19.



约翰·厄普代克。A&P”。“文学:介绍小说,诗歌,戏剧,和写作。X.J.肯尼迪和Dana Gioia,eds。纽约:皮尔森,2007年。14-19。
