





Spring is coming! Spring is coming! That beautiful, flowers are blooming in the spring has finally arrived!

To meet this girl, but the spring was drizzle patches, comfortable spring breeze that leaves 10 million out of a bloom of willows. Too delicate grass, fresh leaves, bright colored flowers, like a country fair like all wanted to come to form a dazzling spring of tears. Swallow is no exception, out of breath flew from the north, for the glory of spring to add a lot of vitality.

Pairs of swallows through the mountains, across the lake, to the south, already exhausted, but felt so beautiful in the spring, as if eating a lot of chocolate this thing, get active, have the spirit. In the spring of play, flying the green fields, circling in the water and some play tired of the swallows were standing a few poles that mark utility poles. Ah! How like a lovely note, read music at that memorials became still hear the music.

The campus is rich and colorful spring. Beautiful winter jasmine are welcome too! Avenue, both sides of the trees, the trail on both sides of flower Fan Ye Mao. Spent everywhere on campus, a distance looking like a campus covered with thick snow, the last to see people feel the sky is beautiful snowflakes drifting. Lawn Lvyin Yin, the central set up with a century-old trees, next to the beautiful flowers there are a few bundles decorated the lawn more attractive, more beautiful. Really like a beautiful picture.

Spring innocent beautiful!



Spring gradually returned to the earth, was the spring of the girl wake up again gradually active in the earth up. It was covered with flowers district filled with rich floral and that not only sounds, but also a wonderful Xiaosheng, I am relaxed and happy.

I am afraid to break the share of quiet, intoxicated with the step by step, and slowly down the marble staircase that smooth, that the beauty of spring, that spring immediately to my eye: a small flower bud in the spring when the girl came out of a change Duo beautiful winter jasmine, it seems that one after another of the golden Shakes the Barley, gently in the wind, it is like a lively little speakers are just playing the wonderful music it! The winter jasmine neighbor has just stuck your head out soon, they are the world's fastest-growing, very tenacious vitality of tall bamboo plants, their straight to keep the basketball court next to the guard is not only the audience, looked very imposing. Wind, light leisurely way across their faces bamboo, bamboo in the ground trembled slightly, I really like in yelled out: "Go, go, must not lose!"

Look at that side of several happy children, are playing 老鹰捉小鸡 it! Nazhi awkward "eagle" left right hop hop kept on holding clever in a "chick" it! After a very long time, "Eagles" tired sweating profusely, or nothing. Suddenly a "chick" dodgy caught behind the success was an eagle, only the poor, "chick" a butt sitting on the ground Wawadaku, everyone in this moment with a laugh ... ...

I walked, kept trained on a sheet descending from the sky to collect samples of leaves and enjoy with ulterior motives in a red corner edge of the apricot in the springtime beauty of the contests, and they are playing it who is the most beautiful! Felt the kids happy mood. At this point, I was reminded of the beautiful spring of the Southern Song Dynasty poet Ye Shao Weng, "not worth the Garden" in the poem: Spring beauties lock in limitless, an affair, come. Ah! I love the beauty of spring. But I love spring, it is encouraging, urging them motivated share of the good mood.



Bathed in bright sunshine and beautiful our dear alma mater. Teachers of students walked hurriedly, but also with a dew of the flowers will be contests ... ... constitute a campus landscape plan.

In this piece of great vitality, you can imagine how it used to be like?

Without an advanced multi-media platform, class, chalk dust from time to time will "drill" into your nose so that you can not help to play a big sneeze. But if you came to my school, there will always surprise you.

Came to the school gate, the first thing you see should the number of those few characters in red: the new North River Primary School. Look, in the sunshine, then a few shiny plaque, giving a pleasant feeling.

Continue to move forward, the most striking place is the fountain of Nazuo! Peaks rising one after another like a layer upon layer of the water column, which also has a colorful statue; a few naughty cute bird flaps helplessly fledgling wings, eyes filled with not only ignorance, but also looking forward, eager to fly vast blue sky.

In the fountain to the left, has a small flower bed. Where trees, flowers, dew on the petals of a flower child in the colorful jumping, rolling; delicate green and yellow earth lightly stroked the earth, Feng ER blown it joyfully dancing, singing ... ... see, big tree Ficus are so tall and straight, head held high, Look East from time to time, as if thinking about our greatest respect.

Continue to move forward, it is our playground. Every day, everyone in a vigorous manner the students exercise, vowed to have a strong physique, in order to serve the motherland. Well, two students were running the plastic on the runway. See this scene, I could not help think: Three years ago, the school using a cinder track, running up and dust ... ... Until now, our school put on the plastic track, that we can best play the best level of ... ...

I love my beloved teacher, I love my dear classmates, but even more love my school, because it changed beautiful!



Winter morning, was covered with a layer of mist Mist.

I opened the window a while cold wind hit me, I was frozen straight suction air-conditioning. Take a look at the windows of the frosting, frosted bear the form of different patterns. Some trees, like Yi Keke heads held high, and some like a blossoming white clouds, some of Fei Liu and down like a waterfall, I really like a beautiful mural ah!

One goes out, cold face descend quickly, wind in my face like a knife across the same pain, walking in the street the morning exercise, fewer people feel a lot.

However, the roadside pine and holly are still as tall and straight, it stretched its arm, indicating that it was the graceful posture of the beautiful and extremely! Almost all of the animals are hibernating, and only the birds twitter in the branches did not feel the cold in winter.

However, I know winter's morning is the most beautiful!



The evening I go for a walk, a bunch of sunshine on my face. I looked to the sky looked, ah! A beautiful sunset, it is the people started arms' to all plated layer of gold.

Sunset seemed reluctant to let people see it that beautiful face kept with "the sword" stinging eyes. I can not look at it, and had to bow their heads and rubbing its eyes, quiet moment look


冲锋陷阵 [chōng fēng xiàn zhèn] 陷:攻破,深入。不顾一切,攻入敌人阵地。形容作战勇猛。

英姿焕发 [yīng zī huàn fā] 英姿:英勇威武姿态;焕发:光彩四射。形容英俊威武的样子。

奋不顾身 [fèn bù gù shēn] 奋勇向前,不考虑个人安危。

奋勇当先 [fèn yǒng dāng xiān] 鼓起勇气,赶在最前面。

顶天立地 [dǐng tiān lì dì] 头顶云天,脚踏大地。形容形象高大,气概豪迈。

昂首挺胸 [áng shǒu tǐng xiōng] 抬起头,挺起胸膛。形容斗志高,士气旺。

昂首阔步 [áng shǒu kuò bù] 昂:仰,高抬。抬起头迈开大步向前。形容精神抖擞,意气风发。

赴汤蹈火 [fù tāng dǎo huǒ] 赴:走往;汤:热水;蹈:踩。沸水敢蹚,烈火敢踏。比喻不避艰险,奋勇向前。

挺身而出 [tǐng shēn ér chū] 挺身:撑直身体。挺直身体站出来。形容面对着艰难或危险的事情,勇敢地站出来。

战无不胜 [zhàn wú bù shèng] 形容强大无比,可以战胜一切。也比喻办任何事情都能成功。

临危不惧 [lín wēi bù jù] 临:遇到;危:危险;惧:怕。遇到危难的时候,一点也不怕。

威震天下 [wēi zhèn tiān xià] 威名传于全国,震惊世上。

面不改色 [miàn bù gǎi sè] 脸色不变。形容从容镇静的样子。

勇冠三军 [yǒng guàn sān jūn] 冠:位居第一;三军:军队的统称。指勇敢或勇猛是全军第一。

骁勇善战 [xiāo yǒng shàn zhàn] 勇猛,善于战斗。

镇定自若 [zhèn dìng zì ruò] 指面对灾难时冷静的表现

慷慨就义 [kāng kǎi jiù yì] 慷慨:情绪激昂;就义:为正义而死。正气凛然,意气高昂地为正义而死。

大智大勇 [dà zhì dà yǒng] 指非凡的才智和勇气。

仰不愧天 [yǎng bù kuì tiān] 抬头仰望,对天无愧。指没有做过坏事,问心无愧。

力挽狂澜 [lì wǎn kuáng lán] 挽:挽回;狂澜:猛烈的大波浪。比喻尽力挽回危险的局势。

光明磊落 [guāng míng lěi luò] 磊落:心地光明坦白。胸怀坦白,正大光明。

化险为夷 [huà xiǎn wéi yí] 险:险阻;夷:平坦。化危险为平安。比喻转危为安。

大显身手 [dà xiǎn shēn shǒu] 显:表露,表现;身手:指本领。充分显示出本领和才能。

大显神通 [dà xiǎn shén tōng] 神通:原为佛家语,指无所不能的力量。后指特别高超的本领。形容充分显示出高明的本领。

大获全胜 [dà huò quán shèng] 获:擒获俘虏,夺取敌方辎重;全:完全。形容获得完全的胜利。







感动中国人物作文400字 真正的英雄 永远的英雄
















