
《The Art of Learning》读后感精选

《The Art of Learning》读后感精选

《The Art of Learning》是一本由Josh Waitzkin著作,Free Press出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:GBP 16.99,页数:304,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Art of Learning》读后感(一):用渐进发去学习实践



《The Art of Learning》读后感(二):A way to excellence

First of all, this guy, Josh Waitzkin, is a natural on chess and many other things. By any definition, it is a GIFT to learn by simply staring at it. It is also true that however magnificent one’s natural gift is, to achieve a profound level of understanding and to transfer the knowledge to other domains, require much more than gift. In fact, if one’s mentality associates success with natural gift, he will very likely to stop growth whenever his learning reaches difficulty, which is inevitable. On the contrary, if one embraces an ‘incremental’ mentality, he will see every success, and more importantly, every failure, is a way to manifest how hard he has worked and where is the weakness. Therefore, through reflection, one can operate at a higher level, which leads to continuous growth.

During the learning process, failures, rather than success are the definitive moments for growth. Great ones are willing to get burned and invest in their losses. Sure, failure is bitter and unbearable, one might need weeks or even month before one can examine the failure in detail and spot the technical or psychological weakness exposed.

Emotions, such as anger, fear, happiness, are part of equation and make a huge difference when one is performing under pressure. We make peace with our emotions, observe them, ‘learn how to let them float away if they are rocking our boat, and how to use them when they are fueling our creativity. ‘In the end funnels every emotion into focus. Next, we discover that emotional states usually trigger our greatest performances.

The Key part of learning is to incorporate the healthy rhythm into all aspects of life, so that they are completely natural to you when the pressure is on. Especially, in the absence of continual external reinforcement, we must be our own monitor. ‘If we have any hope of attaining excellence, let alone of showing what we've got under pressure, we have to be prepared by a lifestyle of reinforcement. Presence must be like breathing.’

The healthy pattern can be working for 25mins then stop, can be running to push you to the limit then rest, then repeat. The healthy pattern can be high concentration on everything you do, especially under adverse situations.

Finally, if I learn anything from the book, it can be summed up in three phrases, namely, incremental mentality, focus, healthy rhythm.

《The Art of Learning》读后感(三):The way to be extraordinary

Well, it is an amazing book. I am happy I can read it as my first book in the beginning of my 2013.

It is not only a technique book but also a book about art. Josh Waizkin, who is a chess genius and champion of the world, is not satisfied the achievements in his professional field. In his mind, learning procedure has similar properties according to different areas. And he did it, another champion title of martial Hand Push.

Firstly, it is the INTERNALIZATION. It means you need to internalize your basic skills or techniques into your heart, your mind as well as your blood, when you can use them in an unconscious status. It likes an instinct action, such as breath or hurt. However, it takes time to train yourself into this status, as the popular idea “Dan’s 10000 hours training”, which means you can be an expert in a new area through 10000 hours training. But, once you internalize these basics, you will arrive at an edge of limit, which need any conscious mind to amplify the details and then masterpieces will be create. It is said as SMALL CIRCLE and SLOW DOWN.

Another is RHYTHM. Everything has its nature rhythm, the water, the animals, and the people. While, it is important to float with the nature rhythm rather than rival with it. Assuming you are in the ocean with a boat, the tide is on and on, how you can survive in it? Yes, the answer is flow with it. Reading the tide’s mind, their rhythm, dancing with them. This is the way Josh training himself when he is trying to find his own rhythm. In martial competition, the rhythm is the breath. Exhalation and inhalation are the keys to understand your body, your status and through the breathy training, it will lead you into a serene environment in your heart, and finally obtain relaxation. The INTERVAL TRAINING, is another important way to find the rhythm. The key of interval training is that it will push you into a limit and the interval stop will supply your fuels as much as you can burst in next. This method will make you become more resilient and grow up gradually into another level. I think it is the way to growth. However, the reflection is that, the sports training of mine last year is all nonsense. No rhythm, no breath, no persistence. Well I need to make another plan now.

Finally, the most impressiveness is the attitude Josh faces to the challenges and failures. Every giant in a field is a good partner for him to grow up. They push his growth. It is natural to fear, doubt yourself when you face to success, failure and growth. Honestly, I often have these emotions. However, Josh trains himself to handle these emotions and make them to do any creations. It is based on your internalization, your rhythm, and your motivation to be better and better and better. This is the way to be brilliant.

Well, writing here, I feel energetic, motivated and intensively want to fuel my fire to become better. Even though the way is long, the climb is steep. But, It is my destiny.

《The Art of Learning》读后感(四):The Art Of Learning(《学习的艺术》)是本好书

核心思想有三个。第一个叫做soft zone(软区域),第二叫做making smaller circles(画小圈),第三个叫做如何实现高水准的表现。



(The soft zone means to lose you yourself, and come at peace with distraction.

The soft zone means a mental resilience, which is arguably the most critical trait of world-class performers.)





(The subtle internalization and refinement is much more important than the quantity of what is learned. We should take a single technique or idea and practice it until we feel its essence.

The learning principle is to plunge into the detailed mystery of the micro in order to understand what makes the macro tick.

Decrease expansiveness and increase potency)




The first obstacle I have to overcome as a young player was to avoid being distracted by random, unexpected events.

In performance training, first we learn to flow with whatever comes, integrating every ripple of your life into your creative moment.

Then we learn to use whatever comes as an advantage.

Finally, we learn to be completely self-sufficient and create our own earthquake.

So our mental process feeds itself explosive inspirations without the need for outside stimulus.


①learn to be at peace with imperfection

②use that imperfection to our advantage

③learn to create ripples in our consciousness


Using adversity.

Distraction is converted into fuel for high performance.


①Flow with distraction, like that blade of grass bending to the wind.

②Use distraction

③Re-create the inspiring settings internally. Make sandals to cross the thorn.












I won't deny enjoying the attention, but professionally it was a nightmare.


there is something profoundly hollow about the nature of fame.

I realized being at the pinnacle in other people’s eyes has nothing to do the quality of life and I was drawn to the potential of inner quality.


I stumbled upon a little book called Tao Te Ching and my life took a turn.


Since I was twelve years old, I have kept journals of my chess study, making psychological observations along the way.


Studying Tao Te Ching, I felt like I was unearthing everything I sensed but could not yet put to words. Laotse’s focus was inward, on the underlying essence as opposed to the external manifestations.


As my training became more vigorous, I learned to dissolve away from attacks while stay rooted to the ground.


Bruce did not want to feed me information, but to help my mind carve itself into maturity.

Bruce handled himself as more of a guide in my development than as an authority.


Many very talented kids expected to win without much resistance, when the game was a struggle, they were emotionally unprepared. I thrived under adversity.

Some of the most talented players are the worst under pressure, and have the hardest time rebounding from defeat.


I often sensed a logical thread that seemed irrational – playing exciting chess felt like discovering hidden harmonies.


we stretch every fiber of our mental capacity.

It’s amazing how many hundreds hours I spent laboring my way through Dvoretsky’s chapters, my brain pushed to the limit, emerging from every studying session utterly exhausted, but infused with a slightly more nuanced understanding of the outer reaches of the chessic potential.

There is the careful balance of pushing yourself relentlessly, but not so hard that you melt down.

Jack Kerouac’s vision was like electricity in my veins. His ability to draw sheer joy from the most mundane experience opened up the world to me.

I was on fire with a fresh passion for life when I travelled to Hungary.

I yearned to retreat to the mountains and live with the birds.


two theories of intelligence: entity theory vs. incremental theory

I have seen many people in diverse fields take some version of process-first philosophy and transform it into an excuse for not putting themselves on the line or pretending not to care about the results.


If I was stressed out, I did Tai Chi and was calmed.

The essence of Tai Chi Chuan as a martial art is not to clash with the opponent but to blend with his energy, yield to it, and overcome with softness.


The importance of undulating between external and internal (or concrete and abstract; technical and intuitive) training applies to all disciplines.

Chess players must let the unconscious flow while the conscious leads and flows, sorting out details, putting things in order, making precise mathematical calculations.
