
Meeting the Universe Halfway读后感摘抄

Meeting the Universe Halfway读后感摘抄

《Meeting the Universe Halfway》是一本由Karen Barad著作,Duke University Press Books出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 29.95,页数:544,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Meeting the Universe Halfway》读后感(一):浅薄的思考

最深刻的感受大概是“不确定性”,这恰恰也是当代艺术探寻的真谛。作者巴拉德提出的intra- action,强调网络内部各个行动者的相互构建,对教育而言,这些行动者不仅仅是老师和学生,也包括无生命的书本、知识、工具甚至空间,教育的过程就是网络中所有部分不断形成、构建的过程,人并没有什么特殊的地位。这恰恰也让我们思考,当人工智能完全进入教育领域,我们如何看待和利用它吧

《Meeting the Universe Halfway》读后感(二):An Alternative

This book is so far the most important reading for me in this semester (excluding the ones written by Haraway). Basically, the author Karen Barad proposes a new philosophy to understand the world, called agential realism, based on insights drawn from Bohr the scientist’s view of quantum physics and her own experiences of being a physicist. Essentially, agential realism is rejecting the common-sense understanding of the world, where things/objects/matters exist individually and have boundaries that human eyes can often see. According to Barad, agential realism believes that “objects” are never isolated – they are part of the reality that they are trying to discern or separate from, and the system of both the “objects” and the reality is called phenomenon. In fact, “objects” are phenomena too. By challenging the deep foundation of representationalism’s ontology, agential realism describes new ontology, epistemology, and ethics that are coherent with the phenomenon-constructed world (with the world also being a phenomenon, of course).

The property that impressed me the most about the book is its writing. I mentioned in my earlier reflections that we most likely need a new language to talk about any alternative view of the world or ourselves, and here is Barad, actively creating a language with new words and new ways of understanding to support the explanation of agential realism. But take a close look – yet the way she writes is so clear, hardly with any confusion in words themselves. The difficulty comes more from the alternative vision she draws. The writing echoes the core of agential realism, which is to be concretely grounded in reality, but also constructing the reality while being part of it. (I realize I might still rely on representationalism to understand her work.) Indeed, there’s no such a notion of “reality” in agential realism. Reality is a phenomenon; reality are countless phenomena.

I found reading all the physics examples pleasing, because they are grounded in the world, they are quite straightforward, and they support the points the author was trying to make. I almost appreciated the simplicity of these examples, after reading the discussions on agential realism and how it differs from representationalism. (A common theme that often happens when one wants to talk about something entirely new is that one has to explain it over and over again, whereas readers might not in favor of this.)

I’m most concerned with agential realism’s methodology. If already a new ontology, a new epistemology, and a new ethics, why not talk about the methodology as well? I am not sure if the methodology could be self-evident once the ontology and the epistemology are clear. The author seems to imply that by taking agential realism seriously, one will develop an agentially realistic way to live in the world – I found this idea as less convincing, at least not so much from reading the book.

More questions:

- Is agential realism fundamentally novel, compared with other critical social theories?

- I’m not sure if I’m fully convinced of how objectivity is understood under agential realism.

- In what way does this book relate to feminist theory? I believe we need to be specific here.

《Meeting the Universe Halfway》读后感(三):另一种“理工女”

按:究竟什么是理工女?按照不同的偏正结构可以有两种含义:既可以指科学技术中女性的可能性,也可以是女性视角科学技术的可能性。前者是当下华语科学圈渐强的呼吁,但如果在美国的谷歌搜索 “Feminist Science Technology”,我们会发现维基百科上题为女性主义技术科学研究(Feminist Technoscience)的词条,这也就是这篇文章希望探索的第二种理解理工女的方式。


唐娜·哈洛维(Donna Haraway)1944年出生于丹佛,大学时动物学、哲学、文学三修。1970年耶鲁博士毕业,论文题为《追寻组织性关联》(The Search for Organizing Relations: An Organismic Paradigm in Twentieth-Century Developmental Biology),“检验”的是语言如何影响实验生物学的研究。作为美国最著名的女性主义技术科学研究或女性主义STS(Science and Technology Studies 或 Science, Technology and Society[i])学者,哈洛维长期任教于UCSC的“意识史”系[ii]。这大概是美国最难归类的一个院系了,科学学、民权研究、女权主义、人类学史无所不有。与此类似,哈洛维的研究也无意成为范式化的生物学,她和她所表率的女性主义STS一直是一种超越既定学科范式的努力。

意识史系的另一位教授凯伦·巴拉德(Karen Barad)则是这个传统中较新的一位代表。与哈洛维类似,巴拉德也拥有货真价实的科学学位。她于1984在石溪大学(杨振宁彼时正在此执教,是理论物理的重要机构)取得理论物理学位,博士论文写的是Lattice Gauge Theory里的费米子。她也生养于美国西部却兴趣异常广泛。八十年代中期,她甚至一度试图与她哥伦比亚大学的物理学同僚们讨论德里达,他们面面相觑[iii]。

意识史系独一无二的建制在某种意义上也是其学科边缘化的征兆。哈洛维和巴拉德的职业生涯在第一种意义上并不是成功的理工女,但在第二种含义上,她们是女性主义在当代思想界最重要的代表之一,也可以说重塑了我们理解科学技术的方式。女性主义旗帜期刊《符号》(Signs)在2009年刊出了一篇对女性主义STS的回顾性综述[iv],里面提到了一个有趣的事实:“many would not consider the literature on women in science part of feminist science studies anymore。”这里提到的“Women in science”是致力于揭示女性在科学中遭遇的种种不平等的典型女性主义思路,也是上个世纪中期以来响彻美国学界和社会的口号。可这远不是说性别歧视已经在美国科学界大功告成了。作者举了一个女性与学术界关系的表述(representation)问题的例子:油管(Pipeline)常被用作隐喻来说明女性的升学就业机会是如何一层层被过滤掉。我们所能想象的是对既定的油管做一些修补,从而不让边缘群体掉队。但这样一来无人质疑的则是油管本身:油管不可见的驱动力是什么?管内是否好受?拥挤、霉味和渣滓是否是油管的本质?是否有别的方式来表述油管?是否有别的方式来取代不仅仅是表述的油管?与其不断地在油管内批评,是否更应该重新想象科学的可能性?


这种“客观科学”与“非客观科学”间的对立常常被称为不可通约的“两种文化”[v]。有意思的是,从“内在批评”演进到“重新想象”的女性主义STS倒是给出了某种意义上的和解之道。本文以巴拉德于2007年出版的《折中宇宙》(Meeting the Universe Halfway)一书为例,简述一下这条思路。

此书书胆是大家熟悉的尼尔斯·波尔,在书的开头,巴拉德援引当代戏剧《哥本哈根》,把我们带到海森堡与波尔二战时著名而神秘的会面。海森堡究竟说了什么?他是否真心决定放弃他领导下纳粹德国的铀弹研究?作家弗雷恩(Frayn)无意在这部科学剧里回答这个问题。相反,成就这部当代经典的是他化用“测不准原理”来揭示人类心灵的不可知。虽然有趣,但这种对量子物理的隐喻化解读貌似还太民科了一点。而这个断口正是巴拉德的出发点。顺着弗雷恩重现的对话,在对量子物理哥本哈根解释(Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics)详尽的探讨中,巴拉德区分了波尔与海森堡师徒的不同立场:面对同样的测不准现象,海森堡的不确定(uncertainty)原理大致画出了一条我们相对熟悉的认识论的界限:我们无法同时知道粒子的位置和动量,一如大多数物理学教科书,也一如弗雷恩对人类心灵的理解;科学界往往遗漏的是波尔的解释,互补(complementarity)原理:我们并非无法同时知道粒子的位置和动量,恰恰相反,在我们测量之前,这两个物理量无法同时确定地存在。物理量可知,只是并不先于测量而存在。测不准原理远非对知识划界,而是确立了测量的构成性作用。

有意思的是,海森堡的不确定原理更接近于日后物理学家最敌视的“非客观科学的”科学建构论:客观真理无法存在,求知相当程度是徒劳的。而波尔的解释也远非宗教式地信仰“客观真理”(在巴拉德看来,这种信仰最典型的代表正是波尔的主要论敌爱因斯坦)。按照波尔和巴拉德的解释,真理存在,不过必须地在人类的科学实践和思考之后存在,这种存在可以恰如其分地冠以巴拉德在该一书发展出的理论:能动现实主义(agential realism)。


[i] 研究科学的元学科,也翻译为科学学或科学元勘,包括科学史、科学哲学、女性主义科学学等。

[ii]该系并不能按照字面意思翻译为“意识史系”,按照海登·怀特的说法,这个系的标志是“its historical approach to the evolution of the human sciences.”见Hyden White 2013 Frontiers of Consciousness at UCSC, http://escholarship.org/uc/item/20b91099

[iii] 见Malou Juelskjær and Nete Schwennsen 2012 Intra-active Entanglements – An Interview with Karen Barad

[iv] 见Banu Subramaniam 2009 Moored Metamorphoses- A Retrospective Essay on Feminist Science Studies

[v]这个提法出自斯诺(C.P. Snow)著名的1959年演讲,他强烈抨击了文理科训练割裂的现代教育:没有读过狄更斯的科学家,对热力学第二定理一窍不通的文学精英。自然科学与研究自然科学的学科(science studies) 之间则是两种文化的一种较近的形式。
