
The Culture Map读后感摘抄

The Culture Map读后感摘抄

《The Culture Map》是一本由Erin Meyer著作,PublicAffairs出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 26.99,页数:288,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Culture Map》读后感(一):我根据书中内容总结了下图

学校给了一个书单,里面第二本书的名字叫The Culture Map,作者是女神校INSEAD的教授,美国人在法国工作组建家庭。本书介绍了在领导global团队时,如何管理来自不同国家,不同文化背景的member,如何进行跨文化沟通。我根据书中的不同scale,粗略的总结了下图:





《The Culture Map》读后感(二):读书所感

1)否认客观群体性差异(文化)而假装按个人单位客观判断,实际上是按照自己的已有bias来判断(按照自己的文化来判断)2)文化的相对性。英国说法国不准时而德国说英国不准时 3) high context交流之间易生误会,最好在解释后put to written form来明确确认 4) 미숙할 때 try to copy a type of culture会risky 5) leader的举动是在send out signal,不同文化对同一信号的解读会不一样 6)孔融让梨是一种文化偏见,教的应该是博爱,而不是让梨 7) 美国人如peach外软内硬,friendly 不等于 friendship,亚洲人如coconut外硬内软。8)美国的disagree坦白度仅仅在世界文化的中间 9) 自己不在场让团队先讨论在报告,可以在内敛问文化中问出真实想法,或者可让团队匿名尽可能写更多的方式 10)分开professional 关系跟个人关系的程度也在文化中各自不同,美国分得很开。 11) 巴哈马谚语:在矛盾中,不要拿一把切割的刀,而要拿一根缝线的针 12)明说规则和team culture能很好让不同文化的人适应时间概念不同

《The Culture Map》读后感(三):读书笔记

大二上 INTB-225谢绝转载 The two types of trust: (1)TASK-BASED cognitive trust: Trust is built through business-related activities. People trust their business partner who they enjoy working with. (2)RALATIONSHIP-BASED affective trust: Trust is built through establishingthe close relationship with their dailylife. People trust their business partner who can share personal time with them or is trusted by someone they know. Ex: American manager will avoid a close affectiverelationshipwith othermanager deliberately, for they have the task-based culture. However, managers in a Chineseenterpriseusually have a really good relationship with other manager, for they have the relationship-based culture. About how to make diverse teams more effective & strong: Communicating: Multicultural group need the low-context culture. When talking, we should use the clear, explicit, and directlywords. When listening, we should clarify when we are not sure if we understood. Time: Follow the schedule strictly and do worksbefore the deadline. Trust: Task–based trust. Work relationships build up by working together, which is easily. Leadership: egalitarian. The distance between employee and leaderis relatively small. Decision: Leaders do the final decision; they believe they will be stronger if they united. Performance: Don’t point out others’ stands in a very directly way.Givethe negative feedback in a mild way and avoid the argument and get to agreement. Arbitration: confrontational Disagreement and debate are acceptablein group. Some reasonabledebates will not break the harmony. But we should avoidsome debates to become embroiled. How is business impacted by the following principles: sovereignty, nationality, territoriality, protective and comity? Sovereignty principle Globalization brokethe old national boundaries, so that the resources flow on a global scale, which will affect thesovereigntyprinciple to a certain extent. (1)Mutual promotion: Sovereign countryenhancesits own economic power in the economic globalization, at the same time;its ability to protect the national sovereignty has been improved. (2)NegativeImpact: Ex: The economy of countries that involvedin the economic globalizationwill be affected by the foreign-capital enterprise in the circumstancesof economic globalization. As for the developing countries, they might lose the ability to control their nationaleconomy, for their week economic foundation. It is harmful for the developing countries to protect their national sovereignty. Apparently, they should think about how to face this challengeof national sovereignty. Ex: Technological monopoly: As for thedeveloping country, the information technologyis behind than the development country relatively. If a MNC provides the developing countries with the information technology, it might be the menace to national sovereigntyof the developing country. Nationality principle Dual nationality springs up in the circumstancesofglobalization. If a country that involved in the globalization do not recognize dual passport holders, it might do harm to the skilled immigrantsand the investment immigrant, thereby the development of economy might be affected. Ex: Japan passed a law about the entry and exit management in 2014, which is that foreign advanced talents who lived in Japanfor 3 years could obtain the Permanent Resident Card. This law would attract foreign advanced talents, which might contributes to the Japanesetechnology development. Territorialityprinciple The economic activities that took place in National Geographic regionbelongs to this country’s economic activities. Ex: If the transnational cooperation builds factories in a developing country, and then they hirelocal lobar and pay them low wages, they will make a handsome profit. However, the developing country will bear so much loss like environmentpopulation. The country might still tolerate this trade, for this trade can stimulatethe economy of this country. But, the country is affected by the globalization indeed and should think about adjusting the territorialityprinciple. What are some of the benefits and costs of globalization in relation to your business? Advantage: Globalization optimizes the allocation of global resources, reduces the cost of material and improves efficiency. Our restaurantwill buy the material of food we need with lower price possibly, thereby we can reduce expense of goods and raise our restaurant income. Disadvantage: Economic globalization makes global economy more unstable. Ex: (1)People in the economic crisis are likely to tend to cook in theirhome instead of spending money and time for our DIY food in our restaurant, for they can save money. It will be a disasterfor our business. (2)Our restaurant is the partnership business, so we have to obey the rule made by US about the partnership, such as tax law and labor standard. If these ruleshave loopholes, our business might bear the loss.
