




/2018.10.16-10.18 《尘埃落定》 阿来/
























他是父亲酒后制造的次品,所有人公认的傻子,一个心甘情愿做傻子的傻子,一个比聪明人更聪明的傻子, 傻子做出了许多聪明人也做不到的事情,当其他土司挨饿的时候,他有满满的粮食,还因此获得了一个美丽的妻子。开辟了北方的自由市场;他为麦其家族做出了一番惊天动地的事业,创造了整个家族前所未有的强大与财富;他又是一个能够预言农奴制瓦解、预知土司制度崩溃的傻子,是上天派来见证一个时代结束的傻子。







《尘埃落定》读后感(三):The Rise and Decadency of an Epoch —On Red Poppy

The sweeping epic novel Red Poppies, by Tibetan author Alai, is set in eastern Tibet in the middle of the last century. It tells about the rise and decadency of a Tibetan landlord's family, and the relationship between the Tibetan region and other parts of China, seen through the eyes of an “idiot”(or not),who is the second young master of the Maiqi clan.

The Maiqi chieftain is one of the richest chieftains in the land, who charges the extent land and all the people living in his land. Maiqi’s second son, who is given birth to by his second wife, the woman rooted in the Han nationality, is considered as an idiot by his family. As known far and wide as an idiot, the Young Master always does some kind of foolish things which never wins the favor of his parents, but makes them believe that he is a true idiot. His older brother, who is much cleverer than him, is being groomed to take over the family’s vast landholdings. Life goes on in peace as it goes in the previous centuries. However, a few years later, there come visitors as the Han special emissary, who promises to enrich the Maiqi chieftain if he will plant opium poppies. In order to become the most powerful chieftains of the land, the Maiqi chieftain agrees to plant the red poppies. Poppies are planted, swelling the family's coffers, but also attracting the jealousy of nearby chieftains, which is the cause of the “Red Poppy” Battles. During the war, the Maiqi chieftain is obsessed by a woman called YangZong. For her, he kills his sincere header Chacha. A year later, Maiqi’s second son, the Young Master, goes to the border and finally proves himself by maneuvering cannily with chieftains on the borders of the family estate, returning with "untold riches" and a beautiful wife. Later in life, the whole family is enmeshed in the battles between the White and Red Chinese. At last, almost all the family member of the Maiqi chieftain die, except the idiot’s beautiful wife, Tana. The other chieftains also never exist any more. The ever prosperous epoch of the chieftain is disappearing.

In general, the content of the book is obvious and easy to understand. Also the story line is quite interesting. Though politically sensitive, this novel was published in China in 1998, where it was a critically acclaimed bestseller. Its sweep and humor make it one of the best of the wave of contemporary Chinese novels in recent years, though its idiosyncrasies may throw some readers. It is said the book Red Poppy, is the only book which has a possibility to win a Nobel literature Prize. Its author is Alai who born in 1959 in the Zang part of northwestward Sichuan Province. Red Poppy was his first work, which brought him the top award in China literature area the Fifth Maodun Literature Prize in 2000. He exhibits superb literary skills in the novel and he is the youngest writer to win the Maodun prize, which is usually given to older people. There is plenty of lusty sex in this picaresque novel, as well as bloody battles, devastating earthquakes, and the political maneuvering of Tibetan monks. And as the world is so evil, cunning is what is required to survive in this brutal world, where tribal revenge is exacted by ordering decapitations and the cutting off of tongues and ears.

In the book, the author creates a Young Master who is never quite sure if his simple pronouncements mean he's a true idiot or a sage. He always does some foolish things, but sometimes, he does lots of clever deeds consolidating his family's power and wealth with peasant good sense and cunning, which confuses all the people surrounding him. He attains manhood by sleeping with his mother's maid, makes friends with the son of the family's indentured executioner. All of these are thought of as what an idiot will do. But he also learns much from such visitors as the Han special emissary, sometimes he will foretell the future of the whole family as well as the fate of himself, which astonished his parents, especially the Maiqi chieftain. Actually, the idiot is not an idiot at all. He is a wise man who has a pair of acute eyes through which he sees the evil world hidden behind the affluent surface. He knows it is simply a world filled with lust, conspiracy, fight and jealousy. He realizes that money and power will be sucked up like ashes after a cocktail party sooner or later. Therefore, what he says or he does are just what his heart tells him to do. He never pretends to like something that he doesn’t like or hate others. Simple as he is, he lives in his own pure world, full of kindness and wisdom. Here is a sentence quoted from the book,” He is stupid because he can only see the basic essence.” I don’t think so. He is foolish not because he doesn’t know the bad deeds, but because he is passionate with so many nice things that induce him to forget the hatred and enmity. It is ironic that the Young Master bears the name of the idiot, but in fact he is the embodiment of wisdom and brightness. Maybe it is the worldly deeds that distort his kindness and wisdom.

Besides, there is another legendary Tibetan wise man named Agu Dunba. It is a character endowed with enormous heart and humor. As the recorder of Maiqi’s history, he plays a vital part of the story. He writes down the important lines of what the so-called idiot says, and suggests his Young Master doing or not doing some things. We can read that he also has a pure soul. He actually is a thoroughly unusual figure who sacrifices himself to the wisdom and truth and never regrets at all.

It is indicated in the book that nothing in the world is eternal. All the things that once take up your whole heart will fade away as time goes by. Just as the title implies, everyone in the world is some kind of dust, tiny and trivial. All we should do is to be our personal best and be nice and kind to others. As long as we behave as our hearts lead us, we can live a happy life no matter how changeable the world is.
