
Love Begins in Winter读后感100字

Love Begins in Winter读后感100字

《Love Begins in Winter》是一本由Simon Van Booy著作,Harper Perennial出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 13.99,页数:226,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Love Begins in Winter》读后感(一):人生的地图:Love Begins in Winter (Story 1) 随感

My father once told me that coincidences mean you're on the right path. [不是巧合,而是机缘。]




《Love Begins in Winter》读后感(二):巧合

"I think music is what language once aspired to be. Music allows us to face God on our own terms because it reaches beyond life. "


博尔赫斯在This Craft of Verse第五部分开头第一句:

Walter Pater wrote that all art aspires to the condition of music.


“All art constantly aspires towards the condition of music.” Walter Pater, “The School of Giorgione,” in Pater, Studies in the History of the Renaissance (1873)


至于理由,博尔赫斯是这么说的:in music, form and substance cannot be torn asunder——即结构与内容的完美的一体性;范•布伊则说:Music allows us to face God on our own terms because it reaches beyond life——人获得了超然于生命的(也许是divine的)、足以用于面对上帝的“语言”。



《Love Begins in Winter》读后感(三):Excerpts.

If there is such a thing as marriage, it takes place long before the ceremony: in a car on the way to the airport; or as a gray bedroom fills with dawn, one lover watching the other; or as two strangers stand together on the rain with no bus in sight, arms weighed down with shopping bags. You don't know then. But later you realize— that was the moment.

And always without words.

Language is like looking at a map of somewhere. Love is living there and surviving on the land.

How could two people know each other so intimately without ever having told the old stories? You get to an age where the stories don't matter anymore, and the stories once told so passionately become a tide that never quite reaches the point of being said. And there is no such thing as fate, but there are no accidents either.

Love is like life but starts before and continues after— we arrive and depart in the middle.

Every moment is the paradox of now or never.

People's expectations of coupling may be too grand, and thus disappointment, loneliness, and often pain are the inevitable adjuncts of something we thought would be the ultimate answer(an emotional cure-all) to our ongoing fears.

All wars are the external realization of our internal battles. Humans must learn not to blame each other for being afraid, disappointed, or in pain. We perhaps might learn to view those we have special feelings toward as being our companions rather than our saviors, companions on the journey back to childhood. But there is nothing to find. We must only unravel. And in the meantime— lower our expectations of each other (and ourselves!) in order to 'love' more deeply and more humanly.

It's true the people we meet shape us. But the people we don't meet shape us also, often more because we have imagined them so vividly. There are people we yearn for but never seem to meet. Every adult yearns for some strangers, but it's really childhood we miss. We are yearning for that which has been stolen from us by what we have become.

If you are not here, then why are you everywhere?

A gentle reminder that what we have is already lost.

《Love Begins in Winter》读后感(四):Someone who trigger a part of our childhood memories


All wars are the external realization of our internal battles. Humans must learn not to blame each other for being afraid, disappointed, or in pain. We perhaps might learn to view those we have special feelings toward as being our companions rather than our saviors, companions on the journey back to childhood. But there is nothing o find. We must only unravel. And in the meantime—lower our expectations of each other (and ourselves!) in order to “love” more deeply and more humanly.

There are people we yearn for but never seem to meet. Every adult yearns for some stranger, but it is really childhood we miss. We are yearning for that which has been stolen from us by what we have become.





No beauty without decay. Every moment is the paradox of now or never.




Lovers come here too and walk the city at dusk. You can see them in the promenade, sharing an umbrella, huddled together, stopping only to kiss and stare down at a cold black river dabbed with patches of streetlight.

Music is only a mystery to people who want it explained. Music and love are the same.

I firmly believe that while lies and deception destroy love, they can also build and defend it.

Love requires imagination more than experience.

Los Angeles is a place where dreams balance forever on the edge of coming true. A city on a cliff held fast by its own weight.

Solitude and depression are like swimming and drowning.

The most important notes in music are the ones that wait until sound has entered the ear before revealing their true nature. They are the spaces between the sounds that blow through the heart, knocking things over.

Grief is sometimes a quiet but obsessive madness. Coincidences are something too great to ignore.

It was inevitable that we meet. Like rivers, we had been flowing on a course for one another.

You don't know then. But later you realize that was the moment.

And always without words.

You get to an age where the stories don't matter anymore, and the stories once told so passionately become a tide that never quite reaches the point of being said. And there is no such thing as fate, but there are no accidents either.

Love is like life but starts before and continues after—we arrive and depart in the middle.

No beauty without decay. I read that somewhere else.

Every moment is the paradox of now or never.

The force pulling on me was more powerful than I could have imagined. But I was the one who held on. I was not captive but captor.

Then Brian and I watched as Jennifer buried her face in her hands as though she were watching a slide show of her life projected across her palms.

After that long visit, the novelty of upper-middle-class New York life wore off and I appreciated the city for what it was, an indifferent, throbbing pulse with an infinite number of chances to reinvent yourself.

The idea of fate is really only a matter of genetics now. But what’s interesting is how so many significant events in my life have come from seemingly random things. Freedom is the most exciting of life’s terrors: I’d decided on whim to walk into a bookstore. There was Brian.

I’ve always believed that the future is hung with keys that unlock our true feelings about some past event.

The medal lay flat upon his chest, inside his shirt. He could feel the weight of it pulling on the back of his neck like an omen of hope and success.

In love with a Canadian girl, a Romany hero soars.

Age is a plow that unearths the true nature of things. But only after the moment has passed and we are powerless to change anything, are we granted wisdom. As though we are living backward.

While they---his two daughters---talk to their friends on the phone, help string the tree with tinsel, or stare out the window at fading shadows, at the happy sadness of yesterday, the promise of tomorrow.

Life had not turned out the way he thought. His job was uninteresting and he felt that his life was nothing more than a light that would blink once in the history of the universe and then be forgotten.

Love between strangers takes only a few seconds and can last a whole life.
