
《Breakfast at Tiffany's》读后感100字

《Breakfast at Tiffany's》读后感100字

《Breakfast at Tiffany's》是一本由Truman Capote著作,Penguin Books Ltd出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 4.20,页数:192,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Breakfast at Tiffany's》读后感(一):请大家帮帮忙



《Breakfast at Tiffany's》读后感(二):find a place where you belong


小说和电影有很大的区别。电影的基调是浪漫欢快的,最后更是有好莱坞所中意的happy ending ,女主人公Holly Golightly 在英俊的男主人公那里找到了情感的归宿. 在小说中,是没有定局的,Holly Golightly ,还"在旅行中”,小说的叙述者“我”只是希望她能像她的那只没名字的猫一样,到达一个属于她的地方.真正的Holly Golightly , 是洗去铅华后,有着12岁女孩的面孔,散发着"soap and lemon cleaness"(香皂和柠檬的清洁").只希望在这滚滚红尘中,Holly 永远不会失去她的希望和属于她的一份纯洁.

很遗憾没有在看电影之前读一下小说.Audrey Hepburn 的形象老是跳出来干扰阅读。而且,会不自觉边读边与电影比较.


《Breakfast at Tiffany's》读后感(三):一个自己与另一个自己的对话

虽然这部电影在好多年前就看过,但是这次我是从《别的声音,别的房间》过来的。 读这本书不是因为赫本或者电影,而是因为作者 —— 杜鲁门卡波特的人生经历,我觉得比他编造过的任何一个故事都要精彩多了。

在《蒂凡尼早餐》中,作者没有再用《别》中那样诡异瑰丽,鬼斧神工,天马行空的措辞和行文。毕竟《蒂》的出版已经距离《别》过去了10年。这本书的文笔更冷静也更精致,但是仍然充满了卡波特招牌式的对人世间的观察。这种观察主要是透过男主(文章中没有姓名,偶尔被 Holly 叫做 Fred) 的性格和行为体现出来:在 Holly 家光怪陆离的聚会上,他坐在角落里装作看书,实际上默默地观察、评论 Holly 和她的的 “朋友们” ;住在同一栋大楼里,不自觉的关注她的行踪。有评论说,男主其实是卡波特的第二人格,当然这个第二人格经过了艺术的粉饰,比他本人(卡波特身高160cm)更高,更有男人气概,并且喜欢女人(卡波特本身是 Gay)。

在男主的观察和讲述下,Holly 的形象在读者的眼中开始丰满。她是 “it Girl" ,漫不经心的穿戴也能成为人群中的焦点,穿梭在纽约夜晚的灯光和上流社会的聚会中,随手扔出去的就是成为好莱坞电影明星的机会。她也是放荡的,熟练掌握两性游戏的规则,游走在不同的男人——而且是有钱的男人中间,并以此获利,她还喜欢偷窃并从来没有被抓到过。她同样也是天真的,渴望和弟弟 Fred 相聚的乡下小女孩。她对于大部分物质,也就是所谓的 “身外之物” 有一种 "la de da" 的随性态度,有没有床头柜无所谓,用装衣服的藤箱子也好,行李箱随手一拎就能远走高飞才是 Holly 关心的事情。从一个乡下的泥腿子,到衣香鬓影的纽约,能活的这么随性恣意,Holly 似乎掌握了生活的真谛,但也让人忍不住怀疑她只是惺惺作态而已。就好像书中 Holly 的经纪人所说:

而这句话,在我看来其实就是卡波特用来描述自己,所谓的女主角 Holly,原型也正是卡波特自己。 和 Holly 一样,卡波特小的时候是个被妈妈忽视的小孩,暑假的时候会被送去阿拉巴马的阿姨家里。也正是在那里,他和《杀死一只知更鸟》的作者哈珀李成为了童年好友。 幼年的卡波特十分瘦弱,被人欺负的时候都是哈珀李替他出头。后来妈妈改嫁,他有了一个新的名字;之后年少成名,跻身到了纽约的上流社会中,从一个局外人变成了彻底的“局内人”,乃至流言和喧嚣的中心。Holly的经历也是大同小异,小时候成为孤儿,瘦弱不堪,带着弟弟偷东西吃存活;后来被她的丈夫 —— 一个兽医收养, 直到改名换姓,离家出走去到加州,再从加州来到纽约,成为了 书中的 Holly Golightly。他们都喜欢喝酒,抽大麻,性滥交。当然 Holly 的最后这点只是隐晦的暗示而已,但是作者本人的性经历数不胜数。

所以,这本书本质上所讲的就是城市里的 Linda 和回乡下的翠花之间的故事。是一个丑小鸭大变身的故事。是丑小鸭和天鹅打破时间维度,审视彼此的故事。作者所盘桓的是,当丑小鸭变成天鹅以后,它之前的丑陋是否还会继续纠缠它?那些刻薄的鸟们的辱骂,是否还能伤害到它?如果它只记得自己是白天鹅,会不会生活得更轻松惬意? 但是这样是否是对过去的背叛?还是说这出戏里的男主、女主其实都是卡波特自身一分为二而成的,而这种分裂无时不刻不在拷问他、撕碎他。

可能幼年的弱小、无力、缺爱,作为 Gay 所受到的压抑、歧视、痛苦,歧视从来没有远离卡波特。 他的内心也一直将自己作为局外人,而且还是蝇营狗苟,姿态愚蠢地想要成为局内人的局外人,否则他也不会说:

而可能正因为这个”魔咒“,他才著作并发表了 《Answered Prayers》,一本源于他在纽约名流圈里所见所闻的未完成小说。 1975年的时候,卡波特出版了其中几章,虽然对姓名等细节做了改编,但他的朋友们仍是轻易的辨认出自己的影子。整个圈子大为震惊,并开始联合抵制他,疏远他,最终他从这个圈子里的“国王”,变成了被流放的罪犯。是不是有点 Gossip Girl 的影子?所以说,真实的人生往往比作品更精彩,所以听到什么样的故事,都不必感到太惊讶,观众所看到的,可能永远都只是冰山一角。

最后,《Answered Prayer》这个标题是来自于一个16世纪西班牙修女的文字,原话是这样的:



1. 和哈珀李曾经是好朋友,哈珀李一生离群索居,避免出现在聚光灯下,出版过《杀死一只知更鸟》多年没有作品。以至于“《杀死一只知更鸟》是卡波特代笔所写”的言论一度甚嚣尘上。

2. 据说在《杀死一只知更鸟中》,小男孩 Dill 就是根据卡波特为原型所设立的。

3. 在《杀死一只知更鸟》后,哈珀李的编辑曾评论过她:Her pen froze 她的文思被冻住了。

4. 奥黛丽赫本在出演《蒂凡尼早餐》后,提名奥斯卡最佳女主;在3年后,也就是1964年,她出演了《窈窕淑女》My Fair Lady 也是关于丑女大改造的。可以说《蒂》给赫本开辟了一条康庄大道。

5. 虽然在电影里 Holly 最终决定去找回 cat ,她那只没有名字的猫,并且和男主在雨中亲吻,预示着一个快乐的结局。在书中 Holly 离开了纽约,在巴西给男主写了张明信片,但是自此以后男主再也没有见过她。虽然在文章最开始的时候提到, Holly 和两个男人去非洲旅行,但是谁也不知道她几时去,几时离开,而她现在又在哪里。或许这才是卡波特的真实人生,从头到尾追求的,不过都是虚无缥缈的东西罢了。

《Breakfast at Tiffany's》读后感(四):Too fantasy a dream to follow

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

I love this story very much. The first time I watched the movie, it struck me, though at that time I didn’t quite understand what it was talking about. Its atmosphere touched my heartstrings. I really admired Truman for his concise and moisty strokes. It is unbelievable how he managed to tell the stories of such a flamboyant girl in so neated words. If you lived with such a person, you might well agree with her ground-floor neighbor that she was dirty and crazy and what not. But she was real, terribly real.

Life had taught her too much of its harshness. But still she had dreams. She was a girl of fantasy. ‘Don’t wanna sleep, don’t wanna die. Just wanna go across the pasture of the sky.’ She wanna to find a place where she and things go together. So she was always travelling. She was quite a personality. She called herself Holly Holiday Golightly, travelling. She was pretty, easy-going, always held a charm to men, but I think people liked her not just because of her beauty. It’s her inner charm, the wild spirit, that enchanted everyone. We all have dreams, those wild unrealistic dreams, but she was the one who got the guts to pursue them.

She was a real phony, always believing those eccentric things. She believed these things because they didn’t exist in the reality, which is too cruelly true. She wanted to rebel against reality, so she just travelling, meeting new people, tasting new wines, exploring new things. She loved the new things but she never sticked to them. Because once they became normal and usual to her, they turned into reality, and reality was what she rebelled against.

Even her most beloved companion, the cat, was considered not hers. She thought that they didn’t belong to each other; they just took up by the river site one day, but at last she accepted that ‘It was mine. We do belong to each other.’ Her story reminds me of the song “I have never been to me” a lot. Miss Golightly, so many personalities. It seemed that she is always being to her, but it’s not. Like Paul in the movie said, ‘You are chicken. You’ve got no guts. You’re afraid to stick out your chin and say’ OK. Life’s facts. People do fall in love. People do belong to each other’. you call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing, and you are afraid that someone might stick you in a cage. Well baby, you are already in that cage, and it is not bounded in the west of Tulips Texas or East in the Sommali Land, It’s wherever you go. Because wherever you go, you just end up running into yourself.’ She refused to accept life the way it is. The song “I’ve never been to me” sings’ Hey, you know a paradise is? It’s a lie, a fantasy we created about the people and places that we’d like them to be. But you know what truth is? It’s that little baby you are holding, it’s that man you fought we this morning, the same one you are going to make love tonight. That’s true, that’s life.’

Miss Golightly is always pursuing the happiness, money and fame. But unfortunately, the truth is, they just didn’t go together. Hardly can she win them together. She longed to have breakfast at Tiffany’s, but she refused to endeavor to get it. She could have become a movie star, but she just didn’t make efforts, always wandering at those nastic things, dreaming but never doing. She thought that marrying a rich man would be a easier way to get to her paradise, but she was too naïve, it was a harder way to earn it. And that’s exactly the fact, she never earned it. She was still the playgirl. The Lula Mae, fourteen years old, stealing turkey eggs and running through a briar patch. She is always running into herself.

The writer said that there were two girls in her life that never changed their character, Holly is one of them. She is a wild thing, she is sweet and full of crazy dreams. People liked her as a dream, because she did something they all wanted but feared to do. She was so lovely a doll that people was afraid to see her hurt, they wanted to stop her. But nothing can stop her. Such a person, only when they were worn by travelling and exploring would they stop their flying steps. Many years after, her friends, even those her once bothered or teased, still thought of her. Maybe she was dead or arrested or finally quieted down and married a man. Anyway, we all hope that ‘African hut or whatever, she’d arrived somewhere she belonged.’

She was too fantasy a dream to follow.
