
《The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo》读后感精选

《The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo》读后感精选

《The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo》是一本由Stieg Larsson著作,Quercus Publishing Plc出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 7.99,页数:542 pages,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo》读后感(一):冗长的惊悚

被划为惊悚题材这本书,有些冗长。个人比较偏向于故事在高潮中就结束,不要再写尾声了。书一开始是有两条线索展开的,Blomkvist因为稿件内容的问题被高诽谤,导致自己的杂志Millennium陷入窘境,濒临关门。就在这时,小时候曾经有过一面之缘的大亨Henrik Vanger找到他,为他提供了一份为期一年的工作:1)撰写一部家族史2)调查几十年前自己视如己出的失踪侄女Harriet Vanger的下落;Salander是一个叛逆少女,纹身、酗酒、吸毒、打架、中学肄业...但她还有一个身份:security detective。文章最后两条线合二为一,两人一块儿调查Harriet的下落。




《The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo》读后感(二):The men who hate women.

Finally finished the book in my busiest final week. It is one of the books i just simply couldn't put it down while sweating in my palms with eyes hooked between the lines. It is not something fun to read if you're looking for a easy crime fiction or expecting a happy ending sort of thing. The plot was one of the things that was not discussed among my friends when giving it a thumb up. It is a great book, Larsson got the magical twisted ideas in a supra accomplished novel and Keeland turned that into perfect english. I do not really think the stories in the book is something normal to see in real life, it's definitely rare but feel so true that the same time.

you'll find it a sick(good) book if you devoted some time to read :)

The quotes in every several chapters and the whole theme about the victims of women made me aware of the issues in this society. How many women are victims today under any sort of sexual assaults, tortures or even more? What can we do to protect ourselves? What made today's situation even no one can blame anybody since it's too long and complicated to identify the problem?

This book evokes our awareness, evokes women's position in human rights.

Ps, just got to know today that the original name in Swedish is "the men who hate women", very true.

《The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo》读后感(三):杂七杂八的看法-- 读TGWTDT有感

1Before everything. The book I just read was transferred by Reg Keeland, and since it’s an English edition I prefer to comment in English as well. I’m not good at writing in English and I hardly did before. Although I will try to convey my thoughts as intelligibly as I possibly can, there might be some parts left much to be desired. This is quite tougher a job that CET-4 composition anyway, to my defense. So, if you don’t like to read this amateurish review, don’t you read it; if you decide reading it and find errors, which is inevitable I presume, cut me some slack and just ignore it and don’t bother to correct me.

2The author. Stieg Larsson who lived in Sweden, was the editor in chief of the magazine Expo and a phenomenal narrator and of cause our author of this very book, “The girl with the dragon tattoo”. He died in 2004 which made this series only contain three books even though there was some hearsay that implied that it was supposed to be a series of 10 books in total, as the novelist planned. And due to his death, here came a new drama, or you may say tragedy, his longtime girlfriend could not put hands on any of the income from these books which published worldwide and profited by millions of dollars as of today, not to mention all the movies that adapted or will adapt from them. This misfortune is a combination of a chain of carelessness. Stieg died from heart attack, a result from climbing up stairs owing to temporary power failure. He didn’t have any will left because he’s only fifty and didn’t expect such a sudden death. And the reason why he hadn’t married is somewhat that he try to protect himself and his girlfriend Eva from exposing, because marriage require personal information publication and as a leading expert on antidemocratic right-wing extremist and Nazi organizations he made himself many enemies over the years. If Stieg and Eva had married, or if he had written an official will, their phone number and address would also have been made public. In view of the many death threats both of them regularly received from the extreme right wing and neo-Nazi groups, the couple decided not to risk doing these things. Unfortunately, according to marriage laws based on medieval German law, in which "blood" counts for everything. Consequently, Eva was denied to get any money from the Millennium Trilogy and every penny of the huge sum of money would go directly to Stieg’s brother and father.

3/About Sweden. I was not familiar with Sweden before this book. I was amazed by its big companies. As a nation only has a population of approximately 90 million, they have H&M, IKEA, Volvo, ABB, SAAB and so many other name brands. It’s small yet prosperous country by any standard.

4/The book in general. It is a great thriller. It is a page-turner. Its writing and wording is hard to follow and comprehend though, especially for us who is not native speakers, because a) there are lots of Swedish names and locations and b) it’s more of a British English way of translation which could cause a little trouble since we learn American English in China mainly, for instance it spelled “jail” as “gaol” and used phrases like “mind you” and the like.

5/Spoiler! Do not read if you haven’t read the whole book yet.

In this book (in fact in this series) we have two major protagonists, Salander namely “the girl with the dragon tattoo” and Mikael Blomkvist who like the author himself is a journalist. Salander is being portrayed as a 24-year-old computer talented hacker with piercings and tattoos who has been under guardianship since some point around her 13th birthday. Mikael Blomkvist is being depicted to be a top notch financial journalist and a charming middle age energetic man with high moral standard but also a bachelor who like to have flings with all kinds of women. They pool their talents to probe the Vanger mystery, a long time obsession to E. Vanger, a one-time big-shot of industrialist tycoon. The story proceeds with tint of sadism and eroticism, but all in all, it should be classified to the PI (personal investigation) thriller genre. And it has a good ending. They solved the myth. Salander managed to acquire billions of kronor (1 Swedish krona = 0.9853 Chinese yuan) and Blomkvist regain him fame.
