
El Croquis N. 134/135读后感100字

El Croquis N. 134/135读后感100字

《El Croquis N. 134/135》是一本由OMA著作,El Croquis出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:950.00元,页数:474,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《El Croquis N. 134/135》读后感(一):迄今国内价格最高、品质最好的杂志

《EL Croquis》是当今世界上最全面最权威的建筑出版物之一,上世纪70年代在西班牙创刊,一开始只是一本针对建筑学生的小册子,随后转向高端建筑市场,这一明智的决定使得该杂志在世界建筑领域获得了空前的成功。杂志创始人Fernando Márquez Cecilia和Richard Levene都是建筑专业毕业,三十多年来,他们不仅是发行人、编辑和美术指导,同时也自己负责拍摄照片。他们以极端负责的态度详细描述建筑作品,并具有与年代、潮流、环境无关的强烈的独立精神和批判意识,这两点使得该建筑出版物在建筑领域和优秀建筑项目一样拥有重要地位。

《El Croquis N. 134/135》读后感(二):筑梦书店出售 El Croquis 134/135 OMA 1996-2007 Koolhaas库哈斯


Second volume in a comprehensive survey of the architectural projects of Koolhaas and his respective offices focuses on work produced between 1996 and 2007 by the architect and the Office of Metropolitan Architecture. A total of 21 works and projects are examined through full page photographs, plans, models drawings and texts. Projects featured include: the Seattle Central Library, Mercati Generali, New Jeddah International Airport and the Vincent Gallo Apartment. The survey closes with a conversation between Koolhaas and Beatriz Columina

《El Croquis N. 134/135》读后感(三):筑梦书店出售 EL croquis 131/132 OMA REM KOOLHAAS 雷姆.库哈斯 2本一套


Editorial Reviews

Product Description

Rem Koolhaas along with OMA and AMO have grown into an influential architectural phenomenon producing architecture, urban planning and wide-ranging research projects. This double volume explores a total of 29 works and projects produced between 1996 and 2006 through full page colour photographs, plans, models and various investigations. Included are projects such as: Bordeaux House and Pool, the Prada projects, CCTV & TVCC in China, The McCormick Tribune Campus Centre at IIT, and the Netherlands Embassy in Berlin
