
The Long Tail的读后感大全

The Long Tail的读后感大全

《The Long Tail》是一本由Chris Anderson著作,Hyperion出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:$24.95,页数:256,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Long Tail》读后感(一):The Long Tail Era

Introduction: that Ben on page 3 is totally me!

Chapter 1-4: Good observation but a little bit lengthy. Feels like a 50-page-worth idea stretched to 200. The lengthiness took the fun out of it.

Chapter 5-6: Seriously considering ditching the book.

Chapter 7-9: Wait, looks like the book got interesting again.

Chapter 10: I just finished the book "The Paradox of Choice" last month! Can't believe they challenged that book and rewrote it as "The Paradise of Choice" (and the importance of filter)!

Chapter 11-14: It just gets better and better!

整本书最值得阅读的是最后一章“The Long Tail Rules”,其中的建议很值得娱乐业或是网络相关行业的人参考。

精简阅读的话可以只读第一章"The Long Tail"(写书背景)和第十四章"The Long Tail Rules"(对Long Tail Economy的建议)。

《The Long Tail》读后感(二):web2.0时代的商海必备!






1. The Long Tail

2. The Rise and Fall of the Hit

3. A Short History of the Long Tail

4. The Three Forces of the Long Tail

5. The New Producers

6. The New Markets

7. The New Tastemakers

8. Long Tail Economics

9. The Short Head

10. The Paradise of Choice

11. Niche Culture

12. The Infinite Screen

13. Beyond Entertainment

14. Long Tail Rules

Coda: Tomorrow's Tail

Notes on Sources and Further Reading


《The Long Tail》读后感(三):book review

1) Humans are gregarious animals. The connections between humans are inherent. Humans like to discover the world, the connections between humans and things are inherent. The Internet does not generate the connections, but facilitates the connections. 百度:人-信息。阿里巴巴:人(卖家)-商品-人(买家)。腾讯:人-人

2) The requirements of inches are inherent. In industrial economy, mass production and conventional news/entertainment publishing method make people hard to find the niches they like. Whereas, the Internet help people.

3) The Internet changes the way to acquire marketing datas. But, the datas are still covert and important.

4) The Long Tail diagram is incompliant with the 20/80 rule. The reasons are related to the Internet. First, the cost of the inventory decrease to about zero, while the volume of the inventory increase to about infinity. Second, search and recommendation mechanism help users to find the niche they like. The trend is that the curve will become even flatter.

5) A Long Tail market is not a zero-sum game.
