
De Profundis读后感1000字

De Profundis读后感1000字

《De Profundis》是一本由Oscar Wilde著作,Wordsworth Editions Ltd出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 1.99,页数:320,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《De Profundis》读后感(一):这一段太美了!

Of seed-time or harvest, of the reapers bending over the corn, or the grape-gatherers threading through the vines, of the grass in the orchard made white with broken blossoms, or strewn with fallen fruit, we know nothing, and can know nothing.

For us there is only one season, the season of Sorrow. The very sun and moon seem taken from us. Outside, the day may be blue and gold, but the light that creeps down through the thickly-muffled glass of the small iron-barred window beneath which one sits is grey and niggard. It is always twilight in one’s cell, as it is always midnight in one’s heart. And in the sphere of thought, no less than in the sphere of time, motion is no more. The thing that you personally have long ago forgotten, or can easily forget, is happening to me now, and will happen to me again tomorrow. Remember this, and you will be able to understand a little of why I am writing to you, and in this manner writing.

《De Profundis》读后感(二):愿你为自己而活






真的很难想象到他是如何将这么多因素完美的融合在一起的,仿佛这就是一种文体,一种叫做“dear Boise's letter”的文体。信中每句话都精确的可怕,完全不留给人一丝想象的空间。






How deep is your love?

Such a deep love.


Anyway 请永远记住王尔德要出狱前写的这些“but nature whose sweet rains fall on unjust and just alike, while have clefts in the rocks where i may hide, and secret valleys in whole silence i may weep undisturbed.”

《De Profundis》读后感(三):De Profundis



After a time that evil mood passed away, and I made up my mind to live, but to wear gloom as a king wears purple: never to smile agian: to turn whatever house I entered into a house of mourning: to make my friends walk slowly in sadness with me: to teach them that melancholy is the true secret of life: to maim them with an alien sorrow: to mar them with my own pain.



Now I feel quite differently. I see it would be both ungrateful and unkind of me to pull so long a face that when my friends came to see me they would have to make their faces still longer in order to show their sympathy; or, if I desired to entertain them, to invite them to sit down silently to bitter herbs and funeral baked meats. I must learn how to be cheerful and happy.


(越是深入邪恶本身中的文人从良后越是治愈的说,这本De Profundis是为明证,直读的人充满力量)


《De Profundis》读后感(四):求仁得仁

《de profundis》 或者《自深处》、《自深深处》、《深渊书简》。王尔德在Reading监狱里写给Bosie的信。Bosie,他的朋友,他的情人,他的伴侣,他的学生,他声名狼藉、身心交困的罪魁祸首。de profundis,直译是自深处。前几年出版的一个中译叫做自深深处,很有意境。译者说了,意思取的就是庭院深深深几许。但是似乎其暗示过于缠绵悱恻了,跟这封信实际的情调不太吻合。

开篇是声色俱厉的控诉。你毁坏了我的生活,我的艺术,我的家庭。事实上,王尔德并非人们眼中舌灿莲花的诡辩且不道德的教唆者,他只是让人们以为他是(他自己的话)。他更多的是对青春和美的无条件崇拜,所以面对Bosie他无能为力。王尔德用了庞大的篇幅来一件件地列举Bosie的种种行为,无情无义、任性乖张、然后,用自己对Bosie的态度,其他朋友对自己的态度来援例批评bosie。可谓是有论点有论据有论述。论点具体有很多,比如,你希望自己不付出分毫而得到所有,不论是爱,是注意力,还是美酒佳肴;你没有想象力,所以不能爱人;你挑唆我去控告你的父亲,其实是因为你恨他;you have no motive, only appetite;具体的事情比如,你未经我同意就把一卷文章献给我;你得了流感我照顾你,我被你传染之后你却一走了之;我被你弄得破产;你给我写过多少言辞丑恶伤人的信……他甚至说到了bosie的法语水平,称其翻译的《莎乐美》充满了schoolboy mistakes,但是,最终,在文章之外,人人都知道的是,《莎乐美》的英译还是采用了bosie的手笔,而非精通法语的插画家比亚兹莱。





题外的话是这样。王尔德出狱之后,他忠诚的朋友当然照顾了他,他的妻子也提出给他一笔monthly fee(月钱?)只要他保证不再见bosie。他答应了。然后,某一天,bosie去看了他,于是,他还是选择与bosie一起离去。

自深处,这封信的结尾,署名是affetionate friend。既是朋友,又饱含爱意,既无奈,又犹豫。


Bosie之后又活了漫长的年月,如他们家族的人一样,活得神经病,活得痛苦,活出了许多丑闻和笑柄。王尔德死后,他应当是很快就忘了他。不久,他爱上了一个姑娘,深深地,结了婚,终于也还是深深地互相伤害。晚年因为写文章攻击丘吉尔被以诽谤罪名下狱。他的人生还是有光彩之处的,他是现代拳击规则的奠定人,当然,还有那句著名的a love that dares not speak its name。

至于像王尔德在《自深处》最后写的,you came to me to learn the pleasure of life, and the pleasure of art. perhaps i am chosen to teach you something much more wonderful, the meaning of sorrow, and its beauty.他最后学到了没有,我猜王尔德也不曾抱有多大希望,我自然也不必做什么乐观的断语了。


《De Profundis》读后感(五):最爱的Oscar Wilde





“Pleasure for the beautiful body,but Pain for the beautiful Soul.”

“In art good intentions are not of the smallest value. All bad art is the result of good intentions.”

“Great passions are for the great of soul, and great events can be seen only by those who are on a level with them.”

“And the thought that loathing,bitterness and contempt should for ever take the place in my heart once held by love is very sad to me.”

“I also had my illusions.I thought life was going to be a brilliant comedy,and that you were to be one of many graceful figures in it.I found it to be a revolting and repellent tragedy(and that the sinister occasion of the great catastrophe).”

“I must say to myself that neither you nor your father,multiplied a thousand times over,could possibly have ruined a man like me:that I ruined myself:and that nobody,great or small,can be ruined except by his own hand.”

“Those who have much are often greedy.Those who have little always share.”

“I don’t regret for a single moment having lived for pleasure.I did it to the full,as one should do everything that one does to the full.”

“When he says”Forgive your enemies,”it is not for the sake of enemy but for one’s own sake that he says so,and because Love is more beautiful than Hate.In his entreaty to the young man whom when he looked on he loved,”sell all that thou hast and give it to the poor,”it is not for the state of the poor that he is thinking but of the soul of the young man,the lovely soul that wealth was marring.”

“A brazen face is a capital thing to show the world, but now and then when you are alone, and have no audience, you have, I suppose, to take the mask off for mere breathing purpose. Else, indeed, you would be stifled.”

“Truth, indeed, is a thing that is most painful to listen to and most painful to utter.”

“Unfortunately I spent on you my art, my life, my name, my place in history, and if your family had all the marvelous things in the world at their command, or what the world holds as marvelous, genius, beauty, wealth, high position and the like, and laid them all at my feet, it would not repay me for one tithe of the smallest things that have been taken from me, or one tear of the least tears I have shed.”

“For yourself, I have but this last thing to say. Do not be afraid of the past. If people tell you that it is irrevocable, do not believe them. The past, the present and the future are but one moment in the sight of God, in whose sight we should try to live.”

“Things, also, are in their essence what we choose to make them. A thing is, according to the mode in which one looks at it.”
