
《The Poetics of Space》的读后感大全

《The Poetics of Space》的读后感大全

《The Poetics of Space》是一本由Gaston Bachelard著作,Beacon Press出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 16.00,页数:288,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Poetics of Space》读后感(一):the spaces are the spaces of imagination

the spaces are the spaces of imagination. we can build a space by our mind purely.


“these dream values communicate poetically from soul to soul. to read poetry is essentially to daydream”

《The Poetics of Space》读后感(二):一句话


When a poet tells me that he "knows a type of sadness that smells of pineapple," I myself feel less sad, I feel gently sad.



附诗人名:Jules Supervielle

《The Poetics of Space》读后感(三):Gaston Bachelard, 1884-1962 (摘自人民出版社《二十世纪法国哲学》)

巴歇拉尔( Gaston Bachelard, 1884-1962) ,哲学家、认识论家、文学批评家。曾是邮局和电信局职员,曾担任10年之久的中学物理和化学教员。在取得哲学学士后,又通过全法哲学教师资格考试。1927年以论相近认识》为题的博士论文取得文学博士学位。在博士论文中,巴拉尔就强调我们不能以连续性范畴,而是要以“纠正”、“断裂”和“重组”等来思考科学。他先后执教于法国第戎大学和巴黎大学。法国四级、三级荣誉勋位获得者,1955年人选道德和政治科学学院,1961年获得全法文学大奖。主要著作有:《论相近认识》 (1928)、《论物理学问题的演化》(1928)、《相对性的归纳价值》 (1929)、《现代化学的融贯多元论》 (1932)、《瞬间的直觉》 ( 1932)、《新科学精神》 (1934)、《绵延的辩证法》 (1936)、《当代物理学中的空间经验》 (1937)、《火的精神分析)(1938)、《理性唯物主义》( 1953)、《空间的诗学》 (1957)、《梦想的诗学》(1961)、《烛火》 (1961)、《科学精神的形成》 (1938)、《无的哲学)(140)、《水与梦》 ( 1942)、《空气与梦想》 ( 1943)、 《当代物理学的理性主义活动》 (1951)等。

《The Poetics of Space》读后感(四):批评柏格森绵延理论的《瞬间的直觉》。

批评柏格森绵延理论:《瞬间的直觉》是巴歇拉尔对当时主宰法国哲学界甚至世界哲界的柏格森主义的宣战书,它奠基于现代科学领域尤其是物理学、化学和数学的新发现和新成果,倡导以鲁普内尔——Caston Roupel)为代表的瞬间实在观来反对柏格森的绵延实在观,从而开创了认识论哲学的新时代。







《The Poetics of Space》读后感(五):Space that foster memories, habitations and childhoods

In the process of drawing and redrawing “circles of safety” for a sense of peace and secure, home is created, as well as its poetics. Bachelard focuses especially on the personal and emotional response to space both in actual architectures and in literary works applying the method of phenomenology. He values people’s simplest interactions with the simplest of objects and places of their lives. “Topoanalysis” is used by Bachelard to study the “space we love” that fosters memories, habitations and childhoods, and investigate how the attained images affect our daydreams and sense of happiness and wellbeing. As Bachelard says in his book: when we dream of the house we were born in, in the utmost depth of recovery, we participate in this original warmth, in this well-tempered matter of the material paradise. This is the environment in which the protective beings live. Faced with the bestial hostility of the natural environment, the protection and resistance of space are transposed into human virtues. A house is one of the great power of integration for the thoughts, memories and dreams of mankind. A house is refuge to a dreamer, like a hut, a nest, a drawer, a shell, or a corner in which we would like to hide in. In such a place, poetics images occur like a sudden salience on the surface of the psyche. The novelty and action brought by these poetic images are entire, dynamic and independent of causality. “Through the exuberance of poem, new depth is awakened in us”, image flows into the line of the verse, carrying the imagination along with it, as through the imagination created a nerve fiber. Bachelard’s work encourages architectures to rethink the meaning and language of space building implicitly.
