
《A Light in the Attic》读后感精选

《A Light in the Attic》读后感精选

《A Light in the Attic》是一本由Shel Silverstein著作,HarperCollins出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 18.99,页数:176,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《A Light in the Attic》读后感(一):我愿送你一首小诗 在每个迟迟不愿睡去的夜晚


I have a hot dog for a pet,

The only knid my folks would let

Me get.

He does smell sort of bad

And yet,

He absolutely never gets

The sofa wet.

We have a butcher for a vet,

The strangest vet you ever met.

Guess we're the weirdest family yet,

To have a hot dog for a pet.

《A Light in the Attic》读后感(二):A light in the attic


Shel Silverstein 1930-1999 诗人、插画家、剧作家、作曲家、乡村歌手。








Each time I see the Upside-Down Man

Standing in the water

I look at him and start to laugh

Although I shouldn't audacious

For maybe in another world

Another time

Another town

Maybe HE is right side up

I am upside down

《A Light in the Attic》读后感(三):Shel Silverstein's Books, You have to read, You'd better read



Do you know him? Have you read his books? It is a pity if you don't know him and didn't read his books.


It is a bigger pity that he has died.


I just started to read his books from one month ago though I have seen two stories based on two of his classic books long time before. At that time, I knew nothing about him and his books. Only felt the stories are very touching. One is a flash of 'The Missing Piece', the other is a story of 'THe Giving Tree'.

一个月前,我才正式地开始读他的书。尽管很早以前,也看到过一些基于他的书做的一些东西。最早看到的是一个Flash ‘失落的一角’。另一个就是翻译成中文的故事‘The Giving Tree’。

看中文的同学们,可以看这个http://www.flashempire.com/top10/top10play.php?id=3781。唉,不好意思。在这共享。嘿嘿,未经许可,助长擅自散布盗版了。不过我看了flash,还是买了原文书。说明这个flash是个引子。哈哈。而且已经买了两本。我的老友Hu Dui同学也买了一本中文书了。好的东西还是有人捧场的。

If you only can read English, the web link above is a flash version of 'The missing piece'. However, the text has been translated to Chinese. From Shel's official web site, you can get to know a little of this book. http://shelsilverstein.com/html/books.html The flashes in this web site are very cool but only show a bit of every book. Maybe only two pages.

The Giving Tree是写一棵树和一个男孩的故事。我觉得这个故事是比喻母亲(或父母)对孩子的无限地,倾尽其所有地给予。树的给予伴随了男孩的一生。男孩小时候,爬树,在树梢荡秋千,在树荫下睡觉。男孩长大了,不再和树玩耍了,他需要钱,树让他把自己的苹果拿去卖。男孩要成家,需要房子,树把树枝给了男孩。男孩要远行,树把树干给了男孩造船。男孩老了的时候,终于又回到树的身边,树已经什么都没有了,只剩一个树桩。但男孩也只需要有个地方坐坐。树让他做在他的树桩上。每次,树在把自己的一部分给予男孩时,都因为满足了男孩的需求而感到非常高兴。直到男孩带走了树干,树只剩下树桩时,书中写到:'The tree was happy. But not really.'...心酸。

The Giving Tree tells a story about a tree and a boy. I feel what the story wants to tell us is the unlimit giving which Mom does (or parents do) the best they can to child. The tree's giving accompanies the boy's whole life. When the boy was a little boy, he often climb up the trunk, gather leaves, swing at the branches of the tree, eat apples, play hide and go seek, and nap in the tree shade. When the boy grew up, he didn't play with tree any more. He told the tree that he needs some money to buy things to get happy. The tree let the boys to sell her apples. The boy took apples away happily and the tree was happy. When the boy wanted a house and get married, the tree asked the boy to cut off her branches to build a house. When the boy wanted to travel far away and need a boat. The tree let the boy to take her trunk away. When the boy was old, he came back to the tree. The tree has nothing left except a stump. She said to the boy saddly:'Boy, I have nothing to help you.' The boy said that he need nothing now only want to find a place to sit. The tree let the boy to sit on her stump. Everytime, the tree was very happy after her giving met the boy's requirements. Until the boy took her trunk away, it siad in the book: 'The tree was happy. But not really.' Sad.

今年夏天,一个偶然的机会在三藩看到'A light in the attic'。中文翻成‘阁楼上的光’。这是一本诗集。充满了无限想象力和无穷小乐趣的诗集。 This summer, I saw 'A light in the attic' in San Francisco accidently. This is a poetry book, full of imagination and fun.


Let me read one to you:


I've made me a moon-catchin' net,

And I'm goin' huntin' tonight,

I'll run along swingin' it over my head,

And grab for that big ball of light.

So tomorrow just look at the sky,

And if there's no moon you can bet

I've found what I sought and I finally caught

The moon in my moon-catchin' net.

But if the moon's still shinin' there,

Look close underneath and you'll get

A clear look at me in the sky swingin' free

With a star in my moon-catchin' net.


All shel's texts are matched with drawings. I really want to scan the picture to show you. The picture of this poetry looks like a boy hunging in the sky, his hand is led by a net, the net looks quite similar to a cicada or dragonfly catching net. There is a big star in his net.

