




每个人都可以是生活中的创意家,而这种手做精神正是自造者(Maker)的基本 DNA.但是在科技不断日新月异下,工厂大量生产制造的商品充斥在日常生活当中,逐渐地,我们忘记本身所拥有的创造力,身边拥有的东西也失去了宝贵的意义。在纪录片中,有许多人都相信动手能力是我们进步的重要动力。Techshop为自造者提供了一个创造的空间,在这个空间里,maker一起讨论一起交流,一起想出很多新想法



Maker invent new things, which to some extent promote social development and bring economic benefits. If a country has more self-made people, it will also have a positive effect on the economy.


The theme begins: "We become consumers and forget that we were once manufacturers." The difference between man and animal is whether he can make tools. But now, whether it's social progress is too fast or technology is too advanced, we slowly start to have not imagination and creativity to make things. 我认为创造力是要培养的。一代人可以影响另外一代人。就和兴趣一样。就像陶行知在《创造宣言》中说是那样:“天天是创造之时,人人是创造之人。”




A simple self-made handicraft, which contains our creative ideas about life. What we enjoy is the pride brought to us by the production process and results. Under the current conditions, we can easily and quickly obtain products, and we can also think by ourselves to design and transform small fun items in our life. Therefore, we should not blindly passively accept what the market gives us. We should have our own small happiness in life.


We are now in the age of mechanical manufacturing, where diy has become a minority option. Most people are losing their creativity, so diy should be back in the eyes of the public and implemented by all. Discovering the joy of creation in diy is also a good choice for honing yourself.As a spiritual product created by human beings, self-creation spirit is the recognition of self-creation. We are supposed to become a self-made, in this process to experience the charm of self-made, exercise the ability to reproduce a self-made era.

