
《The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared》的读后感大全

《The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared》的读后感大全

《The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared》是一本由Jonasson, Jonas著作,Hesperus Press出版的图书,本书定价:2012,页数:,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared》读后感(一):疯狂版阿甘正传


《The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared》读后感(二):NO ZUO NO DIE

读第三遍还是笑得前翻后仰。 Allen 是我们中文里说的那种不作死就不会死的老活宝。小人物串联历史大事的写法有点阿甘正传的味道。 一个讨厌政治的人几乎和二战政治领袖的佛朗哥,罗斯福 etc发生关系。 最搞笑的是作者杜撰的爱因斯坦的轻微智障的同母异父兄弟。 还有瑞典的热狗小哥,和扫地僧一样,貌不惊人可是身藏绝技啊。一个百岁老人都能勇气,在所有人都认为他只能等死的时候,爬出窗户,开拓精彩,并充满感激。我们年轻健康又何必自寻烦恼。Everything will work out just fine.

《The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared》读后感(三):百岁老人的戏谑人生


故事两条主线,主人公Allan Karlsson厌倦了养老院里面的无聊生活(多半是因为不让他喝伏特加),在百岁生日那天溜出了养老院,开始了一段没有目的地的旅程(甚至只穿了双拖鞋就走了)。在巴士站上车前还顺走了一个小混混的行李箱,后来发现里面装满了巨额现金。。

在旅途中,Allan结识了一系列朋友,也道出了他漫长一生的传奇经历——都是和二十世纪各大历史政治人物所关联的:救过弗朗哥,解决过原子弹制作的重要问题,结识杜鲁门,被派去中国内战中协助宋美龄,结果救了江青。。和丘吉尔,斯大林,Herbert (不是 Albert哈哈) 爱因斯坦,毛泽东,戴高乐接触发生离奇遭遇,还成了冷战里美苏的双重间谍。。就这样我们的九条命主人公带我们回味了二十世纪重大的历史事件

很搞笑易读的一本书,虽然只是虚构小说,但是如果大家厌倦了其他小说的荡气回肠,建议试着读一读这本来放松一下,书里面几乎每一句叙述和对白都很戏谑人生的感觉让你莞尔一笑。读的时候可能会联想到阿甘正传里面类似的幽默形式。可是百岁老人带给我们的,有别与阿甘美国式精神的激励,更多的是对于二十世纪政治世界的的嘲讽。他的生活之道,也无非是最后说到的always think positively!

《The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared》读后感(四):童话一般的storyline


在这里面私信喊一声:超级喜欢benny啊!!果然知识就是力量,无论发生什么事情他果断都是最有用的一个,瑞典的热狗小哥,和中国的扫地僧好像啊,貌不惊人可是身藏绝技啊。让我觉得也想去多学点东西啊,应付各种突发情况多可靠啊,而且滴酒不沾什么的萌死了有木有!包括他的老婆the beauty,就喜欢这样英姿飒爽,雷厉风行的女子!而且sonya也萌死了,一只好乖的大象啊呜!!好想养一只啊!每次看到别人听到elephant这个词那个惊讶的样子就爆笑有木有!!这一对真的是猛戳我的萌点啊。


这个世界观里面不知道为什么能掌权的都是idiots啊~~感觉很搞笑,是对政治的一种讽刺吧,真正聪明的人不会去搞政治,就像allan一样,因为no good for mental health~~最搞笑的idiot就是Einstein couple了吧,真心喜欢这对善良的夫妻,而且还生了两个非常聪明的儿子。在法国Amanda的发言真是笑死我了,通过贿赂一路爬上来什么的,幸好有allan救场才能免于被驱逐。这可真是一对活宝,一个从来没找到回自己狱室的路,一个从来没有给客人上过正确的酒。

关于现代线的各种巧合,最终这一伙人捏造的那个假故事反而被当成真的,当年最接近真相的推论反而被推翻。怎么说呢,这个小说充分证实了思考任何事情不能太禁锢在逻辑框架里面啊,明明通过各种巧合,allan杀死他们并让他们的尸体漂流海外还是有可能的么,跟着证据追查下去并且不要惹毛chief inspector arronson的话还是有可能真相大白的么!不过那个假的故事太搞笑了,一看就那么凶恶的boss和never again居然自称是传教组织,那在bus station对人家那么凶恶的态度又是怎么回事,还在电话里面大骂脏话!而且bosse对于自己那一堆圣经和西瓜的执着好深啊!这个结局让人觉得挺讽刺的,真凶全都可以逍遥法外啊。

不得不赞的是全书的线索链接都很清楚,经常上一个事件会导致下一个事件的发生,比如圣经和西瓜到后面都会用来洗白,idiot Einstein couple的经历说给Trumen听之后导致watergate scandal,还有跟敏感词有关的就不提了。不过sonya的出现貌似没有什么深意,纯属恶意卖萌吧!╭(╯^╰)╮


不过allan他们杀人这么轻易还是让我有些不爽啊,因为这个所以扣一星吧。不过allan那种simple and happy的态度让我觉得很欣赏。现在看完了,还觉得有那么点不舍。书里面不管多么tough的人物基本上一杯vodka都可以搞定啊(作者究竟是有多爱vodka啊),主角的态度也只是快乐轻松的活着,不去想太多。另一个很激励我的地方是一个百岁老人都能如此乐观有活力,在所有人都认为他只能等死的时候,依然勇敢的爬出窗户,开拓精彩的人生,并且充满希望,我们这些年轻有力气有未来的人又何必自寻烦恼。人生已经如此的艰难,why not make life easier?


《The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared》读后感(五):Adventure of a century

an adventure of a hundred years starts with your first first bomb and doesn't end with an atomic bomb. Allan might be born to look not intelligent and even down slow but this seemingly hopeless person live to be a hundred years old and through the century became a magnifying glass of the events of the century, from ww2 to Franco to Mao and more. He himself made history when he accidentally helped created the first atomic bomb. Parents always say don't play with fire but his father played, albeit figuratively, with fire by supporting sosialism, or was it communism, by leaving Sweden and joining the cause in Russia. Little Alan learnt the lesson and chose not to play with political fire but Instead with the real fire. His journey starts by detonating home made bomb in his hometown and the only thing to do was to leave, and from there starts his journey as a chemistry man, with bomb that is.

From making bombs to detonating them, he left Sweden and found himself in Spain where he ended up first on the left and then on the right of the revolution, or was it the other way around. Life treats you well when you know how to make bombs, so alan ended up travelling to US to pour coffee, a well paid and steady job given that he had to flee from his previous jobs, the only thing was that this is no ordinary restaurant but Los Amos the laboratory that produced the famous a bomb. As a coffee servant alan couldn't help but to solve the final equation to the problem, a little like shawshank redemption only this time he pours coffee instead of mopping the floor. Anyway one thing led to another and the bomb was created, the U.S. Vice President met alan and while they were drinking vodka he became the president. Yes during the drinking session the sitting one died and the vice took over as the president.

He was not done with just Franco and Truman(or was it Roosevelt?) and had to also meet Stalin and Mao. And of course you can't leave vodka out when you meet Stalin. So with vodka and long talks, Alan also helped the east built an atomic bomb, like he did for the west. Maybe this time he felt better as the last time he was serving coffee while he crack the code and this time he did it by drinking vodka. Well, for some strange reasons, he was still sent to the gulag in Vladivostok and there he spent five years learning Russian and meeting Albert Einstein's half brother.

So how did Albert Einstein's brother come into picture? Apparently Russians wanted to kidnap Albert Einstein to help them figure out how to build A bombs but they ended up kidnapping the brother, mistakenly. So instead of going for the real Einstein, alan was kidnapped. In Alan's case it wasn't so much a kidnap. The vodka binge caused him to spilled secrets who brought him to meet Stalin who then ended up sending him to the gulag (he almost became Stalin's new best friend when instead ended up in the gulag when Stalin thought that alan insulted him)

Anyways, enough of Stalin and he met Mao next. or was it Kai shiek. Well, you don't round up world politics by not mentioning china. But how about Africa? Or Latin America?

When Alan turned 100, he managed to sent a thug packing (literally)to Africa and another to Eastern Europe, which I think was Latvia. And how about Latin America? Well, the only thug that never managed to challenge alan went home to Caracas when he had a watermelon smashed onto his head.

In the end alan made many interesting friends in his twilight years and even managed to marry a former governor of sort of Bali. And by settling in indonesia he was invited by yuhoyono to build another a bomb at the age of 100.
