






车上 猛抬头








小小空巢 广阔心胸



成长的足迹还在 东奔西走


现实生活 美好希冀

月缺月圆 潮落潮涨

离树的叶 重返新枝

缤纷繁茂的世界里 巢





关爱空巢老人作文400字 雏鹰暖空巢 关爱在行动


同学们可以说是八仙过海——各显神通,“琵琶公主”杨蕊涵独奏的《欢乐的日子》,曲调抑扬顿挫,娓娓动听;马天翔独唱的《神笔马良》,歌声似百灵一般婉转动听;戴闻添表演的精彩魔术让人大开眼界;朱行健吹的巴乌悠扬悦耳,听得大家如痴如醉……而王斯林演奏的萨克斯曲《在莫斯科郊外的晚上》和阳光男孩岳之阳的吉他弹唱将联欢会推上了高潮。现场精彩纷呈,掌声不断。在最后,我和王宇晗现场为爷爷奶奶们作画—— “祖国江山”和“松鹤延年”,祝福他们身体健康,幸福快乐!活动在同学们的大合唱《美在海小》中活动圆满落幕。爷爷奶奶们对我们的表演都啧啧称赞,更为我们的一片心意而深深感动。



关爱空巢老人作文400字 去空巢老人家










加入党组织能够创造一个更好的空间与平台。在更好的服务同学之时提升自己。让自己能在历史进程中正确发挥作用,实现最大的人生目标与人生价值。我感觉入党首先是要思想上入党,入党是觉悟的一种很大提高,入党本身标志着思想进入一个新境界。在以后的工作、生活中奉献自我、体现价值,维护和发展群众利益。入党对于每一位想加入她的人来说都意味着更多的责任与使命,意味着拼搏与奋斗。党员的光荣就在于其信念与忠诚。入党对于每位追求上进、有志青年来说都是无悔、正确的选择。所有自己想要加入这个优秀的组织,成为其中一员更好服务他人,提升自己。 我作为一名入党积极分子,在经过了党校结课后这一年对中国共产党[来源于]更深入地了解及相关知识的沉淀后,我倍加无法抑制内心想要成为一名光荣的中国共产党党员的意愿,想要为中国共产党,中国人民,乃至中华民族做出自己的贡献!我也将继续努力学习,争取早日成为一名合格的中国共产党党员!





◆您现在正在阅读的小学的英语作文 今年暑假(this vacations)文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

小学的英语作文 今年暑假(this vacations)

今年暑假(this vacations)

in this vacations igo to travel in some famous places and i go to visit my grandparents in the village.i learn something difenrent.like example:iknow people work in the village it is so hard and so tired,they are grow the vegetable,rice and something else it is very dificult.

小学的最后一个暑假(the last summer in my elementary school)

the last summer in my elementary school is very unforgetable,i remember i will go to another school and have to leave my friends and teachers,i feel sad ,but i learned to get together with them to remember the friendship between us,we have a good time and swear to study hard in order to have a bright future.

今天的经历(today's experience)

it was a fine day today and the sun was bright . i visited beijing zoo with my classmate , zhang hong .

the animals there were so interesting that allthe people loved them . when i saw a visitor throwing food to the monkeys , i went ran to stop him and said ,“ animals are our good friends and we must take good care of them .”


◆您现在正在阅读的我的英语老师my english teacher文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

我的英语老师my english teacher

in my life, ms. wang is the most important person to me. her teaching skills are diverse. in class, she usually uses games and posters. she works hard for us. when other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. when we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance.

we are really grateful for what she has done for us. we want to say ”thank you” to her.



Spring Festival is approaching, every household in hurry to buy Hui-chun, paintings and so on. On this night, I and my mom went to the father's father held a Spring Festival party.

After a few minutes by car, we came to the destination. Has just entered the scene, I was attracted those colorful lights, as well as colored spotlights and turn the ball it! I made him look happy because I was the first time I saw such a beautiful stage.

My father and mother to find space to sit down. Soon, the hosts said: "The Chinese New Year Party now!" I think: Today's show will be very interesting. So, I would stare at the moderator. "The first program is Miss Xie Jimin the 'plateau', we welcome the applause!" Heard here, I have involuntarily clapped her hands, because Aunt Min is the father of the most friendly partner. With the music playing, sensitive mother's sister sang together, the audience cheers came from time to time, finally, Aunt Min to an ultra-high end audio in the program. The audience broke into thunderous applause, and some Han Qi a father's slogan: "On, Yes!" Applause and shouts break out.

Show host came out and said: "The second program is the next Miss Zhu Xiaohong dance performances, we welcome the applause!" Soon, we saw one wearing a red dress and holding a big sister, tai chi fan out from the crowd, When she was up to the table, I suddenly felt the fire of the Chinese people have a continuously burning. "Deng, Deng, Deng." Music sounded, and immediately waved the big sister who played in the hands of Tai Chi fans, jump wonderful dance. She Shenqingruyan, action one by one, totally inexperienced, we can see his big sister rehearsal, how hard ah!

Unconsciously, this Chinese New Year party in a Unit, thunderous applause ended, the Spring Festival party really happy ah!


The 24th World University Winter Games, the Chinese delegation in the afternoon on the 12th held in Harbin

was formally established. Wang Meng's short track speed skating, freestyle skiing aerials champion Han Xiaopeng,

speed skating champion Wang Beixing

absent due to injuries and other reasons.

This winter will be a total of big mountain skiing, cross-country skiing, speed skating, short track speed skating and other 12 major Xiao Xiang 82, in which the ice sports will be held in Harbin city, snow sports will be in Yabuli Ski and held Maoershan. As the host country,

China will send a 359-member the history of the largest delegation, including 193 athletes,

they will take part in queue in addition to slip this little ice in addition to all projects,

regardless of team size or the number of entries exceed all previous ones.


◆您现在正在阅读的这就是我的英语老师(this is my english teacher)文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

这就是我的英语老师(this is my english teacher)

这就是我的英语老师(this is my english teacher)

she is 23 years old . she has got long hair . she has got small body ; her feet are small ; her eyes are big ; her hands are big ; her ears are small . she is beautiful . i love my english teacher !



Sunday morning, Xiao-qing sleep Masaka and suddenly she heard "Susu" sound, quarrel not feel she was sleeping. She reluctantly sat up and rubbed his eyes, went to the window before slowly and gently open the windows a look, wow! That the outside is a feather-like snow under it! Xiao-Qing are pleased to have had crowed. She could not wait to put on the skates, breath ran Fengchi Park.

Fengchi Park may more, some in the snowball fight, and some to be a gift to Santa Claus, and some with happy singing, dancing, as well as a cute little dog along the path printed out a strange footprints it! It sat there quietly, as if never seen snow like. Xiao-Qing also started skating, and suddenly there was a little boy picked up a snowball, is preparing threw Xiao-qing, Xiao-qing can be smart, and suddenly slipped passed, but also a hippie smile, said: "hey, Dabu Zhao, you is Dabu Zhao! "He was furious even the brows are erected come. More than that, there's a glorious position of the Christmas tree, Christmas tree there are many candles, gifts and bells. Santa Claus has also prepared a number of colorful trees a gift, as if to give to all the kids play at the snow, the beautiful great.

This is really a happy Christmas !
