







由于作者对西语的广博了解,其对英语中各类现象进行横向纵向多维度的分析,可谓鞭辟入里,这可是几十年的外语功底啊。我自己最启发的是书中专门厘清了动词语义上的“体”和语法上的“貌”,让人一目了然。本书英文名“Beyond the Dictionary”,可见本书不仅不是词典,更是填补了很多一般人“常识”以外的空白。另外,别看这本书篇幅长,但是确是Usage一类书中目前最适合通读的书了,例句常常以下见大,演绎良多。故而常翻常查,亦是颇增兴味的。



值得一提的是,先生对动词的处理,采用了Zeno Vendler的四类动词划分,这些内容在前言和附录里都有讲解,因此建议先学习前言和附录之后再来学习正文部分。组长在读这书的前言和附录时,那感动得真叫一个内牛满面。以这书的篇幅,不加附录也完全交代得过去了。另外,先生大可以跟随潮流,作一个充满小资情调的简短序言。但先生是实在人,一字一句都是切实有意义的,一字一句都凝聚着先生的心血和功力。



《英语常用词疑难用法手册》读后感(四):The Value of Distinctions

This is a book on Distinctions. Here I assemble some texts that seem helpful in helping one to appreciate the value of distinctions.

Come, sir, arise, away! I'll teach you differences.


As Austin himself puts the point in ‘Truth’, ‘It takes two to make a truth’: his focus is not solely on language, but, in part through a focus on use of language, the phenomena talked about.


Ontology recapitulates philology.

— James Grier Miller, quoted in Quine, Word and Object.

The Method of PhilosophyMaking Distinctions by SOKOLOWSKI

I wish to help clarify what philosophy is by discussing its method. I will suggest that the form of thinking proper to philosophy is extremely simple: philosophy is the intellectual activity that works with distinctions. Its method is the making and the questioning of distinctions Philosophy explains by distinguishing. This does not mean that philosophy just asserts distinctions and lets it go at that; rather, it works with distinctions, it brings them out and dwells on them, dwells with them, showing how and why the things that it has distinguished must be distinguished one from the other, Furthermore, since it essentially works with distinctions, philosophy sometimes will show that a certain distinction that has been proposed or taken for granted is unreal or invalid. Philosophy sometimes obliterates distinctions. Such rejection of distinctions, however, is the negative and refutational aspect of philosophy's work; its positive success consists in achieving a distinction that clarifies a situation or a controversy, a distinction that brings out the nature of a thing. Furthermore, even when denying a distinction, philosophy proceeds by making other distinctions that allow it to deny the one in question.


Then we look at what philosophers actually do, we find that distinctions are at the nerve of their argument.

Kant distinguishes between sensibility and reason, and then distinguishes imagination from both of them; he distinguishes between moral maxims, rules of skill, and counsels of prudence.

Husserl begins the first of his Logical Investigations by making what he calls "the essential distinctions" between expressions and indication-signs, and later between empty and filled intentions.

Oakeshott distinguishes between an enterprise association and a civil association;

Hobbes distinguishes between the state of nature and civil society;

Locke (after denying any real distinction between innate and acquired principles) distinguishes between ideas and the objects that cause them, as well as between ideas of sensation and reflection, simple and complex ideas, and many other forms.

Aristotle continuously provides arrays of distinctions, such as those among the virtuous, self-controlled, weak, and vicious, between opinion and wish, between activities sought for their own sake and those sought for some end, and the like.


...philosophy is the art of differential diagnosis, done for its own sake.






《英语常用词疑难用法手册》研究的对象主要是英语中常见的单词和词组,因为一个单词越常用,对应的问题就越多,越值得研究。书的英文名Beyond the Dictionary也高度概括了它的精髓:针对词典中未能解释清楚的知识点进行详细说明,着重探讨中国英语学习者最应该注意的语言知识点。与同为疑难用法手册的《牛津英语用法指南》相比,这本书会更加符合中国学习者的特点。


…ancient skills have been lost to modernisation 这一说法如何理解呢?在各大英英词典中查找lose/lost的用法都没有找到对应的搭配和解释,但这一用法确实在英语材料中经常看到。在《疑难用法手册》的lose词条中我们可以找到这样的说法:

从这里可以知道,lost to modernisation是由lose something to something这一用法变换而来,ancient skills have been lost to modernisation 字面意思是“古老的技艺已经输给了现代化”,引申为“古老的技艺因现代化而失传”。


if not impossible怎么理解呢?《疑难用法手册》专门给出了一个if not词条的解释:

if not在这里可以理解为“甚至是……”,比如 Their behavior was reproachable, if not criminal. 他们的行为是恶劣的,甚至是罪恶的。the global target to prevent climate catastrophe will be very difficult if not impossible to hit 即“阻止气候灾难的全球目标将会很难实现,甚至不可能完成”。



比如药品说明书上的“禁忌”有人翻译成taboos,但taboos是指宗教或社会习俗方面的禁忌,不能用来指药品使用禁忌,这里正确说法应该是contraindication;中文里面有“建议某人做某事”的说法,但英语不能说成suggest somebody to do something,而要说suggest somebody do something,关于这类错误书中有不少总结,可以重点关注。


如果一个英语用法在汉语中找不到对等的概念,我们理解起来通常会比较困难,比如ever/at all/out there/community/engage等,《疑难用法手册》考虑到中国学习者的特点,对这类用法进行了详细说明,有助于我们更好地掌握它们。


英语中有一些很容易混淆的同义词和近义词,比如amount/number, hurt/wound/injure, safety/security, because/for/since, treatment/therapy 等,书中对于这类用法也有比较详细的总结。


