





Spring is coming! Spring is coming! That beautiful, flowers are blooming in the spring has finally arrived!

To meet this girl, but the spring was drizzle patches, comfortable spring breeze that leaves 10 million out of a bloom of willows. Too delicate grass, fresh leaves, bright colored flowers, like a country fair like all wanted to come to form a dazzling spring of tears. Swallow is no exception, out of breath flew from the north, for the glory of spring to add a lot of vitality.

Pairs of swallows through the mountains, across the lake, to the south, already exhausted, but felt so beautiful in the spring, as if eating a lot of chocolate this thing, get active, have the spirit. In the spring of play, flying the green fields, circling in the water and some play tired of the swallows were standing a few poles that mark utility poles. Ah! How like a lovely note, read music at that memorials became still hear the music.

The campus is rich and colorful spring. Beautiful winter jasmine are welcome too! Avenue, both sides of the trees, the trail on both sides of flower Fan Ye Mao. Spent everywhere on campus, a distance looking like a campus covered with thick snow, the last to see people feel the sky is beautiful snowflakes drifting. Lawn Lvyin Yin, the central set up with a century-old trees, next to the beautiful flowers there are a few bundles decorated the lawn more attractive, more beautiful. Really like a beautiful picture.

Spring innocent beautiful!



Spring gradually returned to the earth, was the spring of the girl wake up again gradually active in the earth up. It was covered with flowers district filled with rich floral and that not only sounds, but also a wonderful Xiaosheng, I am relaxed and happy.

I am afraid to break the share of quiet, intoxicated with the step by step, and slowly down the marble staircase that smooth, that the beauty of spring, that spring immediately to my eye: a small flower bud in the spring when the girl came out of a change Duo beautiful winter jasmine, it seems that one after another of the golden Shakes the Barley, gently in the wind, it is like a lively little speakers are just playing the wonderful music it! The winter jasmine neighbor has just stuck your head out soon, they are the world's fastest-growing, very tenacious vitality of tall bamboo plants, their straight to keep the basketball court next to the guard is not only the audience, looked very imposing. Wind, light leisurely way across their faces bamboo, bamboo in the ground trembled slightly, I really like in yelled out: "Go, go, must not lose!"

Look at that side of several happy children, are playing 老鹰捉小鸡 it! Nazhi awkward "eagle" left right hop hop kept on holding clever in a "chick" it! After a very long time, "Eagles" tired sweating profusely, or nothing. Suddenly a "chick" dodgy caught behind the success was an eagle, only the poor, "chick" a butt sitting on the ground Wawadaku, everyone in this moment with a laugh ... ...

I walked, kept trained on a sheet descending from the sky to collect samples of leaves and enjoy with ulterior motives in a red corner edge of the apricot in the springtime beauty of the contests, and they are playing it who is the most beautiful! Felt the kids happy mood. At this point, I was reminded of the beautiful spring of the Southern Song Dynasty poet Ye Shao Weng, "not worth the Garden" in the poem: Spring beauties lock in limitless, an affair, come. Ah! I love the beauty of spring. But I love spring, it is encouraging, urging them motivated share of the good mood.



Spring the girl went gently, the fragrance of flower, spring the faint scent of day also subsequently parting, wear only the aureate memory perpetuation that spring leaves, for a long time does not go... this spring is special to us, this has been us the last spring that 28 classmates spend together, we are cherished all the more. This spring and differ greatly before, quarrel, cerebrum... disharmonious thing each disappears from the scene, those who replace is mirth, solidarity... and do not say to be the same as the mutual help between the desk, when also telling spring outing spend difficulty in all, more do not discuss the care like the family member, but tell tell this athletic meeting. The athlete goes all out do one's best of one mind is class win honour for, cheering squad calls broken voice to be cheered to team member, classmates the pen does not stop n cultivated land contribute is contended for " class of optimal conduct propaganda " ... special spring, aureate memory -- lasting!


On Sunday, wind He Rili, celestial tile blue tile is blue, every piece Bai Yun in the sky happy amuse oneself is worn. I and mom are riding a bicycle to go field looks for spring. Wow! Vernal open country is very beautiful! Have the cornfield that hopes to be less than an edge shiny green, just the pale green small grass of break ground, peony is beautiful on the gemmule that grew Gong Gong, each was shown on sallow the not famous floret of cerebella bag, yellow, still have, the ice in the pond melted, also become even land very loose like biscuit. Walk into cornfield, the wheat seeding of glossy dark green of glossy dark green grows one 拃 tall, gentle breeze is blown slowly, wheat seeding start comes lively dancing, green wave an one bend over, be like the spring in paean beauty. The land below the foot also had spring in the air. Of clump of a silk, one clump small grass was gotten out from the ground, much more lovely small grass! Delicate, so tender that appear to be touched gently can become broken end, the color of olivine olivine is a little light, the small grass that just grows is brushy, touch go up very comfortable, the feeling resembles feeling the nap of the chickling, resemble feeling the eiderdown with one easy bed again, resemble growing the long hair with long suitable slipping in little girl fortunately. I and mom come to Liu Lin. I discover wicker to go up a few bulgier the dot of bumpy, approach to look, ah! It is the gemmule bud that gives out on willow actually, gemmule bud is oblate and oblate, taking in red pale green, green in taking light pink, very beautiful color, but true beauty! In roadside, I discover a small chrysanthemum, appearance very resemble helianthus, although it is very small, also do not sniff what scent almost, but it also wants to show its beauty in spring! You look, is Huang Huang's floret frame-up appear the flavor that gives spring? We come to the side of the pond again. The ice in the pond melted. The water of bottle green ripples the warm idea that gives spring. Zhen Rourou's spring breeze is blown, surface swung a ripple, seem to gasping in admiration: "Spring is really beautiful! I love you -- spring. " ground of our be reluctant to part leaves open country, go recalling the spring that I look for!


描写家人家庭的英语作文My Family:

My Family

This is my family. There are four people in my family. My grandmother, my father, my mother and me.

My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”. He works at a factory. My mother works at a L.D.T. My mother has long black hair. She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother. On holidays my family often go to travel. I study at Guiyuan Primary School. We are very happy.


这是我的家. 有4人在家里. 奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和我.

奶奶短白发. 她看起来很漂亮. 爸爸小眼睛,短黑发. 他看起来很肥,所以我常常称呼他为"肥人". 他在一家工厂工作. 妈妈在工程船名妈妈早已黑发. 喜欢运动和旅游,所以经常去体育与妈妈. 假日经常到我家旅行. 我念小学的同志. 我们感到非常高兴.



I have nine little goldfish .Eight goldfish are all orange and one is black .I like the black one best. We call it Xiao Hei .Its body is black .It has two big and round eyes, a small mouth ,and a big tail. Though it's very small ,it swims fast .

I often feed them and change water for them. We are good friends .




The evening I go for a walk, a bunch of sunshine on my face. I looked to the sky looked, ah! A beautiful sunset, it is the people started arms' to all plated layer of gold.

Sunset seemed reluctant to let people see it that beautiful face kept with "the sword" stinging eyes. I can not look at it, and had to bow their heads and rubbing its eyes, quiet moment look



Bathed in bright sunshine and beautiful our dear alma mater. Teachers of students walked hurriedly, but also with a dew of the flowers will be contests ... ... constitute a campus landscape plan.

In this piece of great vitality, you can imagine how it used to be like?

Without an advanced multi-media platform, class, chalk dust from time to time will "drill" into your nose so that you can not help to play a big sneeze. But if you came to my school, there will always surprise you.

Came to the school gate, the first thing you see should the number of those few characters in red: the new North River Primary School. Look, in the sunshine, then a few shiny plaque, giving a pleasant feeling.

Continue to move forward, the most striking place is the fountain of Nazuo! Peaks rising one after another like a layer upon layer of the water column, which also has a colorful statue; a few naughty cute bird flaps helplessly fledgling wings, eyes filled with not only ignorance, but also looking forward, eager to fly vast blue sky.

In the fountain to the left, has a small flower bed. Where trees, flowers, dew on the petals of a flower child in the colorful jumping, rolling; delicate green and yellow earth lightly stroked the earth, Feng ER blown it joyfully dancing, singing ... ... see, big tree Ficus are so tall and straight, head held high, Look East from time to time, as if thinking about our greatest respect.

Continue to move forward, it is our playground. Every day, everyone in a vigorous manner the students exercise, vowed to have a strong physique, in order to serve the motherland. Well, two students were running the plastic on the runway. See this scene, I could not help think: Three years ago, the school using a cinder track, running up and dust ... ... Until now, our school put on the plastic track, that we can best play the best level of ... ...

I love my beloved teacher, I love my dear classmates, but even more love my school, because it changed beautiful!



Winter morning, was covered with a layer of mist Mist.

I opened the window a while cold wind hit me, I was frozen straight suction air-conditioning. Take a look at the windows of the frosting, frosted bear the form of different patterns. Some trees, like Yi Keke heads held high, and some like a blossoming white clouds, some of Fei Liu and down like a waterfall, I really like a beautiful mural ah!

One goes out, cold face descend quickly, wind in my face like a knife across the same pain, walking in the street the morning exercise, fewer people feel a lot.

However, the roadside pine and holly are still as tall and straight, it stretched its arm, indicating that it was the graceful posture of the beautiful and extremely! Almost all of the animals are hibernating, and only the birds twitter in the branches did not feel the cold in winter.

However, I know winter's morning is the most beautiful!


洛阳东风几时来,川波岸柳春全回。 唐 韩愈《感春五首》

狂风落尽深红色,绿叶成阴子满枝 唐 杜牧《怅诗》:“自是寻春去校迟,不须惆怅怨芳时。狂风落尽深红色,绿叶成阴子满枝。” 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。 白居易《忆江南》

黄四娘家花满蹊,千朵万朵压枝低。留连戏蝶时时舞,自在娇莺恰恰啼。 杜甫《江畔独步寻花》

碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 贺知章《咏柳》

迟日江山丽,春风花草香。泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。 杜甫《绝句》

渭城朝雨浥轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。 王维《送元二使安西》

两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。 杜甫《绝句》

西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。 张志和《渔歌子》

春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。 叶绍翁《游园不值》

春日迟迟,卉木萋萋。仓庚喈喈,采蘩祁祁。 迟迟:缓慢。卉木:草木。萋萋:草茂盛的样子。仓庚:莺。喈喈:鸟鸣声众而和。蘩:白蒿。祁祁:众多。 《诗经·小雅·出车》

时在中春,阳和方起。 阳和:春天的暖气《史记·秦始皇本纪》

阳春布德泽,万物生光辉。 汉 乐府古辞《长歌行》

春晚绿野秀,岩高白云屯。 秀:秀丽。屯:驻,聚集。南朝宋 谢灵运《入彭蠡湖口》

池塘生春草,园柳变鸣禽。 变鸣禽:鸣叫的鸟换了种类。两句写冬去春来,鸟儿已经替换了。 南朝宋 谢灵运《登池上楼》

喧鸟覆春洲,杂英满芳甸。覆春洲:落满了春天的沙洲。杂英;各种各样的花。芳甸:郊野。 南朝 梁 谢眺《晚登三山还望京邑》

竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。 苏轼《惠崇〈春江晚景〉》

胜日寻芳泗水滨,无边光景一时新。 朱熹《春日》

春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生。 张若虚《春江花月夜》


[评析] 本文观察细致,取材丰富、生动。文章以描写春天的色彩开头,又在开头设问:“这五彩缤纷的色彩为什么会不约而同地选择春天来到大地?”以回答这个问题为线索,对春天做更深一步的描写,构思新颖,引人入胜。

