
《The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest》经典读后感有感

《The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest》经典读后感有感

《The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest》是一本由Stieg Larsson著作,Knopf出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 27.95,页数:576,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest》读后感(一):千禧系列三部曲







《The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest》读后感(二):很好看的故事

我还没看完第三本已经迫不及待地来推荐这个系列和写书评。很多人觉得第一本最好看,而第二本最一般,我看第一本时也这么认为。但直到第二本,我才开始佩服作者的正义感,以及同情Salander的悲惨遭遇。读到第三本,我则感动于那群有良知的人们,while at the same time,越发痛恨sapo里的zala club。

说说这几本书里作者提到的“社会问题”吧,我可能并没有列举完整:男性对女性的轻视,歧视,以及虐待,对同性恋的歧视,对移民的歧视,对黑人的歧视,对华人的歧视,对犹太人的歧视,支持旧纳粹的势力,新纳粹的出现,极右势力,对constitutional rights的侵犯,对free speech的侵犯,等等。


我本以为zala会继续是一个很重要的角色,但作者的了不起就在这里,他已经没有局限于zala的暴行,而更着笔于一种collective crime,一股国家机器里看上去没人能抗衡的黑色力量。但随着有良知有责任感的人们从各行各业,各种途径联合起来,我相信本书的末尾,结局是光明的。

《The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest》读后感(三):The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

The third and final entry of the Millennium series should be considered as the second part of the second book. As I was rather disappointed with the second book, I was naturally let down by the fact that the third book is virtually a continuation of the previous entry. A part of me believed that Stieg Larsson would somehow rejuvenate the magic he displayed in the first book, unfortunately this is not the case. This time, the antagonists in the book are far too weak and the storyline a little far too bizarre. At time I felt that Larsson did not really plan the book ahead, and just wrote the storyline as he went along. I could compare this book, and possibly this entire series as more like a TV series than a movie, with sub plots that have little or non relevance to the main storyline (although the entire poison pen drama is well-written), making the book a little too far-reaching, and ultimately failing to captivate the heart of the recipients. There is far too little suspense in the book, possibly except for the final epilogue, which is where the story finally picked up again. Questions posed in the second book, which I thought would be answered in this book remained unanswered. I would suspect that if Larsson is still alive and continued writing, the next entry, with a brand new storyline would be of much better quality, but unfortunately this is not the case.

PS: How come all a bullet in someone's skull can do is making that person forget a mathematical equation?
