
《Anybody Out There》经典读后感有感

《Anybody Out There》经典读后感有感

《Anybody Out There》是一本由Marian Keyes著作,Penguin Books出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:111.87元,页数:592,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Anybody Out There》读后感(一):让你笑的是家庭,让你哭的是心伤





《Anybody Out There》读后感(二):One day you wake up and understand everything










《Anybody Out There》读后感(三):Nobody is out there unless you truly listen to yourself.

Is THERE Anybody out there? When we are alone, sometimes we would turn the question over in our minds for like a million times, especially during the times when some one we love have left us once for all. I’ve just experienced this and I couldn’t hide my sad feelings from anybody during that time. It’s like the world stops spinning and you just don’t care anything around you any more. Then I come to realized that only after you loved someone with all your heart and soul that would you have this devastating heartbreak when he or she left.

Anna was an Irish-born beauty PR living in NY. She was funny, bright and beautiful. Life could be the same until the day she accidentally met Adian. Back then, Anna has met all kinds of men in her life, but not once did she have the feeling she had for Aidan. Adian was a typical Irish Boston, sweet, kind and handsome. From the day Anna met Adian, they knew they were meant to be for each other and deserved to be the happiest couple in the world and nothing could separate them apart. But one car accidently changed them all. Anna was hurt and flew back to Ireland for several weeks. After she could walk again, she immediately flew back to New York to look for Aidan. There were times she thought she saw Aidan, but she didn’t understand why Aidan didn’t call her after she left so many messages on his machine and why he didn’t come back to their house as usual. When I read about this, I knew that something must have happened to Aidan.

When I read along, I gradually found the truth. Aidan was dead in the accident and he protected Anna with all his body during the accident. But maybe this was so hard to take all that in that Anna still believed Aidan was with her. When she remembered the accident, Anna was devastating. She kept crying and locked herself up. She basically spent all her money trying to talk to Neris Hemming, a person known for talking to the dead. But when she finally met her, she was shocking and furious. This person was a fraud, she couldn’t even tell Aidan’s name for certain. Months after months, Anna still thought about Aidan. But Anna was a strong character I’m really proud of. She spent all day at work during weekdays and met new friend to kill time at weekend. She didn’t want to forget Aidan, but she knew that Aidan would want to see her happy again. Anna also got support from the family she loved and made huge progress at work. And finally Anna was able to talk to Aidan all by herself. It was in a dream which looked very real actually. Anna also learnt that Aidan had a two-year-old son whom he had with someone else. And it was on the night the accident happened that Aidan was trying to tell Anna.

This book is about friendship, love, forgiving and understanding. You can learn how to be strong and how to love people. It is the best book I’ve read so far. A lot of twists and turns, and mostly, it made me laugh and cry when I read it. It made me understand what true love was.

PS, I love the cover of this book: butterflies fly around a NY yellow taxi, very beautiful. It was just like the story of this book, a dream indeed.
