
《The Alchemist》经典读后感有感

《The Alchemist》经典读后感有感

《The Alchemist》是一本由Paulo Coelho著作,HarperSanFrancisco出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 13.00,页数:174,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Alchemist》读后感(一):充满人生哲理的书



《The Alchemist》读后感(二):看完了

梦想… 我的梦想是啥?我的目标是啥?只要你特别想要某个东西,the whole universe conspires in helping you. 只是… 得知道自己到底想要什么。早就过了而立之年的自己,到底想要什么样的日子?工作,家庭,自我成长…

大部分时候,自己总是脚踩西瓜皮,滑到哪里是哪里… 没有那么多规划,没有那么多明确目标。只是想简简单单地过自己喜欢的小日子… 平平凡凡没有什么不好。目前的生活好像就已经达到了理想状态。只是事业上需要再努力加油。

《The Alchemist》读后感(三):Maktub

The alchemist/牧羊少年奇幻之旅 第一次看完一本完整的英文小说,虽然英文也是译本,但我觉得也还不错。 整本书的套路有点像我以前看过的玄幻小说。都是普通少年有奇遇,通过自己的努力和坚持,再加上主角光环,最终成为人生赢家的故事。 许许多多的小说,明知是一样的套路,但依然有很多人去读,去深思,原因在于过程不同。一千个读者,就有一千个哈姆雷特。同一本书给每个人的感受都是不同的。在我的眼里,书中的牧羊少年最可贵的品质是勇气。他敢于为了旅行这个目标,去做一名居无定所的牧羊人。他敢于放弃自己拥有的东西,去追逐一个听起来荒诞的梦。 很多时候,我也相信当你执著于理想时,上帝会站在你这一边,给予你帮助。我也相信 beginner's luck 这个说法,所谓的初生牛犊不怕虎,可能也是这份幸运的一部分。 “Never stop dreaming”, but reality is tough, and not everyone is lucky enough to meet the old king. Maktub means it is written. 小说里总是出现Maktub,天注定。虽然这是虚构的小说,但宿命的意味太重。

《The Alchemist》读后感(四):The Fear of Failure

It's absolutely true that everyone has his or her own Personal Legend; yet it's the fear of failure that stopped people from moving forward and achieving their dreams. I was told by many people that fear is one thing that's hard to overcome.

"People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don't deserve them, or that they'll be unable to achieve them." Heart tells the boy that it will always guide the boy whenever he loses his directions. Soon the boy stopped rejecting his heart, and there he learned to be himself - not giving up his ultimate treasure for something that he already has.

We all had dreams when we were children, whether it's a career that we wanted to pursue or an object that we've always longed for. As we grow older and time pass, it becomes hard to convey the original idea of ours. Time washes our childhood dreams away; at the same time, our environment and surroundings give us new ideas about the world. We are persuaded by the society that some dreams are too big to dream, and that some goals are too impossible to achieve.

So we give up, we let go a piece of memory as easily as we let go a flying kite. We end up living with what the society forced us to have - wealth, control and the so called self-esteem.

In reality, it's as simple as - "when you possess great treasures within you, and try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed." People are self-centered animals. They are not concerned about you, then why should you care about their opinions?

Always be yourself. Live up to your privileges. Never let anyone control your life or your future. Never empower your opponents or your caregivers.

I was told by many people that fear is one thing that's hard to overcome. Well, if you see failure as a daily routine and a great learning tool, then fear automatically diminishes.

《The Alchemist》读后感(五):夜色之浓莫过于黎明前的黑暗



序言中的lake和Narcissus的故事很值得玩味,确实是一个“what a lovely story”。

当男孩不想carry the jacket时,“But when he thought to complain about the burden of its weight,he remembered that,because he had the jacket,he had withstood the cold of the dawn”

"What's the world's greatest lie?"the boy asked,completely surprised. "It's this:that at a certain point in our lives,we lose control of what's happening to us,and our lives become controlled by fate.Taha's the world's greatest lie"

It's a forse that appears to be negative,but actually shows you how to realise your Personal Legend.It prepares your spirit and your will,because there is one great truth on this planet:whoever you are,or whatever it is that you do,when you really want something,it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe.It's your mission on earth. 其实支撑实现我们的Person Legend的源动力使我们内心的desire(欲望)

In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you. 好好努力,才能发现treasure。treasure不一样,“努力”也就不同,比如要取得好成绩那必须得认真看书,认真写题目。但如果你想提高的人机关系,那得需要其他的法子。

The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.我是这样理解这句话的:当你在追逐你的梦想的同时,不能被这个世界迷惑,不能忘记你的“本质”,既要仰望天空,但更要脚踏实地,这样心里才不会恐慌,我们才能在生活中感受到幸福

the boy knew that in money there was magic; whoever has money is never really alone. 有钱就是爷,有钱就不会寂寞

The man still said nothing, and the boy sensed that he was going to have to make a decision. In his pouch, he had his jacket—he certainly wasn’t going to need it in the desert. Taking the jacket out, he began to clean the glasses. In half an hour, he had cleaned all the glasses in the window, and, as he was doing so, two customers had entered the shop and bought some crystal.清华校风“行胜于言”说的差不多就是这个意思,店主在留不留男孩上拿不定主意,男孩二话不说,立刻拿起抹布擦洗玻璃,然后店主就留了男孩

and it’s in the desert that I have to search for my treasure. If I don’t find it, I can always go home. I finally have enough money, and all the time I need. Why not?找不到treasure,还可以回家,家是永远向我们敞开的

people need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want.但很多时候,我们对于未来充满了恐惧

If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man 对于”幸福“的看法,concentrate always on the present也许就是勺里的那滴油

You’ll see that there is life in the desert, that there are stars in the heavens, and that tribesmen fight because they are part of the human race. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we’re living right now.此刻即是生活

Eat when it’s time to eat. And move along when it’s time to move along.这也是生活

“I came to tell you just one thing,” the boy said. “I want you to be my wife. I love you.”

The girl dropped the container, and the water spilled.

“I’m going to wait here for you every day. I have crossed the desert in search of a treasure that is somewhere near the Pyramids, and for me, the war seemed a curse. But now it’s a blessing, because it brought me to you.” 好霸气(强势)的告白

When something is written, there is no way to change it 做事之前要三思,这个是男孩该不该把他的语言告诉酋长,结果他遵从心灵,告知酋长,为绿洲避免了灾祸,成为了绿洲的顾问

People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don’t deserve them, or that they’ll be unable to achieve them. 因为害怕失败,很多时候我们都不敢追逐自己的梦想,但是作为年轻人,我们需要闯一闯,年轻就是资本

The boy remembered an old proverb from his country. It said that the darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn. 我最喜欢这句话,中文翻译的很好:夜色之浓莫过于黎明前的黑暗。有时候,我们再坚持一下,也许就能看到“黎明”

“If a person is living out his Personal Legend, he knows everything he needs to know. There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” 其实我们心里都清楚,实现自己的梦想要做哪些事情,但是因为害怕失败,我们不敢去做,所以我们失败了

“Because you have already lost your savings twice. Once to the thief, and once to the general. I’m an old, superstitious Arab, and I believe in our proverbs. There’s one that says, ‘Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.’” 事不过三,但有二往往就会有三

