
《A Man without a Country》读后感精选

《A Man without a Country》读后感精选

《A Man without a Country》是一本由Kurt Vonnegut著作,Seven Stories Press出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:$23.95,页数:160,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《A Man without a Country》读后感(一):超越国界的人道主义



《A Man without a Country》读后感(二):『没有国家的人』书摘。

Humor is a way of holding off how awful life can be to protect yourself.Finally ,you just get tired,and the news is too awful,and humor doesn’t work any more.Somebody like Mark Twain thought life guite awful but hold the awfulness at bay with jokes and so forth,but finally he couldn’t do it anymore.His wife,his best friend,and two of his daughters had died.If you live long enough,a lot of people close to you are going to die.

I t may be that I am no longer able to joke—that it is no longer a satisfactory defense mecganism.Some people are funny,some people are not.I used to be funny,and perhaps I’m not anymore.There may have been so many shocks and disappointments that the defense of humor no longer works.It may be that I have become rather grumpy because I’ve seen so many things that have offended me that I cannot deal with in terns of laughter.

All I really wanted to do was give people the relief of laughing.Humor can be a relief,like an aspirin tablet.If a hundred years from now people are still laughing ,I’d certainly be pleased.




《A Man without a Country》读后感(三):跑题与A Man Without A Country - 库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)

跑题与A Man Without A Country - 库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut) 2007-05-08 23:21:14

文学城&douban: ghostnotediana = MITBBS: Ophilia



Kurt Vonnegut 今年四月初过世。我这篇算不上是书评的书评,赶在他走之前写了出来,权当送行吧。








库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)一点儿都不温文尔雅。他是美国内陆产生的本土作家,跟林肯和吐温是好邻居,远不及前者大气、后者聪明,但也尖酸刻薄得能让人在候机室里消遣春假末的一个下午。说起来,这个冯内古特还算半个同行,他本科学的化学(接替Asimov 当了什么 American Humanist Association 的荣誉主席),硕士则跑到芝加哥读了人类学,之后就忙着骂人不吐脏字儿,时不时逗人一笑,在现在这个年代能以此为生还闯出了名气,也挺难为他的。芝大人类系看来还是毁人有方的,我们这儿似乎是愈来愈古板了,没趣儿。

1922年出生的一老头儿,开开玩笑,发发火儿,最后呢,无奈地看看着这个世纪,爱爱不起来,恨恨不起来,结尾还可怜巴巴地引用他老爸说的:"when in doubt, castle."一个作家写到文眼得借用别人的话,依我看就该收笔了。不过《A man without a country 》也有好的,它好就好在跑题严重,老头儿能用五六页篇幅的长度描绘他上街买信封去邮局寄稿件,这就很了不起。这样无聊的事情,他用百般聊赖的口吻写出来,让你看了也想上街买信封去邮局寄稿件,让你看了想活下去,在于我,这就很了不起。特别是在他列举了众多能够支持像 "life is no way to treat an animal" 这样的一句让人对生命充满希望的话之后。我不推荐大家买这本书,知道它曾经存在,就够了,犯不找花那个钱去看别人说一些本来我们就该知道的话。至于我为什么买它,第一是我不大缺钱,第二是我在机场,第三是因为我也是那种喜欢上街买信封去邮局寄稿件的人。




The wonderful writer Albert Murray, who is a jazz historian and a friend of mine among other things, told me that during the era of slavery in this country -- an atrocity from which we can never fully recover --the suicide rate per capita among slave owners was much higher than the suicide rate among slaves.

Murray says he thinks this was because slaves had a way of dealing with depression, which their white owners did not: They could shoo away Old Man Suicide by playing and singing the Blues. he says something else which also sounds right to me. he says the blues can't drive depression clear out of a house, but can drive it into the corners of any room where it's being played. So please remember that. --p. 68, "A Man Without A Country", Vonnegut

I said, "Saul, I am a novelist, and many of my friends are novelists and good ones, but when we talk I keep feeling we are in two very different businesses. What makes me feel that way?"

Six seconds passed, and then he said, "It's very simple. There are two sorts of artists, one not being in the least superior to the other. But one responds to the history of his or her art so far, and the other responds to life itself." --p. 135, "A Man Without A Country", Vonnegut

其实,在这个版上发这样的帖子,也无非就是希望在这样的一个时代里,one can drive it into the corners of a room, and then, go snail mailing.
