
《Stories of Your Life and Others》读后感100字

《Stories of Your Life and Others》读后感100字

《Stories of Your Life and Others》是一本由[美] 姜峯楠著作,Picador出版的353图书,本书定价:Paperback,页数:2020,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Stories of Your Life and Others》读后感(一):非标科幻小说

大概我自己经典科幻小说看多了吧。看这个简直不能叫科幻小说。fiction有,没啥science的部分。最像科幻小说的应该是understand。不过没理解自私的主人公为啥要设计个新的语言去保罗万象?一个只有他自己懂的语言的意义在哪里?hell is the absence of god, 这算宗教小说还行,辩论了宗教的义理,不过矛盾的点可能是主人公既然开始的时候不那么虔诚,为什么相信的hell的存在?72 letters,命名有什么神奇的地方?liking what you see就像是**和白左们的辩论赛,作者自己说如果有这个装置,他自己要试试。。。。正确的一塌糊涂。还好放在最后一篇,真的是越来越看不下去。

《Stories of Your Life and Others》读后感(二):Notes

9.23 Tower of Babylon:

the pullers, the miners, the dwellers, three different attitudes towards whether to reach the heaven.

在前进路途中迷茫,形容当下不上不下的处境:the earth reject faithlessness, the heaven disdain to accept.


All the world was as such a cylinder. Men imagined heaven and earth as being at the ends of tablet, with sky and stars stretched between; yet the world was wrapped around in some fantastic way so that heaven and world touched.

还有一句阐释很好,我认为是关于初心,无论走多长的旅途,支持我们继续下去的是最朴素纯真的原动力,这也是我们终将回到的地方。For the longest journey would merely return them to the place whence they’d come.

《Stories of Your Life and Others》读后感(三):stories of your life and others

17, As the miners ascended, in the course of time there came the day when the tower appeared to be the same when one looked upward or downward from the ramp's edge. 这是一个长句,对照中文版,译者李克勤应接不暇,只好将它译为两段,非战之罪,实属无奈。——85,时间一天天过去,矿工们不断攀登。到了这一天,他们发现从这里的坡道边缘探头望去,无论是朝上看还是朝下看,两个方向的高塔成了一个模样。这是引线,上下的观感一致了,但还不够,后面连整个空间的观感都丧失掉了,上和下都不存在了。这样一个cylinder的形态才逐渐被感知。

17, There were moments during this section of the climb when Hillalum despaired, feeling displaced and estranged from the world; It was as if the earth had rejected him for his faithlessness, while heaven disdained to accept him. 31,所谓通天塔不过是地球上的一道彩虹吗?34, a seal cylinder. 33, Somehow, the vault of heaven lay beneath the earth. It was as if they lay against each other, though they were separated by many leagues.

34, When rolled upon a tablet of soft clay, the carved cylinder left an imprint that formed a picture. Two figures might appear at opposite ends of the tablet, though they stood side by side on the surface of the cylinder. All the world was as such a cylinder. Men imagined heaven and earth as being at the ends of a tablet, with sky and stars stretched between; yet the world was wrapped around in some fantastic way so that heaven and earth touched.

34, It was clear now why Yahweh had not struck down the tower, had not punished men for wishing to reach beyond the bounds set for them: for the longest journey would merely return them to the place whence they'd come. Centuries of their labor would not reveal to them any more of Creation than they already knew. Yet through their endeavor, men would glimpse the unimaginable artistry of Yahweh's work, in seeing how ingeniously the world had been constructed. By this construction, Yahweh's work was indicated, and Yahweh's work was concealed.
