
《Dear Life》读后感100字

《Dear Life》读后感100字

《Dear Life》是一本由Alice Munro著作,Knopf出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 26.95,页数:336,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Dear Life》读后感(一):In sight of the lake

读完整本书以后,在行车路上,突然和老公讲起了In sight of the lake这一篇。故事情节很简单,几句就没了,老公说“这就完了啊”,我欲言又止。


《Dear Life》读后感(二):亲爱的生活





《Dear Life》读后感(三):Dear Life

第一次知道Alice Munro是在英语系的外教课上,记得当时读的是Runaway,之后就没有再刻意阅读过,直到前两年突然有新闻报道说那年的诺贝尔文学奖由一位来自加拿大的女作家Alice Munro折桂,才一下子记起似乎大学时读过她的作品,印象最深的是有一篇讲述一个各方面看起来都一切正常的中年家庭主妇,有一天突然跑到一个宾馆试图自杀,但是在自杀的最后一刹那突然放不下自己的丈夫,自己的孩子,自己的家庭,于是收拾整齐又回去做她的家庭主妇了,已经忘记那篇小说叫什么名字了,也忘记到底是Alice Munro的作品还是Margaret Atwood的了,但是这个主题这个图像却是让我记下的,女权表面平静内心波澜。

再看Alice Munro很偶然,是在图书馆的书架上被一个封皮所吸引,是中文版的读了几行觉得不过瘾,于是找了英文版来读就是这本Dear Life。

整本书14篇短篇小说,不看到最后你永远不会猜到接下去的情节是什么。这稍稍颠覆了我对Alice Munro之前的女权印象,读了很多女作家的书以后其实很多是有固定套路的,不用读下去你都知道下面该怎么样了,可是Alice Munro这本书的小说很多都是open ending有些甚至storyline都不是那么明显,但是读完之后你会觉得你内心被stir了那么一下下,也许如她自己所言,其实她比较看重她的作品带给人的feeling,是否可以让读者的内心有所触动。

我最爱的几篇: To Reach Japan, Amundsen, Gravel, Haven, Corrie, Train, Night, Voices,这么写下来发现其实我整本都爱。每一篇都切入点不同,而且Alice Munro很厉害,她的各种叙述视角叙述方式都那么精巧。虽然她自己说不特别强调故事性,但整体读下来仍会看到作者对于人性复杂的理解与认知。与其他女作家的风格不同,Alice Munro的书不甜腻,也没有其他女权作家的硬邦邦,更多是一种睿智与豁达。我希望更多地阅读她的作品。

《Dear Life》读后感(四):没有答案的生活,继续向前的生活


不知道是不是短篇故事的特点还是 Alice Munro 的风格,开始的几篇读得有些不太适应, 叙述化的情节,跳跃的时间段和粗略的背景故事总让人觉得有些措手不及。后来才慢慢地体会到,正是那些隐含了的情节才让人久久地回味着一个故事。书中最后收录的四个自传体的小故事倒是读起来更像散文,委婉而流畅。

Munro通常对人物外貌的描写比较少,所以很难在脑海中对人物的样子形成很具体的印象,反而是有些熟悉的地名更让人觉得亲切。有时候觉得故事中的人物可能会是自己在那个地方或是那条路上曾经或是将要擦肩而过的人。更多的时候,书中的人物好像正生活在另外一个时空, Munro 在一个特定的时间或地点突然打开了一扇窗,让我们悄悄地看一会儿,听一会儿他们的故事。在一系列的片段之后,Munro 关闭了那扇窗,于是故事就像我们的生活一样好似有着或忧伤或平淡的结尾。而我们只能猜测着他们的故事还会怎样继续,怎样是未知的,但总之是在继续着。

开始读 “Amundsen” 的时候,仿佛看到了Jane Eyre 和 Mr. Rochester 的影子,脑海中幻想着一个完美的爱情故事。 但突然之间,好似没有任何预兆,没有太多的交代,一句话,短短地一句话,就只剩下了女主人公的失望和挣扎 - “He rolls down the window and the man asks if we are parked there because we intend to buy something in the store. If not, could we please move along? “Just leaving” says Alister, the man sitting beside me who was going to marry me but now is not going to marry me”。剩下的只有没有回答的为什么,不得不感叹 Munro 在最最最不经意之间让你看到生活的起起落落。

“Corrie”讲述了一段婚外情的故事,在不同的期刊上发表时,Munro不断地修改了这个故事的结尾。 在2010年10月11日的 The New Yorker 版本中,虽然Corrie 还没有决定是否告诉 Howard Lillian已经死了,但总感觉Howard 还会继续在她这里骗到钱。在2012年4月的 PEN/O. Henry Awards 版本中,Corrie不断地纠结在是否向 Howard 摊牌中。最后的版本就是2012年11月的 “Dear Life” 这本书。 “Dear Life”版本中的Lillian在前面两个版本中的名字是Sadie, 有意思的是Munro的第一篇自传短篇“The Eye”中的人物名字也是Sadie.


“In Sight of the Lake”故事的发展好像最顺利成章,失忆的Nancy困在了自己的世界里,搜寻着即模糊而又似清晰的记忆,最后,通向所有出口的大门都向她关闭,可能,这就是我们都无法逃避的变老和死亡。

全书十四个故事真得讲不清哪一个最喜欢,每一个故事,每一个人物都那么独特,好像Munro在“In Sight of the Lake”中讲的“Every soul counts”。

《Dear Life》读后感(五):Town life

Alice Munro is unique for two reasons: she only writes short stories and all her stories took place in Ontario (occasionally on the west coast). She lives there and she is truly local.

By Ontario, I did not mean Toronto. Alice Munro particularly favours small towns—a very loose definition, perhaps referring to areas that are neither cities nor countries. The towns that she describes are typically Canadian, by no means bucolic or cultivated. Instead, these towns are just ordinary—plain, flat, and non-stimulating, but there is never a lack of stories. The town life she depicts is also like this—it follows an ordinary track, so common that it seldom offers surprises, but when it does, it makes you wonder just for a while before life goes on.

I am a foreigner and forever a tourist on this land, which certainly shapes my perspective towards Canada. I like old things—cultures, books, and people, so it has always been my belief that this country lacks uniqueness. Two hundred years is nothing but a blink of an eye in human history. Immigrants do not create culture. They inherit some and lose the rest.

But now I realize there is something unique about Ontario—something special you can hardly find elsewhere. It is the town life that Alice Munro loves to tell.

Yes, the town life that many newcomers loathe.

One of my close friend was from a small town in Northern Ontario. It is a white-only community that welcomes no immigrants, albeit they were immigrants themselves a century earlier. They reside in their old, wooden houses that stand alone in the vast field. There are perhaps a few grocery stores and restaurants in town—they seem to have been there forever. All children go to the same school. All adults go to the same cinema. All residents go to the same doctor’s office. This is the town that every one knows every one—a place where you do not expect changes or surprises.

Some may say this does not look bad. True, many enjoy this town life, but many would not tolerate its monotony. Such a life requires stories, such a place creates stories. Life loses its colour when it becomes too predictable. A peaceful pond needs to be startled at times, otherwise it will soon turn into a dead end.

This is the recurring theme in Alice Munro’s stories. Life starts off ordinary, but we soon become bored of it. We fight, we struggle, we endure, and it has come to a point that we conclude this is enough. So we leave things behind, we start afresh, but soon we find ourselves in another ordinary life. We start with one town life, but end up with another. This seems to be our destiny.

Life is as simple as this. For the most part, it is utterly plain, it does not taste anything, and it keeps going ruthlessly. Occasionally, it sparkles, it comes to a sharp corner, and it hits something hard. Passion waxes and wanes, it just keeps going.
