
The Art of Fielding读后感摘抄

The Art of Fielding读后感摘抄

《The Art of Fielding》是一本由Chad Harbach著作,Little, Brown and Company出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 27.99,页数:736,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Art of Fielding》读后感(一):慢慢变成同性恋小说。。。


《The Art of Fielding》读后感(二):Goddamn hard to read but brilliant.

Finishing it is almost like an accomplishment and u start to miss it the moment u are done with it. It felt like breaking up that it's hard to pick up another one in a short time.



He would do whatever he could to get Henry straightened out. If that meant picking up the phone at four a.m. while in bed with Pella, then so be it. If that meant spending the next two months thinking nothing but Henry and how to help him, so be it. Pella could wait. His life could wait. Henry needed him, and the Harpooners needed Henry. That was all he had to know.

"If you're straight, you're straight," Owen said. "C'est la vie"

She misunderstood his life. It wasn't that he wanted everything to be difficult but that everything was difficult.

"You can't keep running away from home every time you feel frightened about the future. Whatever the trouble, I wish you had talked to me about it. I'm sure we could have worked it out like adults. I'm sure we still could."

Pella slugged back the rest of her wine. She was shifting into the blame-David phase of the evening. "Right," she said. "I can imagine howthat conversation would have gone. 'Uh, David, I'm leaving you because you're controlling and unreasonable and debilitatingly jealous. You don't want me to work, don't want me in school, don't even want me to learn how to drive. So, uh, whaddya think, sweetie? '"

He felt a touch of sadness now that it had happened, now that he knew what it was like. Not because it wasn't enjoyable, or wouldn't be repeated, but because one more life's mysteries had been revealed.

Henry knew better than to want freedom. The only life worth living was the unfree life, the life Schwartz had taught him, the life in which you were chained to your one true wish, the wish to be simple and perfect. Then the days were sky-blue spaces you moved through with ease. You made sacrifices and the sacrifices made sense. You ate till you were full and then you drank SuperBoost, because every ounce of muscle meant something. You stoked the furnace, fed the machine. No matter how hard you worked, you could never feel harried or hurried, because you were doing what you wanted and so one moment simply produced the next.

《The Art of Fielding》读后感(三):掘墓人


不算这本小说里提到的R.W.Emerson将亡妻从墓里掘出的骇人轶事,我在各类艺术作品中一共经历过四次掘墓情节。第一次是在Six Feet Under中,Nate将亡妻的遗体掉包,独自于黎明时分将其裸葬在山顶;第二次是Heathcliff在Wuthering Heights中的疯狂行径;第三次是The Pillow Book,Jerome死后被人掘出剥皮制成人皮书,最后被和子赎回重新葬在家里的盆栽下;第四次便是这本温柔细腻的《纽约时报》2011年度小说。





有趣的一点是,这个故事里的学生似乎永远不需要睡觉,经常会在凌晨四点漫步、训练、游泳。我想起自己也经历过这一时期,只不过我的回忆更加压抑。作者安插了很多独立章节游离于主线之外,甚至略显矫情,但我对这些段落喜爱尤甚。印象中最深刻的一个情节是Henry独自漫步到灯塔,然后在黑夜的湖中独自游泳,直到精疲力竭后昏睡在湖岸。阅读时我的脑中出现了辽阔的画面,就像是Moby Dick中的茫茫大海。一种孤独、无力感深入骨髓,令人动容。在故事的高潮段落之后,当四位掘墓人用尽全身力气,荡舟至湖中时,书中的世界终于有了片刻寂静。湖面漂荡着四位年轻人和五个灵魂。当Pella背诵起Moby Dick中The Lee Shore(临风之岸)一章时,故事中的人们湿着面颊,彼此依偎在八月的黎明到来前。也正是这一段落,为这最骇人的情节赋予了最庞大的温柔,以及最宁静的浪漫。


... Wonderfullest things are ever the unmentionable; deep memories yield no epitaphs; this six-inch chapter is the stoneless grave of Bulkington. Let me only say that it fared with him as with the storm-tossed ship, that miserably drives along the leeward land. The port would fain give succor; the port is pitiful; in the port is safety, comfort, hearthstone, supper, warm blankets, friends, all that's kind to our mortalities. But in that gale, the port, the land, is that ship's direst jeopardy; she must fly all hospitality; one touch of land, though it but graze the keel, would make her shudder through and through. With all her might she crowds all sail off shore; in so doing, fights 'gainst the very winds that fain would blow her homeward; seeks all the lashed sea's landlessness again; for refuge's sake forlornly rushing into peril; her only friend her bitterest foe!


But as in landlessness alone resides the highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God--so better is it to perish in that howling infinite, than be ingloriously dashed upon the lee, even if that were safety! For worm-like, then, oh! who would craven crawl to land! Terrors of the terrible! is all this agony so vain? Take heart, take heart, O Bulkington! Bear thee grimly, demigod! Up from the spray of thy ocean-perishing--straight up, leaps thy apotheosis!

《The Art of Fielding》读后感(四):Rambling


1)让我这么一个对任何体育一点也不感冒的人突然觉得棒球好美,如下面这段,男一Henry Skrimshander第一次出现,读者以男二Mike Schwartz (Is it only me who's annoyed that Chad Harbach and the rest of America pronounced "Schwartz” as "Shortz?" I'm pretty sure "Harbach" is German, too.) 的角度观察Henry的一举一动:

"The coach hit balls harder and farther afield -- up the middle, deep in the hole. The kid tracked them down. Several times Schwartz felt sure he would need to slide or dive, or that the ball was flat-out unreachable, but he got to each one with a beat to spare. He didn't seem to move faster than any other decent shortstop would, and yet he arrived instantly, impeccably, as if he had some foreknowledge of where the ball was headed. Or as if time slowed down for him alone.

After each ball, he dropped back into his feline crouch, the fingertips of his small glove scraping the cooked earth . . . Even at full speed his face looked bland, almost bored, like that of a virtuoso practicing scales . . . He remember a line from Professor Eglantine's poetry class: Expressionless, expresses God."

像Henry室友Owen那句一样 -- "Henry, you are skilled. We exhort you" -- we felt compelled to root for a graceful but insecure Henry, and the fate of an underdog Division-III baseball team.

另:在圣路易斯呆了四年,从来没看过一次cardinals game,捂脸去了

2)real & heartwarming campus story of a midwestern, up-and-coming, Ivy-caliber school. 如下面两段节选:

“Though his classmates hailed from ‘all fifty states, Guam, and twenty-two foreign lands," as President Affenlight said in his convocation address, they all seemed to Henry to have come rom the same close-knit high school. or at least to have attended some crucial orientation session he'd missed. They traveled in large packs**, and when two packs converged there was always a tremendous amount of hugging and kissing on the cheek."

"Commencement tended to be a wicked bit of fun for Affenlight. The hired keynote speaker -- usually some middling politician or author or corporate head; they never pulled a big name -- pontificated, told laborious stories, and displayed strange notions about the fears and desires of the newly minted graduates. By comparison -- not that it was a competition -- Affenlight always came out ahead. He kept his remarks brief and stuffed them with dubious Westish in-jokes and puns, to which the students, having been subjected to such groaners from their convocation onward, now responded with raucous laughter. These were their puns, this was their college, their president, and no one could understand."

3) A few memorable scenes in Franzen-like narrative realism.

As Henry's professional career burgeons, Mike -- without whom Henry would not even come close to who he is now -- is facing an increasingly bleak prospect at law schools. He sinks into a internal wrestle with his irrational jealousy:

"For the last four years Schwartz had devoted himself to Westish College; for the last three he'd devoted himself to Henry. Now both would go on without him. Thanks for everything, Mikey, See ya around. After draft day, Henry would have plenty of people telling him what to do. An agent, a manager, a battery of coaches and instructors s and teammates. He wouldn't need Schwartz anymore."

还有这一段 -- 当他一个无意的坏球打伤了Owen后,Henry开始变得非常self-conscious, 专业球队越是看好他,他就想得越多, trapped in what Affenlight called a "Prufrockian paralysis:"

“The distance called for a casual sidearm fling — he’d done it ten thousand times. But now he paused, double-clutched. He’d thrown the last one too soft, better put a little mustard on it — no, no, not too hard, too hard would be bad too. He clutched again. Now the runner was closing in, and Henry had no choice but to throw it hard, really hard, too hard for Ajay to handle from 30 feet away.”


”The chair was sturdy and comfortable, suitably presidential … but sometimes Affenlight pined for a sleek modern one, with casters and a medial axis on which you could spin. Having shuffled the big chair to the window, he leaned his forehead against the glass, which felt cold despite the sunlight, and dragged his neatly trimmed nails across the exposed portion of the screen, producing a scratchy metallic sound. The word for what a chair should do had been escaping him: swivel. Melville had once called America a seat of snivelization; what Affenlight wanted was a seat of swivelization.“

AND NOW, THE BAD (drumroll)


1) the whole Owen-Affenlight romance is morally dubious, not on homosexual ground, but on student-faculty ethnical ground: Affenlight的所有第一人称musing都是在观察哦我居然恋爱了!哦亲Owen和亲一个女的差不多嘛。Pella发现后的第一反应是”哦天哪我爸爸是gay?这不该有什么关系但是天哪我应该给你点空间你也应该给我点。” 其他人发现后没什么反应,因为it's a liberal arts college and everyone is so liberal. 唯一有负面反应的人 -- Henry's mom, the school administration -- are portrayed in a negative light (they drove him to death argggh!)。但是为什么不会有负面反应呢?试想如果Owen是一个女孩子,难道校长不会受质疑么?对,即使是一个女孩子,也是一个已经18岁的女孩子,可以为自己的行为负责所以任何romance都是她的rational choice,60岁老头的行为不属于immoral & unethical pedaphilia. 但是这个60岁老头恰恰是这个少年的校长,即使不是unethical也是scandalous. I'm surprised it never entered the nuanced thoughts of Affenlight for once. (But then again, where do you draw the line between scandalous teacher-student romance and acceptable teacher-student romance? Ex post, as in after the student graduates? Or if the student is older? But how much older, if 18 isn't the line?)

2) Henry is a rather flat character. He is insecure when he first comes to Westish, and by the middle of the book he is insecure as he messes up the ball. We get the hint that he became a de facto leader of the team - but only in reference, and only after he screws up and slums into a perpetual downward spiral. When and how has he gained the confidence to become the team leader? Alas, it's somewhere during his "freshperson" and junior year, condensed in two fleeting pages. Henry also weathered his dejected crisis by the end of the book. But when and how has he done that? During a chaotic national championship where his first-person narrative unfortunately veered clear of any transformative thoughts, and during his prolonged hospital stay and psychiatric counseling afterwards, as he got hit by a ball and collapsed, which is recounted not only in retrospective but also regarded by Henry as not very helpful. So how has he transformed? We don't know.

3) Pella is a slut. Period. I don't care if she is smart. There is NO motivation at all for her to mess with Henry. (Okay a little motivation -- Mike's slighting her for Henry...but seriously? And also, I like how Harbach presented both side's narrative after Mike's first fight with Pella. But this incidence here was not given nearly enough thought or space. It seems Pella sleeps with Henry for the sole sake of creating twist for the plot.) And please don't get me started with her reconciliation with Mike - where did that come from??! If there's no credible motivation to the reader for her in the first place, how on earth is there forgivable reasons for an invested party like Mike?

4) And the whole burial-by-the-water scene is just...weird. And amateurish (I am sure there's a cremation service you can call up and do that for you, thank you very much). AND Voldemort digging up Dumbledore just keeps creeping up the back of my mind.

SO HERE WE ARE. I enjoyed the book tremendously, couldn't put it down, and cared for the characters wholeheartedly. But still, I have reservations.
