
Care For Health作文800字

Care For Health作文800字

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Care For Health作文800字篇一

初二英语作文350字:Care For Health

Why can’t we stay healthy? A good healthy lifestyle helps us get good grades. So we should look after ourselves. We should try to eat a lot of vegetabales. Because they can help us to keep healthy. If you are tired. You should go to bad early for a few nights,and you shouldn’t go out at night. If you have a cold, you should rest. You shouldn’t study when you have a bed cold. We should have a healthy lifestyle.

Care For Health作文800字篇二

初二英语作文300字:Care For Health

It is important to stay healthy. If you want to stay healthy.you should exercise ever day and you shouldn’t eat lots of junk food. You should also eat vegetables and other healthy foods. Don’t get stressed out. It is not healthy . when you are tired, you shouldn’t go out at night. You should go to bed early for a few nights. It a balanced diet, it is good for your health.

I hope you can care For your health.

Care For Health作文800字篇三

初二英语作文400字:Care For Health

It’s important to keep healthy. It can make you far from to doctors. If you want to keep hearthy. You should go to bed early and get up early. You should eat more fruits and vegetables. You must have breakfast in the morning. When you have a sore throat,you should drink hot tea with honey. When you are tired, you should lie down and rest. I think it’s to have a healthy lifestyle,and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.
