












谜面: 头戴红帽子,身披五彩衣,从来不唱戏,喜欢吊嗓子(打一动物)。 谜底:公鸡

谜面: 大姐用针不用线,二姐用线不用针,三姐点灯不干活,四姐做活不点灯。(打四种动物) 谜底:蜜蜂,蜘蛛,萤火虫,纺织娘

谜面: 先修十字街,在修月花台,身子不用动,口粮自动来(打一动物)。 谜底:蜘蛛

谜面: 有头没有颈,身上冷冰冰,有翅不能飞,无脚也能行(打一动物)。 谜底:鱼

谜面: 身披花棉袄,唱歌呱呱叫,田里捉害虫,丰收立功劳(打一动物)。 谜底:青蛙

谜面: 大姐长的真漂亮, 身穿桔红花衣裳。七颗黑星上面镶, 爱吃蚜虫饱肚肠。二妹最爱嗡嗡唱, 百花园里忙又忙。后腿携带花粉筐, 装满食品喂儿郎。 三姐身披黄衣裳, 腰儿细来腿儿长。飞到田间捉害虫, 尾巴毒针塞刀枪。 (打三益虫) 。 谜底:瓢虫,蜜蜂,黄蜂(马蜂)

谜面: 头小颈长四脚短,硬壳壳里把身安,别看胆小又怕事,要论寿命大无边。(打一动物)。 谜底:龟

谜面: 一物长来真奇怪,肚皮下面长口袋,孩子袋里吃和睡,跑得不快跳得快。(打一动物)。 谜底:袋鼠

谜面: 耳朵像蒲扇,身子像小山,鼻子长又长,帮人把活干。 (打一动物)。 谜底:大象

谜面: 八只脚,抬面鼓,两把剪刀鼓前舞,生来横行又霸道,嘴里常把泡沫吐。(打一动物)。 谜底:螃蟹

谜面: 四蹄飞奔鬃毛抖,拉车驮货多面手,农民夸它好伙伴,骑兵爱它如战友。(一动物)。 谜底:马

谜面: 头像绵羊颈似鹅,不是牛马不是骡,戈壁滩上万里行,能耐渴来能忍饿。(一动物)。 谜底:骆驼

谜面: 说它是虎它不像,金钱印在黄袄上,站在山上吼一声,吓跑猴子吓跑狼。 (一动物)。 谜底:金钱豹

谜面: 身穿皮袍黄又黄,呼啸一声百兽慌,虽然没率兵和将,威风凛凛山大王。(一动物)。 谜底:虎

谜面: 黑夜林中小哨兵,眼睛限像两盏灯,瞧瞧西来望望东,抓住盗贼不留情。(一动物)。 谜底:猫头鹰

谜面: 头戴大红花,身穿什锦衣,好象当家人,一早催人起。(一动物)。 谜底:公鸡

谜面: 嘴像小铲子,脚像小扇子,走路左右摆,水上划船子。(一动物)。 谜底:鸭

谜面: 身体肥,头儿大,脸儿长方宽嘴巴,名字叫马却没毛,常在水中度生涯。(一动物)。 谜底:河马

谜面: 一物像人又像狗,爬杆上树是能手,擅长模仿人动作,家里没有山里有。(一动物)。 谜底:猴

谜面: 身子像个小逗点,摇着一根小尾巴,从小就会吃孑孓,长大吃虫叫哇哇。(一动物)。 谜底:蝌蚪

谜面: 小小姑娘满身黑,秋去江南春来归,从小立志除害虫,身带剪刀满天飞。(一动物)。 谜底:燕子

谜面: 唱歌不用嘴,声音真清脆,嘴尖像根锥,专吸树枝水。(一动物)。 谜底:蝉

谜面: 背着包袱不肯走,表面坚强内里柔,行动迟缓不拖拉,碰到困难就缩头。(一动物)。 谜底:螺丝

谜面: 一条牛,真厉害,猛兽见它也避开,它的皮厚毛稀少,长出角来当药材。(一动物)。 谜底:犀牛

谜面: 小货郎,不挑担,背着针,满处窜。(一动物)。 谜底:刺猬

谜面: 小飞机,纱翅膀,飞来飞去灭虫忙,低飞雨,高飞睛,气象预报它内行。(一动物)。 谜底:蜻蜓

谜面: 胡子不多两边翘,开口总是喵喵喵,黑夜巡逻眼似灯,粮仓厨房它放哨。(一动物)。 谜底:猫

谜面: 腿长胳膊短,眉毛盖着眼,有人不吱声,无人爱叫唤。(一动物)。 谜底:蝈蝈

谜面: 身穿鲜艳百花衣,爱在山丘耍儿戏,稍稍有点情况紧,只顾头来不顾尾。(一动物)。 谜底:野鸭

谜面: 小飞虫,尾巴明,黑夜闪闪像盏灯,古代有人曾借用,刻苦读书当明灯。(一动物)。 谜底:萤火虫

谜面: 一顶透明降落伞,随波逐流飘海中,触手有毒蜇人痛,身上小虾当眼睛。(一动物)。 谜底:海蛰

谜面: 尖尖嘴,细细腿,狡猾多疑拖大尾。(一动物)。 谜底:狐狸

谜面: 身穿白袍子,头戴红帽子,走路像公子,说话高嗓子。(一动物)。 谜底:鹅

谜面: 每隔数日脱旧衣,没有脚爪走得急,攀缘树木多轻便,光滑地面步难移。(一动物) 谜底:蛇

谜面: 长相俊俏,爱舞爱跳,飞舞花丛,快乐逍遥。(一动物) 谜底:蝴蝶

谜面: 尖尖牙齿,大盆嘴,短短腿儿长长尾,捕捉食物流眼泪,人人知它假慈悲。(一动物) 谜底:鳄鱼

谜面: 性子像鸭水里游,样子像鸟天上飞,游玩休息成双对,夫妻恩爱永不离。(一动物) 谜底:鸳鸯

谜面: 有枪不能放,有脚不能行,天天弯着腰,总在水里游。(一动物) 谜底:虾

谜面: 不走光跳,吵吵闹闹,吃虫吃粮,功大过小。(一动物) 谜底:麻雀

谜面: 像条带,一盘菜,下了水,跑得快。 (一动物) 谜底:带鱼

谜面: 背面灰色腹有斑,繁殖习性很罕见,卵蛋产在邻鸟窝,代它孵育自消遣。(打一动物) 谜底:杜鹃

谜面: 头戴红缨帽,身穿绿罗袍,背上生双翅,爱脏腿长毛。(打一动物) 谜底:苍蝇

谜面: 身子粗壮头长角,大人小孩都爱它,给人奶汁它吃草,浑身上下净是宝。(打一动物) 谜底:奶牛

谜面: 栖息沼泽和田头,随着季节南北走,队列排成人字形,纪律自觉能遵守。(打一动物) 谜底:大雁

谜面: 天热爬上树梢,总爱大喊大叫,明明啥也不懂,偏说知道知道。(打一动物) 谜底:蝉(知了)

谜面: 样子像吊塔,身上布满花,跑路速度快,可惜是哑巴。(打一动物) 谜底:长颈鹿

谜面: 家住青山顶,身披破蓑衣,常在天上游,爱吃兔和鸡。(打一动物) 谜底:老鹰

谜面: 头戴红缨帽,身穿绿战袍,说话音清脆,时时呱呱叫。(打一动物) 谜底:鹦鹉

谜面: 颜色有白又有灰,经过驯养很聪明,可以当做联络员,飞山越岭把信送。(打一动物) 谜底:鸽子

谜面: 身上雪雪白,肚里墨墨黑,从不偷东西,却说它是贼。(打一动物) 谜底:乌贼

谜面: 习性刁残海霸王,捕它要造工作船,浑身上下全是宝,海面换气喷银泉。(打一动物) 谜底:鲸

谜面: 肚大眼明头儿小,胸前有对大砍刀,别看样子有点笨,捕杀害虫又灵巧。(打一动物) 谜底:螳螂

谜面: 面孔像猫,起飞像鸟,天天上夜班,捉鼠本领高。(打一动物) 谜底:猫头鹰

谜面: 有红有绿不是花,有枝有叶不是树,五颜六色居水中,原是海底一动物。(打一动物) 谜底:珊瑚

谜面: 团结劳动是模范,全家住在格子间,常到花丛去工作,造出产品比糖甜。(打一动物) 谜底:蜜蜂

谜面: 小小诸葛亮,独坐中军帐,摆下八卦阵,专捉飞来将。(打一动物) 谜底:蜘蛛

谜面: 手掌珍贵似明珠,行动笨拙傻乎乎,样子像狗爱玩耍,下水上树有功夫。(打一动物) 谜底:熊

谜面: 是牛从来不耕田,体矮毛密能耐寒,爬冰卧雪善驮运,高原之舟人人赞。(打一动物) 谜底:牦牛

谜面: 红冠黑嘴白衣裳,双腿细瘦走路晃,漫步水中捕鱼虾,凌空展翅能飞翔。(打一动物) 谜底:鹤

谜面: 凸眼睛,阔嘴巴,尾巴要比身体大,碧绿水草衬着它,好像一朵大红花。(打一动物) 谜底:金鱼

谜面: 像熊比熊小,像猫比猫大,竹笋是食粮,密林中安家。(打一动物) 谜底:熊猫

谜面: 它家住在弯弯里,前门后门都不关,狮子豺狼都不怕,只怕小虎下了山。(一动物) 谜底:老鼠

谜面: 有个小姑娘,身穿黄衣裳,你要欺侮它,它就扎一枪。(打一动物) 谜底:马蜂

谜面: 身笨力气大,干活常带枷,春耕和秋种,不能缺少它。(打一动物) 谜底:牛

谜面: 身长近一丈,鼻在头顶上,腹白背青黑,安家在海洋。(打一动物) 谜底:海豚

谜面: 会飞不是鸟,两翅没羽毛,白天休息晚活动,捕捉蚊子本领高。(打一动物) 谜底:蝙蝠

谜面: 身披一件大皮袄,山坡上面吃青草,为了别人穿得暖,甘心脱下自己毛。(打一动物) 谜底:绵羊

谜面: 头上长树杈,身上有白花,四腿跑得快,生长在山野。(打一动物) 谜底:梅花鹿

谜面: 形状像耗子,爬在树枝上,生活像猴子,忙着摘果子。(打一动物) 谜底:松鼠

谜面: 耳大身肥眼睛小,好吃懒做爱睡觉,模样虽丑浑身宝,生产生活不可少。(打一动物) 谜底:猪



I what busied one day, the body that dragging exhaustion sits silently on the balcony to syare blankly, come stealthily towards evening, late wind slowly had blown, left the cool trace of filar silk. But the balcony that also cannot bake sun broil hair is very hotly is wrapped cool. Dark, bird is less and less also, the damage that a string of bird left in the sky cries. The sun that worked one day also took off coverall, it is no longer in that way dazzling. The tender broadness that the sun that changes new clothes also changes is elegant, lovely. Tell the truth the sun can be met really choose color. The clothes that you see her wear is much more beautiful, red is blaze that one the most beautiful one color in the layer. Withered and yellow is squashy orange just was picked on the tree that orange is yellow. Foil in so beautiful color the cheek that issued arch to give a piece of peaceful. She seems to be being monitored by others same, stealthily move is moving pace, appear that kind is lightsome. Knowing at this moment is who is make a practical joke, in her that is high and scatter on luxuriant clothes went up prepared Chinese ink makes her dress becomes bit more full of stains or spots, ased if to throw one Jiao in wallow. Right now she is like a girl bashful and same, blush so that resemble squashy persimmon. Perhaps she feels embarrassed to used white gauze cloak to live then half face. Passed for ages, perhaps be she feels to be done so also of no help cowardly cowardly ground comes out to appear that kind is bashful. Then she thinks 36 plan -- go for the best thing to do, be smooth! Apparent its speed appears than a moment ago much faster, she is floating die of small blush Pang is in then later hilltop. The sky appears deserted. Again scan widely hopes horizon appeared again her form, hey! How be like two different people with foregoing the setting sun, move close to again look, it is the moon that Yin Guangshan shows so. Dark, appear soundless in that way all around.







作文之祖国在我心中 作文之祖国在我心中(带翻译)

Everyone has their own country, perhaps in your mind, is a great country it is warm. Yes, in my mind, the motherland is our backbone.

When at 2:28 p.m. on May 12, 2008. An earthquake, and suddenly all local Shanbengdilie,. A primary school and a kindergarten at the same time not far from being razed to the ground. Is full of cries, there are more than 800 parents cried in their own hands Grilled ruins! "Where a cadre in the village!" Parents are angry asks. A cadre shouted: "I am the village cadres, my own son at the bottom with you is more concerned about saving their own children, Whose children are saved without it." Hardly faded from the parents line up a team and consciously. Wait for rescue. In a few days, the rescue team saved a few of the 70 children, buried several village cadres. A cadre recalls, buried so many people, small children, themselves do not care to save, and they decided to save the smallest. It made me very moved, but also let me know the backbone of our country, if not mother nurture so many outstanding cadres to rescue us, we can see this beautiful world?

Of the motherland, ah! The motherland, you really like a mother呀! , I will never forget you, I will reward you well!



本文是一篇高三寒假英语作文,题目为newspaper and computer,文章表达了作者对网络的喜爱之情,下面就让我们一起来欣赏全文吧!

高三寒假英语作文:newspaper and computer(带翻译)

as the development of the internet, the traditional way of reading daily news has been challenged, more and more people trend to read news online, while still some people insist on reading it on the newspaper. people argue which is the best way for reading news, in my opinion, there is no best way, different people choose different manner.


reading news online is fast and paying for free. most young people get used to it, they use the computer every day, so that they count on the computer to receive the all kinds of information. reading the newspaper is troublesome, they don’t like to hold the paper, it is not convenient.


while still many people like to read on the newspaper. especially the old generation, before the popularity of computer, they read the news from the newspaper, they get used to this manner, even the computer is convenient, they just like to keep this habit.


the ways to read news are various, there is no need to compare them. i’d prefer to read it on the internet, but sometimes i find reading it newspaper brings me fun when i have breakfast.


以上就为大家提供的高三寒假英语作文:newspaper and computer,更多精彩内容尽在【高中频道】,加入我们吧!


本文是一篇高中三年级寒假英语,题目为learn to give up,文章表达了作者对学会放弃的喜爱之情,下面就让我们一起来欣赏全文吧!

高中三年级寒假英语作文:learn to give up(带翻译)

when we encourage people, we will always tell them not to give up, they can be successful if they insist. “never give up” have been the inspiring words, people accept them as the positive life attitude. however, sometimes if people insist all the time and never change, these inspiring words are not wise to keep.


people should learn to give up sometimes. parents think study is very important, so they ask their kids to insist to learn and go to college. but the fact is that not all the kids are good at study, some kids are not interested in study, they are good at other things. parents should not push their children to go to college, the kids can learn the things they are good at, like cooking, amending cars and so on. going to college is not the only way to be successful, learning the practical skills also makes them successful.


people must know clearly what they are insisting, if they keep the right direction, they should insist, but if they keep the wrong direction, they need to give up and open another new chapter of their lives.


以上就为大家提供的高中三年级寒假英语作文:learn to give up,更多精彩内容尽在【高中频道】,加入我们吧!


◆您现在正在阅读的这就是我的英语老师(this is my english teacher)文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

这就是我的英语老师(this is my english teacher)

这就是我的英语老师(this is my english teacher)

she is 23 years old . she has got long hair . she has got small body ; her feet are small ; her eyes are big ; her hands are big ; her ears are small . she is beautiful . i love my english teacher !


◆您现在正在阅读的我的英语课堂(my english classroom)文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

我的英语课堂(my english classroom)

我的英语课堂(my english classroom)

this is my english classroom . it is not big and not small . we usually study in the classroom .

there is a blackboard in front of the classroom .it is not big ,but it is helpful .my english teacher usually writes some english letter .the air-conditioner is on the right in the wall .it is white .in summer ,it is cool to us .there is a clock on the behind wall .it is blue and cute .it tells us the time .there are three long desks in middle of the classroom and there are three small desks on the right in the classroom .

look !this is my classroom .i like it.
