
《Doing Philosophy》经典读后感有感

《Doing Philosophy》经典读后感有感

《Doing Philosophy》是一本由Timothy Williamson著作,OUP Oxford出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:GBP 12.99,页数:176,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Doing Philosophy》读后感(一):Nosce Te Ipsum|悉君至

Ecce Kantian conatio, cuius sint:


1) Criticam Puta Ratio, cum super lege theatrum.

2) Criticam Practica Ratio, cum quis summum ibit bonum.

3) Criticam Iudicamentum, cum sublime essentiam realis. (←21)

Homo mundi intraturus theatrum quaeritur, quis sit: Unde Ortus et Stemmate Creationis, quo tendat? Ad vitam beatam, quid hic? Intueri naturam, quo munere? Curiosum esse similemque, quidem reliquis animantibus (quae vorant, iudunt, pruriunt, generant, multiplicantur, dormiunt, commoda stabula quaerunt, proximis sui generis inserviunt, vitam tuentur, sentiunt, percipiunt…), sed nobiliorem, utpote qui curiosius observat quae sensibus patent, indeque sapientius ratiocinando rite concludit, adeoque miratur pulchrum sapientis opus Artificis. O, quam contemta res est Homo, nisi supra humana se erexerit!


此书如作为导论使用,注定会祸害几届学生了。标签我先写了四个大字 “莱布尼兹”,曾几何时,这四个大字应该是对分析哲学家的最大羞辱了,将来也是。嗯...再加上“托勒密”或许更能说明问题。

《Doing Philosophy》读后感(二):一本不错的哲学导论

TimothyWilliamson是个很有名的哲学家,据说也很厉害,但我只是几年前读过一点儿他的《philosophy of philosophy》,也没有读明白,所以对他的哲学思想没什么了解。这本书是介绍如何搞哲学研究的,语言比较平实,并不难读。但是这本书还不能算作是哲学入门之类的书,因为作者明显更偏向于介绍怎么研究哲学,而非学习哲学,虽然两者还是挺相关的。作者是个分析哲学家,还是分析哲学家中十分注重逻辑学的那一种,这从这本书里对逻辑方法的有些偏重的介绍可以看出来;另外,作者明显也对哲学持一种很强的进步主义观点,希望哲学可以获得像科学一样的成就——虽然他也承认哲学和科学还是很不同的,所以最后一章引入了建模的研究方法,并对流行的思想实验举反例的方法提出了批评。据说分析哲学研究问题,大陆哲学才研究人物,作者在讲哲学史那一章也是类似的观点,只是他的态度更开放包容一些(但也只是一些而已,他自己明确说的确有两种风格,他就是分析风格的,至于大陆的他也不了解,所以这书也不涉及)。




《Doing Philosophy》读后感(三):摘抄

2. Starting from Common Sense

We have no choice but to start from the knowledge and beliefs we already have, and the methods we already have for getting new knowledge and beliefs. In a phrase, we have to start from common sense. Of course, that doesn’t mean we have to end at common sense.

All common-sense knowledge may be common-sense belief, but not all common-sense belief is common-sense knowledge. For if a belief is false, it isn’t knowledge.

I’ll apply the phrase ‘common sense’ not only to common sense knowledge and common-sense belief in a society, but also to the usual ways of thinking which produce that knowledge and belief.

Any theory inconsistent with common-sense knowledge is false. For whatever is known is the case, so whatever it is inconsistent with is not the case.

What if we Starting from Common Sense are mistaking a false common-sense belief for common-sense knowledge?

The worry is that appeals to common sense are just a disguise for reliance on popular prejudice in judging philosophical theories.

Some philosophers regard common sense as pre-scientific.

If saving the appearances suffices for fitting the evidence, then ultimately, the only evidence you have to go on right now is how things appear to you right now.

Bothscience and philosophymust therefore develop strategies for responding to the danger that what we have treated as knowledge is in fact false.

In practice, therefore, we must allow a right of appeal against supposed evidence.


3. Disputing

哲学争论的胜负并不像象棋的胜负一样明显,因为后者有明确的规则。但Perceptions can depend on prior theoretical commitments. Indeed, the exchange may itself have been partly or wholly on the legitimacy of moves in the lecture.


Sometimes each side regards the other’s theory as nonsense, rather than false. Thus one can’t expound the theories from a neutral standpoint, for expounding a theory presupposes that it makes sense. In such cases, it’s best to let each side speak for itself, which is in effect the dialogue form.

4. Clarifying Terms

If we have to decide what to mean by a word, one definition may be more useful than another, but not more true.

将哲学视为澄清概念的工作In that picture, philosophers put concepts into good working order, while others actually put them to work.

If we switch from describing how words are currently used to saying how it might be helpful to use them in the future, things are just as controversial, because people disagree about what the effects would be, and whether they would be improvements.


Where is the need for philosophers’clarifications supposed to come from, if all they do is clarify?

Fans of philosophy as conceptual clarification sometimes suggest that it gives us understanding rather than knowledge. But thatis a false dichotomy

A distinction is sometimes drawn between concepts and conceptions. A concept is more like a dictionary definition. The concept vixen just is the concept female fox (my dictionary also gives another definition for ‘vixen’, as ‘quarrelsome woman’, which would be another concept). By contrast, your conception of a vixen includes all the beliefs you would express using that word (in a given sense).


As a model for philosophy, basic mathematics is far more helpful than the dictionary. What we need for clear reasoning are not trivial ‘truths by definition’ but a strong, explicitly articulated theory.
