
《To Pixar and Beyond》读后感1000字

《To Pixar and Beyond》读后感1000字

《To Pixar and Beyond》是一本由Lawrence Levy著作,Houghton Mifflin Harcourt出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 27.00,页数:272,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《To Pixar and Beyond》读后感(一):Rich in content

What's part of you stays with you. Business, finance. The book has all the right elements: Steve Jobs, Pixar, and the author's "giving up corporate life for meditation and eastern philosophy". I immediately took interest. After reading his profile and before taking a look inside the book, I had a feeling he let it out now only to promote his current pursuit. The book does include such part, but it's no promotion - just brief contemplation. Overall it is a good story told with sincerity and insight.

I laughed at my naivety when I read about the agreement between Disney and Pixar and thought instinctively maybe they would change it (voluntarily) later. I was with Lasseter when he asked why can't they do the right thing?

Steve Jobs is indeed a businessman. And how interesting you went out for spirituality and returned with business. All very American way.

《To Pixar and Beyond》读后感(二):几句读书笔记



2、说明了 Jobs 在 Pixar 学到了什么。尤其是在第23章里,比如这一段:

I also feel the process through which Steve and I deliberated Pixar’s business and strategic challenges had an impact on him. His commercial failures at Apple, NeXT, and the early years at Pixar had occurred in large measure because he had ignored business realities.realities. The Lisa, the original Macintosh, the NeXT Computer, and the Pixar Image Computer had all missed the mark because they were overpriced or ignored important market considerations. At Pixar, melding business realities with creative priorities was always integral to our collaboration.

在 Pixar 之前,Jobs自己是天才,但是他不会与天才相处;Pixar 之后,Jobs 学会了如何与天才相处。

3、除了学到了如何与天才相处,Jobs 还从 Pixar得到了更多。比如

重新获得了名誉,这样即使后来回到 Apple 之后,Apple发展并不好,Jobs 很重视的名誉也还是可以保住:毕竟,Pixar 的成功已经是板上钉钉的事情了;

Jobs赚了很多很多钱,Pixar 上市后 Jobs 成为了Billion,Pixar 被 Disney 收购后 Jobs 换股-股票升值-有了 13 Billion;

学到了娱乐公司如何运作,这为后来的 iPod 在音乐市场的成功打下了牢固的基础;

4、Jobs 回到 Apple 之后,只是把在 Pixar 学到的东西又发扬光大了一次。Jobs 具体在 Pixar 学到了什么,应该都写在了《Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration》这本书里面了。所以,这也是我准备阅读的下一本书。

《To Pixar and Beyond》读后感(三):值得一读

整本书讲Lawrence Levy帮助Pixar从只有梦想和创造力靠Steve每个月的支票支撑的公司变成一个创造力和商业价值都巨大的公司。

前二十几章都是在讲述Lawrence从上任CFO到最后Pixar被Disney收购的历程。到了最后几章在讲述Lawrence在变成board member后被东方哲学吸引最终选择藏传佛教,并开始寻求一种能将藏传佛教的理念尽可能的普及给大众的方法。

整本书读下来,给人一种Lawrence是一个很谦逊务实的人。或许这也能从他的职业生涯看出来?本科是accounting然后读律师。 书里描述了很多次Steve不愿意为了商业价值或者直白点来说,为了钱或者巨大的风险,来牺牲Pixar的发展和创造力。 Lawrence虽然并不赞同承担巨大的风险,Pixar团队为了animation的坚持,他也都支持了Steve的决定。


“When you added it up, there were many aspects of Pixar that had a big influence on Steve: becoming a billionaire, experiencing a stellar comeback in the eyes of the public, learning the ins and outs of the entertainment industry, enjoying a transformed relationship with Pixar, and bringing both business and creative imperatives into harmony. Combined with Steve’s aesthetic genius and product vision, these influences made for a very potent force as he jumped into the vortex at Apple. Indeed, Pixar may have been an interlude in Steve’s journey—one that remains the source of most of his wealth—but without Pixar one could make a case that the revolution ushered in by Steve’s second act at Apple might never have occurred.”


“Sometimes we can see the wave of change coming. But more often we are swept along in it.”
