
有关Computer Games的作文

有关Computer Games的作文

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有关Computer Games的作文篇1

Computer Games_电脑游戏英语作文120字

Computer games is a hot topic nowadays. Some people hold that it is bad. And others hold that it is good. In my view, whether good or bad is determined by the players.

If one plays computer game properly in his spare time, computer games can be an excellent source of joy. For example, something impossible in your real life can be realized in the computer games. You can pilot a space craft and travel in the universe. Every coin has two sides. If one plays computer game excessivly, it may affects his eyesight and study.

The computer games itself is only a tool like knife. If we use it properly, it can pare apples. But if we use it to attack others,it immediatly becomes an lethal weapon.

有关Computer Games的作文篇2

As is vividly depicted in the picture, the schoolboy indulges himself in computer game.The most striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably, in class, he can not concentrate himself on what the teacher says, but just falls asleep dreaming about the thrilling computer games. Recently the phenomenon that the students suffer too much from homework burdens has aroused great concern and should be given enough consideration. This phenomenon of heavy burdens imposed on our students should be condemned severely or made illegal. There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.

To account for the above-mentioned phenomenon, several effects have been put forward. To begin with, spending too much time on the games not only results in failure in their study but also does harm to their health since they keep still in front of the computer and watch the computer without blinking the eyes. In addition, some unhealthy and violent information will tempt the children to act just like what is indicated in the game,which is a threatening situation we are unwilling to see. No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below .According to a survey made by China Daily, 63.93% of young people who are attached to computer games are in poor health or even drop out of school. If we cannot take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable results may come out unexpectedly, we will see the gloomy future of our students.

From what have been discussed above, it is therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken to prevent the children playing the games. On the one hand, we should be sensible to strengthen the enforcement of the laws to protect the students. On the other hand, it is demanding

for us to keep people aware of the importance of saving the students out of the evil hands of the internet bars. However, it is easier said than done. Practice is the most important factor. Only when you attention to it can you see a colorful and harmonious future better sooner or later.
